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Scripted foilset TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Marek Podgorny at CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting on Februray 27 1997. Foils prepared February 25 97
Outside Index Summary of Material

We describe ongoing and planned applications of the collaboration system TANGOsim to
  • Command and Control (Rome Laboratory)
  • Distributed Simulation and Forces Modelling
  • Local (IntraNet) University and Distance Education
  • Forums and Clubs on the Web
  • Health Care including Telemedicine and asynchronous support of specialist referrals
  • These comments are prefaced by a review of TANGO

Table of Contents for full HTML of TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation

Denote Foils where Image Critical
Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is lightgreened out if missing

1 Applications of Collaboration Systems Command and Control, HealthCare, Education, Distributed Simulation
2 Abstract of TANGO Applications Presentation
3 TANGO Highlights - I
4 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel
5 TANGO Highlights - II
6 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture
7 C2 application Simulation Control Panel
8 The TANGOsim C2 Application
9 The Chosen C2 Application
10 TANGOsim Collaborative Simulator
11 RomeLab C2 Application Component -- 2D GIS
12 Command and Control Screen with Briefing
13 RomeLab C2 Application Component -- 3D GIS
14 C2 application Radar Officer Screen
15 RomeLab C2 Application Component Audio/Video teleconferencing system
16 Command and Control Screen with MultiMedia Mailbox
17 Command and Control Screen with Multimedia Message
18 RomeLab C2 Auxiliary Applications
19 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel and Applications including weather
20 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel and Applications including Command and Control
21 Command and Control Screen with F15 Track
22 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 1
23 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 2
24 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 3
25 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 4
26 Future C2 Tango GIS Database Support
27 C2 Tango Video on Demand support
28 Java in and for Education
29 Life reports ICPSEP, the "classroom across countries" between NPAC at Syracuse University, USA, and PACT at Harbin Institute of Technology, China
30 Internet Certificate in Computational Science for Peng Wu
31 Technologies for Education- I
32 Technologies for Education- II
33 SU Physics Department Vector Cross Product Java Applet
34 Outreach to Disabled Community
35 The Pulsar Mission and Example Project
36 The team of 4 Undergradautes in 1996 Summer REU Neattools/Pulsar Activity
37 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools
38 The Neat Thing in Action I
39 Dissemination of Material is a Critical Part of Education!
40 One Level Down: List of Foilsets in Topic Fall96 Offering of CPS615
41 Overview of Typical Course Foilset as used in CPS615: Introduction to Computational Science
42 Tango Application to Education
43 Distributed Tango WebWisdom
44 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology -- Overview
45 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology --- Examples
46 Tango in HealthCare - I
47 Tango in HealthCare - II
48 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - I
49 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
50 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - II

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 1 Applications of Collaboration Systems Command and Control, HealthCare, Education, Distributed Simulation

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Geoffrey Fox NPAC Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 2 Abstract of TANGO Applications Presentation

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
We describe ongoing and planned applications of the collaboration system TANGOsim to
  • Command and Control (Rome Laboratory)
  • Distributed Simulation and Forces Modelling
  • Local (IntraNet) University and Distance Education
  • Forums and Clubs on the Web
  • Health Care including Telemedicine and asynchronous support of specialist referrals
  • These comments are prefaced by a review of TANGO

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 3 TANGO Highlights - I

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Entirely Web-based system (runtime implemented in Java)
Able to tap any information resources
Self-distributing software model (applets not applications)
Unrestricted inter-applet communication
Supports all basic collaboratory functions:
  • statefull system, security/session management, data/event distribution, scalable multimedia support (VTC, digital networked video)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 4 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Control Application layout (started in Netscape browser). Two users logged in. List of available applications visible.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 5 TANGO Highlights - II

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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Language independent: support for non-Java applications
  • APIs available for Java, C, C++, JavaScript
Archiving system for session replays
  • Relational database backend
Dynamic and flexible master-slave mode
Entirely open, extensible system with growing set of applications
Multiplatform: SGI/Sun/Win 95/NT
TANGOsim mode provides support for discrete event simulations
Used in Command and Control, telemedicine, and weather application in Rome Laboratory Project that funded.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 6 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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Replicated Applications
1)Virtual Users 2)Customized Views

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 7 C2 application Simulation Control Panel

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 8 The TANGOsim C2 Application

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
MultiMedia Mail
C2 Commander
Event Driven
C2 Radar Officer
C2 Weather Officer
Message Routing
SW/Data Distrib.
MultiMedia Mail
Engine Controller
All Clients
Typical Clients

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 9 The Chosen C2 Application

