Full HTML for

Basic foilset TangoInteractive Training Session

Given by Marek Podgorny at Jackson State University Mississippi on August 19-20 1998. Foils prepared september 13 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

TANGO functionality - What it does?
TANGO architecture - How is it built?
Installation of TANGO software distributions
  • Client software
  • Collaboratory server software
  • Full installation of TANGO application server
Installation of TANGO "local applications"
Using core TANGO
Using TANGO applications
TANGO API and programming examples

Table of Contents for full HTML of TangoInteractive Training Session

Denote Foils where Image Critical
Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient

1 TANGO Interactive Training Session
2 Agenda
3 TANGO Interactive - What it Does?
4 TANGO Interactive - What it Does?
5 TANGO Interactive - What Is It?
6 System Architecture
7 Status of TANGO System
8 Current capabilities of TANGO
9 Current capabilities of TANGO
10 Current capabilities of TANGO
11 Current capabilities of TANGO
12 Versions of the TANGO system
13 TANGO Interactive version 1.01
14 TANGO Interactive version 1.01
15 System Architecture
16 TANGO Architecture: Components
17 TANGO Architecture: Components
18 TANGO Architecture: Components
19 Implementation Details
20 TANGO Architecture: Components
21 Events and Data
22 TANGO Architecture: Media Streams
23 Application Protocols
24 Application Protocols
25 Session Management
26 Session Management
27 Session Management
28 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX
29 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX
30 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX
31 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX
32 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX
33 Troubleshooting: Configuration
34 Troubleshooting: Networking
35 Diagnostics: Java console
36 TANGO Client Installation: Win32
37 TANGO Client Installation: Win32
38 TANGO Client Installation: Win32
39 TANGO Client Installation: Win32
40 TANGO Server
41 TANGO Server Installation: Unix
42 TANGO Server Installation: IRIX
43 Server installation - Win NT
44 Server installation - Win NT
45 TANGO: Complete distribution
46 .tca Configuration Files
47 .tca Configuration Files
48 Product Support

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 1 TANGO Interactive Training Session

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
Full HTML Index
Marek Podgorny and
TANGO Interactive Development Team
NPAC, Syracuse University

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 2 Agenda

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO functionality - What it does?
TANGO architecture - How is it built?
Installation of TANGO software distributions
  • Client software
  • Collaboratory server software
  • Full installation of TANGO application server
Installation of TANGO "local applications"
Using core TANGO
Using TANGO applications
TANGO API and programming examples

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Foil 3 TANGO Interactive - What it Does?

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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It lets applications controlled by your browser to talk to Web application run by other people
  • With few mouse clicks, TANGO Interactive builds for you a conference room, or a classroom, using tools from a long list of collaboratory modules
  • When you have your tools, with another mouse click you send them to your partners' machines
  • Anybody can join any of the application sessions, grab control, leave, open a private channel, create another chat room, send a private or public message, play a video other people can see, or start and share any "legacy" application....

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 4 TANGO Interactive - What it Does?

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO turns a web browser into a communication program
  • does not limit is any way current browser functionality
  • seamlessly merges communication and database access
  • provides means for sending not only data but also tools for their display and manipulation
  • provides complete collaboratory run-time with powerful session and floor control
  • provides open integration platform for collaboratory applications

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Foil 5 TANGO Interactive - What Is It?

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Technically, it is a multiparty, multi-session, multiplatform, multimedia collaboratory system
It is also a software integration framework
  • It supports any kind of CSCW, but it is particularly well suited for distance learning applications
  • It is fused with Web infrastructure
  • It provides dozens of multimedia collaboratory tools
  • It does not require any expensive infrastructure beyond a standard PC or Unix workstation and a browser

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Foil 6 System Architecture

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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N: Netscape Browser
LD: Local Daemon
CA: Control Application
AP: Applet
LA: Local Application
CS: Central Server
DB: Back-end Database
HTTP: Web server

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Foil 7 Status of TANGO System

