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Foil 8 TANGOsim Collaborative Simulator

From Master for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation CEWES HPC Collaborative Methods and Tools Meeting -- Februray 27 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

TANGOsim extends TANGO architecture by adding a discrete event simulator
  • this extension allows one to go beyond the basic "cooperating twins" model of most Java Collaboration systems
  • implements a multithreaded, script driven simulation engine with virtual time support
  • independent, configurable Simulation Controller applet for remote interactive control
  • implements extensible scripting language for scenario definition
Allows customizable server filters to support scenario and client dependent views of given application
Allows real and virtual participants to be intermixed
Provides natural Collaborative Computing framework with people and simulations/virtual people intermixed

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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