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Unmanned terrorist plane carrying bacterial weopen overflies New York with possible fighter intercept before crashing near Syracuse and requiring emergency response
NORAD Air Defense Command and Control with participants
  • NCA, NMCC, NORAD, ADOC, AEGIS, National Guard
  • NYS Governor, NYS Police, Local Medical Facilities/ Personnel
Participants can be real or virtual and have access to rich set of GIS and basic collaborative tools

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 10 TANGOsim Collaborative Simulator

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
TANGOsim extends TANGO architecture by adding a discrete event simulator
  • this extension allows one to go beyond the basic "cooperating twins" model of most Java Collaboration systems
  • implements a multithreaded, script driven simulation engine with virtual time support
  • independent, configurable Simulation Controller applet for remote interactive control
  • implements extensible scripting language for scenario definition
Allows customizable server filters to support scenario and client dependent views of given application
Allows real and virtual participants to be intermixed
Provides natural Collaborative Computing framework with people and simulations/virtual people intermixed

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 11 RomeLab C2 Application Component -- 2D GIS

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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implements main C2 screen emulation
multiscale georeferenced map sets with dynamic GUI
selectable radar tracking and visualization
multiple flying object visualization with interactive control
intercept ovals calculation and visualization
integrated tabular information display (State of forces)
Driven by Simulation Engine
Can to be driven by sensor output
Serves as Interface to 3D Geographical Information System

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 12 Command and Control Screen with Briefing

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 13 RomeLab C2 Application Component -- 3D GIS

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
3D Geographical Information System offers full 3D terrain and flying objects visualization
  • high end, high performance
  • collaborative and interactive since integrated with TANGO
  • supports multiple GIS overlays (maps, sat data…)
  • supports stereographic viewing
  • georeferenced and synchronized with 2D GIS
implemented in C++ using OpenInventor technology (started as VRML but too slow!)
supports advanced data compression designed for adaptivity to heterogeneous network support
Shows TANGO ability to integrate non-Java applications

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 14 C2 application Radar Officer Screen

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 15 RomeLab C2 Application Component Audio/Video teleconferencing system

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
distributed architecture based on OpenDVE/LiveMedia run time
completely rewritten conference engine (lightweight - low latency)
automatic discovery of potential collaborators
integrated with TANGO
  • predefined audio loops can be started by a mouse click
  • automatic remote startup of necessary software elements
  • state maintained by TANGO server
integrated with Netscape browser
  • startup via hyperlink, plug-in implementation available
multiplatform (UNIX, Windows 95/NT), interoperable
supports multiple codecs (audio and video)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 16 Command and Control Screen with MultiMedia Mailbox

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 17 Command and Control Screen with Multimedia Message

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 18 RomeLab C2 Auxiliary Applications

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Collaboratory Web browser
Collaboratory search engine
Mmail - TANGO multimedia mail
  • supports test, images, audio, video
  • persistent storage for MM messages
Weather with 2D and 3D views and simulation and sensor data displays
All apps collaboratory and compatible with Simulation Engine, hence scriptable.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 19 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel and Applications including weather

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Screen of User1. Weather Report, Hopfield Neural Network and Cross Product applets started.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 20 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel and Applications including Command and Control

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Screen of User1. Chat and Collaborative HTML Browser applet started.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 21 Command and Control Screen with F15 Track

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Feb 97 Demonstration of Tango

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 22 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 1

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Pervasive technologies
  • Leverages existing web-based technologies
    • e.g., Tango-Sim can be implemented at C2 centers in very near term with lower cost than Stove Pipe approach
  • Incorporates a powerful web browser which permits easy access by C2 centers to many web based databases
  • Enables collaborations between multi-service, non-collocated C2 centers
    • Tango-Sim locations can be linked together to provide hierarchical systems as required

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 23 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 2

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Pervasive Technologies, cont.
  • Allows nesting of hierarchical collaborative sessions
    • e.g., staffs may hold collaborative sessions to provide real-time support to C2 center division heads who are participating in a higher level collaborative session
  • Simplifies interfacing of existing non-web based C2 databases by using linkages of legacy technologies to web based standards and applications

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 24 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 3

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Tango-Sim powerful functionality provides:
  • Multiple, simultaneous collaborative interactions by a single participant
  • High information content visualizations
  • Audio and video on demand
  • Web-based teleconferencing
  • Interactions with surrogate participants
  • Rapid C2 prototyping and usability testing

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 25 TangoSim Benefits to DoD Command and Control -- 4

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Tango-Sim database capabilities:
  • Provide an excellent test bed for recording, measuring, and evaluating:
    • Collaborative interactions between C2 staffs
    • Usability and information content of various visualizations of the same data
  • Enable repeatable collaborative experiments
    • How does one measure the effectiveness of a collaboration ?
    • How does one measure and compare two or more collaborative applications ?