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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It must be competitive with best available collaborative tools and so it's multi-language interface allows us to interface to other systems with TANGO supplying Integrated Session Control
  • e.g. interfaces to Microsoft NetMeeting
Basic model is that of a room which is a group of people getting together for a class
  • Next version will support a very powerful persistent multi-room paradigm
Each room supports a collection of shared objects chosen by teacher/students/administrator

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Foil 8 Current capabilities of TANGO

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO supports enough (over 40) applications. Most of them went through iterative evaluation, improvement and robustification cycle
Core Collaboration Capabilities
  • Audio-Video Conferencing between room participants
  • Text chat rooms with various tradeoffs between "coolness", ease of use etc.
  • Shared Browser (Synchronized view of Web Pages)
  • White Boards, including multilayer, scriptable, object-oriented drawing/presentation module
  • Shared Web Search (becomes shared database query)

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Foil 9 Current capabilities of TANGO

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Office and Authoring Tools
  • PowerPoint via shared display or shared Java viewer (collaboration with Net-Scene)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Shared visual C++ etc.
  • Shared XEmacs editor
  • Shared access to relational courseware backend with integrated PowerPoint

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Foil 10 Current capabilities of TANGO

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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General Virtual University Applications
  • Current WebWisdom hierarchical systems navigating through 20,000 foils and 500 foil sets
  • "Raise Hands" Applet to help teacher-student synchronous interaction
Special Virtual University Applications
  • Shared Java applets to teach physics (spring, planets, vector cross product)
  • Shared Java Applets used to teach Java!
  • Shared SmartDesk system aimed at activities useful in special education with built in assessment

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 11 Current capabilities of TANGO

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Have some fun with multi-player games
  • VRML2 Chess
  • Netris
  • Othello (Java)
  • Rubik's Cube (Java)
"Other" Applications
  • TANGOsim command and control system with shared tools (e.g. mapping, weather) to use in crisis management and C2; scriptable and interactive
  • 3D high-end immersive, collaborative visualization system with special support for terrain rendering and GIS

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Foil 12 Versions of the TANGO system

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Current system version: 1.01
  • Training material refers to this version unless otherwise noted
Slated for end of Sept. `98: version 1.02
  • multiframe GUI, more robust JavaScript interface
Slated for December `98: version 1.1
  • will integrate personal identities, session recording, security/encryption, directory services both client and server side, possibly support for IE 4
TANGO server: version 1.0 available now

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Foil 13 TANGO Interactive version 1.01

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO 1.x requires browser plug-in
Compatible with Netscape Communicator 4.0x and 4.5
  • not compatible with earlier versions (3.0+) not compatible with MS Internet Explorer
    • TANGO 1 uses LiveConnect and plug-in architecture. Both these technologies are available for Internet Explorer, but MS implementation of LiveConnect is not fully compatible. IE version of TI exists but is currently not available for public use
  • supported platforms: Windows'95/NT, IRIX, Solaris, Linux
This version has been tested for 6 months

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Foil 14 TANGO Interactive version 1.01

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Supported browsers: all Netscape versions up to Communicator 4.5
  • supports Netscape 4 security model
    • digitally signed plug-in Java classes
    • Communicator version explicitly requires access to privileged operations
      • user's consent necessary for TANGO to run
      • consent needed only once per session
Protocol incompatible with earlier beta versions and with beta TANGO server

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Foil 15 System Architecture

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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N: Netscape Browser
LD: Local Daemon
CA: Control Application
AP: Applet
LA: Local Application
CS: Central Server
DB: Back-end Database
HTTP: Web server

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Foil 16 TANGO Architecture: Components

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Local Daemon's main tasks:
  • maintaining two-way communication between user applications, applets and central server
  • launching local applications
  • passing messages between applications running on the same node
  • providing certain system level functionality not normally available to Java applets, such as file access or printing
The daemon is implemented as a plug-in to Web browsers.
  • The daemon is the only operating system dependent core part of TANGO.

