HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared February 25 97

Foil 3 TANGO Highlights - I

From Master for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

Entirely Web-based system (runtime implemented in Java)
Able to tap any information resources
Self-distributing software model (applets not applications)
Unrestricted inter-applet communication
Supports all basic collaboratory functions:
  • statefull system, security/session management, data/event distribution, scalable multimedia support (VTC, digital networked video)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

Page produced by wwwfoil on Mon Mar 3 1997