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 26 Future C2 Tango GIS Database Support

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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Will use public domain GIS data for CIV project
  • Relational database repository (Illustra) for the TIGER/Line data is under construction. This will include as well the census data file.
3D GIS viewers are being extended to provide "point and click" link capabilty as provided in VRML
This capability will be supplemented by spatial query capabilities against the TIGER/Line/Census database
Will use small Denver and full New York State 25 meter EOSTAT multispectral data

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 27 C2 Tango Video on Demand support

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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NPAC VoD architecture has been integrated with TANGO
  • Collaborative mode: master - slave mode
    • unicast, fully interactive link between the server and master client
    • multicast used to transfer data to the slave video clients
    • session control under control of TANGO
  • Current video archiving capability of the videoconferencing system developed for CIV will be extended by using video server as a searchable data repository of multimedia data recorded in Tango session.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 28 Java in and for Education

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Java can help in both dissemination and collaboration aspects of education
A Java GreenBoard

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 29 Life reports ICPSEP, the "classroom across countries" between NPAC at Syracuse University, USA, and PACT at Harbin Institute of Technology, China

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 30 Internet Certificate in Computational Science for Peng Wu

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Presented July 22 at Harbin Institute of Technology by Geoffrey Fox

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 31 Technologies for Education- I

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Web technologies have potential for interactive rich environments which are clearly superior to existing video based conferencing and distance education
  • will enable Collaboratories(distributed research) and the Virtual University
  • finally can realize promise of computer use in education!
Java Collaboration systems such as Habanero (NCSA), Shaking Hands(IBM) and Tango(NPAC) very important
  • needs more experimentation with different approaches
CGI scripts and client side Javascript is straight forward today
Virtual Programming Laboratory -- MPI, HPF on the Web -- deployed in Syracuse course CPS615 and next Cornell Virtual Workshop

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 32 Technologies for Education- II

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index (Just Java Applets)
Java Applets for simulation as in Syracuse's Phy105/307
  • Vector Cross Product, Ising model etc.
  • Nice work by Cornell on Java frontend to fracture mechanics simulation
Multimedia databases with database search of close captions and other text material
  • Reuters Spanish language feed in Living SchoolBook
Database supported Mail, FAQ, User support etc.
VRML 2.0 for virtual environments and scientific visualization
  • NPAC use for 3D Geographical Information system for virtual field trips

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 33 SU Physics Department Vector Cross Product Java Applet

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 34 Outreach to Disabled Community

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Set of innovative interfaces (pressure, optical, muscle movement) linked to Java applets
Link to web disseminated education
  • 4 undergraduates chose this as summer 96 REU (NSF Research experience for Undergraduates)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 35 The Pulsar Mission and Example Project

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
see http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pulsar
Includes text triangle where every letter just requires 3 Gestures

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 36 The team of 4 Undergradautes in 1996 Summer REU Neattools/Pulsar Activity

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
see http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pulsar

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 37 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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From work of Ed Lipson and Dave Warner

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 38 The Neat Thing in Action I

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 39 Dissemination of Material is a Critical Part of Education!

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
We have made Good Progress here using Web Technology
WebWisdom is our System at NPAC built from PERL and JavaScript and features
Built-in Audio
Hierarchically Arranged Information
Parameterized HTML
Automatic Logging of pages accessed

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 40 One Level Down: List of Foilsets in Topic Fall96 Offering of CPS615

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Set of Illustrations of JavaScript WebWisdom Education and Presentation Delivery System

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 41 Overview of Typical Course Foilset as used in CPS615: Introduction to Computational Science

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Set of Illustrations of JavaScript WebWisdom Education and Presentation Delivery System

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 42 Tango Application to Education

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Uses linkage of TANGO to JavaScript WebWisdom which supports Persuasion, Powerpoint, HTML and Screendump mixed Presentations with audio (tagged to specific foils) and notes
Full Webwisdom used by Teacher allows access to full curricula and options
Client (Slave) WebWisdom displays pages chosen by teacher (with same audio and notes) and generates automatic HTML index
  • should integrate with HTML editor to allow student annotation
Currently WebWisdom used in non TANGO mode with classic large screen display
TANGO WebWisdom allows one to use same approach to distributed PC's which is surely more attractive (Web font sizes designed for monitors -- not classroom displays)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 43 Distributed Tango WebWisdom