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 17 TANGO Architecture: Components

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Central Server is the main communication element.
  • Local daemons communicate with the central server
  • Server maintains the system state data
  • Server routes messages between applications participating in each session
  • All application protocols are opaque to the server
  • Currently, TANGO users are restricted to only one collaboratory server at any given time
    • Server switch somewhat clumsy
  • TANGO server is extremely stable and maintenance-free
    • No administrative interface

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Foil 18 TANGO Architecture: Components

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Java applets
  • User applications written in Java, downloaded from an HTTP server, and executed in browser environment
    • Communication between Java applets and central server is also maintained by the local daemons. Java applets communicate with local daemon by calling its method functions
Local Applications:
  • User applications which run as standalone programs are called local applications. Local application may be written in any programming language
    • Communicate with the local daemon using sockets. The daemon is responsible for starting these applications and routing messages to and from applications

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Foil 19 Implementation Details

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Daemon provides a mechanism for TANGO components such as Java applets, central server, JavaScript scripts etc. to talk to each other.
TANGO daemon has been implemented as a plug-in.
Using LiveConnect mechanisms, each applet residing in the same page with the plug-in may obtain its handle.
Message passing between plug-in and an applet is achieved by calling appropriate methods of each other

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Foil 20 TANGO Architecture: Components

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Control Application provides TANGO GUI
  • Provides uniform application session and floor control for all TANGO applications
    • Launches applications locally or remotely, creates and connects to existing sessions, exits applications, logs into the system, etc.
    • Routes messages between applications on the same node
    • Monitors integrity of the distributed system
    • User interface to the control application auto-adjusts to the operating system
  • CA communicates with the system via LD
    • The communication between control application and local daemon is different than in the case of standard Java applets since control application can also generate system messages

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Foil 21 Events and Data

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Since TANGO uses central server architecture, there are system scalability concerns.
  • System makes careful distinction between event and data distribution pathways
    • events are always distributed via collaboratory server
    • data may be distributed via collaboratory server for thin data streams
    • voluminous data are either distributed directly between application instances or delivered from HTTP or other servers
    • peer-to-peer application data exchange may use multicast if necessary
    • certain TANGO applications are therefore implemented as Web browsers for specialized data types (e.g., GIS Open Inventor Web browser)

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Foil 22 TANGO Architecture: Media Streams

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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For scaleability reasons, the real time multimedia streams are not sent via central server.
  • Instead, we use a distributed architecture akin to the Insoft's OpenDVE
  • The architecture supports multicast.
  • Session control remains with the TANGO session manager.
  • TANGO VTC supports stream recording, storage, and retrieval

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Foil 23 Application Protocols

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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A blueprint for a truly successful collaboratory system does not exist. Hence:
  • Need an extensible system with very few limitations.
  • System must not define application specific protocols, application programming language, or limit in whatever way functionality of collaboratory applications
The essence of each collaboratory function must be defined by application and by application only
TANGO does not define any application protocols

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Foil 24 Application Protocols

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Current system requires application developer to implement application protocol conversion to byte streams
There is no explicit system support for application state sharing
  • "latecomers" problem must be handled by application
TANGO 2 system addresses this by providing shared data support on the server
  • currently, the project is on hold
Current solution: powerful object oriented API on top of message passing

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Foil 25 Session Management

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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A session is a group of application instances currently working together in the collaborative mode.
  • All (and only) applications belonging to the same session exchange information and may share behavior.
  • How particular application operates in collaborative mode depends on this application characteristics.
  • In all sessions there is one master user.
    • Master of the session has special privileges of controlling access of other users to this session and/or controlling the application behavior. The privileges depend on the application type.

