Basic HTML version of Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 37 TANGO Client Installation: Win32

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. by Marek Podgorny

1 Installation puts the files in the following directory
2 X:\Program files\WebWisdom
3 Some of the files go to Netscape plugin directory:
4 X:\Program files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\plugins
5 NPTangoV10.dll
6 and to the Netscape Java\Class directory:
7 ....\Communicator\Program\Java\classes\tango10.jar
8 The .jar file is digitally signed
9 Future versions of TANGO may install items such as Swing class libraries
  • as well as entire code of the application modules

in Table To:

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