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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To allow use on low speed lines (28.8 kbaud modems), distribute CD ROM of material to students
Client WebWisdom will map URL sent from Teacher WebWisdom to link on PC (if exists) and so ONLY control information is sent on Web
Standard low bit rate codecs support audio and video conferencing over phone lines
For asynchronous learning, ship HTML Index with lesson audio to clients and students use offline with TANGO used to support synchronous audio and video conferencing
Will use in China (already succesfully used material Spring 96 Semester between Syracuse and Harbin) and for Syracuse University "Limited Residency" continuing programs where students visit University once to three times per semester (see Computing for the Future Certificates)
  • Corporate Programs where we substitute limited residency at Syracuse by University team visiting site where many students can congregate

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 44 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology -- Overview

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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Most of the real world WebTop Systems will involve multi-user collaboratory modules. Even for scientific computing, complex toolkits such as WebAMR will be most conveniently supported by interactive consultation between developers and users.
Collaboratory multi-user components will be further enhanced in enterprise, commerce and community systems.
This is illustrated in our recent telemedicine prototype for nursing triage. Here we start from the collaboratory component involving nurses, nurse practioners and pediatricians and add HPCC components such as medical imaging and agent based diagnosis.
We view the Bridge topology (Warner & Balch '95), underlying such telemedicine systems, as a promising generic framework, applicable also for other problem domains.
A generic bridge includes "points of need", "points of expertise" and intelligent middleware that manages information resources and provides connectivity between customers and optimal services.
  • Bridge point of expertise consistent with Anchor desk in JWID military exercises

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 45 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology --- Examples

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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We present here examples of the bridge topology, instantiated in various application domains:
Domain Points of Need Points of Expertise Typical Services
TeleMedicine Nurses, Nurse Practioners Diagnosis
    • HomeCare
    • Units
Command Troops Commanders Decision
and Control Making
Distance Learners Teachers Mentoring
Education Students Consultants
Commerce Consumers Vendors Product Support
Science Schools Scientists Popular Science
Collaboratory Small Businesses Technology Transfer

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 46 Tango in HealthCare - I

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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There are several natural applications as Tango supports the "Bridge" concept of warner and Balch which effectively claims that Tango like approach is better model for TeleMedicine than classic videoconferencing/distributed sensor data model
As well as rural distance medicine, we can see many opportunities for home health care especially for geriatric applications.
  • In a separate project we have linked low cost sensors through PC serial port and into Java event handlers so that can feed Home medical monitors to servers and client side filters.
  • Similarily Home education could be attractive for broad professional continuing education population

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 47 Tango in HealthCare - II

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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TANGOsim has interesting applications to medical education with "scenario" playing through particular medical test cases such as pathology images which residents in training are asked to diagnose in collaboration with experts discussing cases. Such events are typically observed by many largely passive people.
In another example suggested by Saltz (John Hopkins) Tango could be used in team health care which involves both spontaneous collaboration and the asynchronous case represented by later expert consultants.
  • Here the database support will be very useful for linking the different medical sessions for a given case.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 48 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - I

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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Clearly Java Collaboration Systems are natural implementations of general environments that mix computers and people
Computational Steering -- a simulation is like a participant in a Tango session which has
  • simulation engine
  • visualization subsystem
  • one of more computaional scientists
Need to link to Tango, Java data analysis/visulaization front ends as well as distributed resource management systems such as ARMS from Cornell

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 49 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
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1)Classic solution of large scale PDE or Particle dynamics problem
  • Data parallelism over grid points or particles
2)Modest Grain size Functional Parallelism as seen in overlap of communication and computation in a node process of a parallel implementation.
  • More generally overlap of I/O -- disk,visualization -- and computation
3)Object parallelism seen in Distributed Simulation where "world" modelled (typically by event driven simulation) as set of interacting macroscopic (larger than grid points) objects
  • Objects are weopens, military units etc. in SIMNET/DSI (Forces Modelling)
4)MetaProblems consisting of several large grain functionally distinct components such as
  • Structural Analysis, Airflow, Manufacturing Process, Pricing, Controls etc. in MDO approach to manufacturing and design
  • more generally are components of a Problem Solving Environment
Java: 1) Not Supported, 2) is Thread mechanism, 3) is Java Objects or Applets, 4) is JavaBeans or equivalent
Fortran: 1)is supported in HPF, 2--4) are not supported

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 50 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - II

From TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. *
Full HTML Index
Note synergy with Java Server based distributed computing such as WebFlow which builds an AVS like environment with graphical interfaces to software Integration
More ambitious to upgrade discrete event simulation component of TANGOsim to support full SIMNET/DSI (Distributed Simulation Internet) functionality.
Note that Java is natural language for DSI/Forces Modelling because these typically use object parallelism which fits both language and applet/JavaBean capabilities.
See discussion in http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse

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