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Foil 26 Session Management

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Master status is dynamically transferable. Floor control allows for both master-master and master-slave relationship
TANGO does not restrict the number of concurrent sessions. There may be multiple independent sessions of applications of the same type.
Messages from one application compatible with application of another type will be distributed transparently.
NOTE: current model confuses floor control and session ownership. It will be replaced by two distinct mechanisms in version 1.1

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Foil 27 Session Management

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Currently supported operations:
  • Local open
  • Remote open (opens an instance on remote machine)
  • Global and limited remote open (open an instance on a group of machines)
  • Session join
  • Local close/leave
  • Remote close, including global remote close
  • Acquire and grant session master status
CA implements "intelligent interface"
CA supports different "privacy" models

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Foil 28 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Download URL:
Packaging: gzipped tar file
May download to any location, no root password necessary
After unzipping, run tar:
  • tar -xpvf webwisdom101.irix63.tar
  • Please, note the "p" option. If you don't use it,you file permissions will be determined by your umask

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Foil 29 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Un-tar creates the following directory structure
trurl:/usr/people/mp/webwisdom% ls
BuenaVista/ Copyright README.html exec/ tango_plugin101/
Change directory to exec/ and run the command
source tangorc
  • tangorc script sets environment variables
  • you have to source the script from the exec directory!
  • to make envvariables setup permanent, you must embed call to tangorc in your .cshrc file
All this is needed since UNIX has no global registry

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Foil 30 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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The relevant envvariables after sourcing tangorc should be as follows:
(assumes installation in /usr/people/mp directory)

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Foil 31 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO_APP_CONF variable points to TANGO installation directory.
  • Combined with entries in .tca files (to be discussed later) this variable tells TANGO client where to look for "local applications" executables
  • The user does not need to configure individual applications (as it was necessary in earlier versions)
NCS_PATH variable is used by BuenaVista to find its own media modules. Without this variable BV won't be able to start audio and video agents.
There may be additional variables for other applications

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Foil 32 TANGO Client Installation: UNIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Restart your Netscape browser from the window you used to set environment (not from the desktop!)
Check plug-in installation (Help/About Plug-ins)
If plug-in OK, start the system

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared september 13 98

Foil 33 Troubleshooting: Configuration

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Common pitfalls:
  • Java not enabled in browser (on SGIs, browser will coredump!)
  • Envvariables incorrectly set (browser started from wrong window or not restarted, .cshrc wrong)
  • Plug-in installed for the wrong browser
  • Wrong permissions on configuration files
  • Faulty browser installation (missing Java classes)
  • Corrupted classes in browser cache (flush the cache!)
  • Duplicate, incompatible Java classes (CLASSPATH!!!)
  • Missing application Java classes ( e.g., CosmoPlayer)
  • Re-link without re-hash

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Foil 34 Troubleshooting: Networking

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO server not running
  • no error message if server restarted
Client behind firewall
  • need access to port 11000
  • firewall incompatible with Java security model!
DNS problems
  • TANGO generally does not care, but current BV needs proper DNS setup for all parties)
HTTP server slow or not running
TANGO on the HTTP server misconfigured

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Foil 35 Diagnostics: Java console

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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index.html: browser ok: 'Netscape' index.html: major version numberok: 4 index.html: minor version numberok: 4 index.html: mime ok: 'application/x-collaboratory' index.html: plugin ok: 'TANGO Interactive' index.html: loading CA ... CA.html: loadTango(ohio.npac.syr.edu:11000,320x700) LocalBase.LocalBase(): server=ohio.npac.syr.edu:11000 localPort=8000 LoaderApplet.init(): CA registered with code=52 [ CentralServer.initSocket(): unable to contact server: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused ] AppDef.readConfFile(): contentLength=3372 AppDef.readConfFile(): reading again AppDef.readConfFile(): completed .....

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Foil 36 TANGO Client Installation: Win32

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Download URL:
Packaging: .exe file. The same for NT/95/98
May download to any location
After downloading, run exec file:
  • tango_pluginNT101.exe
  • This will launch the Install Shield which will guide you through the installation process
Don't install as administrator on NT!
  • InstallShield sets registry variables on per user basis

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Foil 37 TANGO Client Installation: Win32

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Installation puts the files in the following directory
X:\Program files\WebWisdom
Some of the files go to Netscape plugin directory:
X:\Program files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\plugins
and to the Netscape Java\Class directory:
The .jar file is digitally signed
Future versions of TANGO may install items such as Swing class libraries
  • as well as entire code of the application modules

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Foil 38 TANGO Client Installation: Win32

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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The function of environment variables under UNIX is taken by registry entries.
  • No system reboot necessary, but browser must be restarted!
Win32 installation comes with Buena Vista
  • automatic installation
  • both stand-alone and TANGO versions of BV
  • using BV is somewhat tricky and will be covered by a separate training
    • users have problems with properly using audio peripherals
    • non MFC-compliant video capture card drivers

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Foil 39 TANGO Client Installation: Win32

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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  • the most frequent problem we see: screwed up installation of Netscape browser
    • users usually adamant; say browser OK
    • most of the time they are wrong
    • most frequent reason: corrupted or manually deleted files
If TANGO "does not work", you likely have a system problem
Which browser version is best?
  • Large Java performance differences: need v. 4.06 at least (Java 1.1.5 with AWT 1.1 support)
  • AWT 1.1+ needed for some application modules

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Foil 40 TANGO Server

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Java application
  • requires JDK 1.1.2 or higher
100% maintenance free
Industry-strength stability
  • tested on IRIX 5/6, Solaris, Linux, Windows NT
  • will also run on Widows'95 (not recommended)
Available for download from http://trurl.npac.syr.edu/tango

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Foil 41 TANGO Server Installation: Unix

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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The server can run with any UID, but...
Recommended procedure: create new local UID "tango" with home directory in /usr/people/tango
  • create /usr/people/tango
  • download, unzip, and un-tar distribution file in this directory
  • make sure you have JDK 1.1 installed
  • cd to tango_server/exec directory
  • run tango_start script to manually start the server
    • the server will be listed in ps output as
    • java -jit main.TangoServer 11000

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Foil 42 TANGO Server Installation: IRIX

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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For IRIX, we have a procedure for automatic server restart after machine reboot. To install, follow this steps:
  • Go to the tango_server/etc directory and, as root, run the "run_as_root" script.
  • The script assumes that the server is installed in /usr/people/tango which is the home directory of user "tango" (UID 10856).
  • The script installs user "tango" in /etc/passwd, and adds TANGO startup script to /etc/init.d
  • It also installs TANGO control via chkconfig

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Foil 43 Server installation - Win NT

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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Download server (in exe file) from
Run .exe file
  • this will launch Install Shield which will guide you through the installation process
  • the server installs as Windows NT service
    • Don't try to start it from command line!
    • The server needs MS Java VM (included, needs separate install, normally comes with IE 4)
  • server should start automatically
    • if it does not, use "Services" CP applet to start it

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Foil 44 Server installation - Win NT

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Does it run???
  • in Services applet, you have Tango Service marked as started and automatic
  • in Task Manager, there are two processes:
    • TIServer.exe
    • TangoSrv.exe
  • you are able to connect to the server
It doesn't?
  • Java VM not properly installed

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Foil 45 TANGO: Complete distribution

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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TANGO applets may be loaded from arbitrary http server. For scalability reasons, one may decide to distribute applets to multiple servers or even local disks on client machines
Distribution directory tree:
  • applets: tango/applets/appletdirectories
  • control application: tango/ca/........
  • CA configuration file: tango/ca/conf/GUIname.tca
Graphical interface for .tca configuration:

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Foil 46 .tca Configuration Files

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NUMBER OF SESSIONS ALLOWED: 0 - any number; 1 - one session; ɭ - exact number
Application type: 0 - APPLET; 1 - APPLICATION; 2 - APPLET & APPLICATION;
SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS: 0 - all systems; 1 - only Windows; 2 - only Unix
AT: unique application identifier, administered by TANGO Team

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Foil 47 .tca Configuration Files

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#1#37#0#Buena Vista#BuenaVista#1#1#BuenaVista#BVtango#
#1#331#2#3D GIS#GIS#2#1#GIS#terrain_viewer#
Upcoming change: relative URL addresses for easier migration

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Foil 48 Product Support

From TangoInteractive Training Session Jackson State University Mississippi -- August 19-20 1998. *
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General questions
  • Marek Podgorny, marek@npac.syr.edu
Architecture, client setup
  • Konrad Olszewski, konrad@npac
  • Luk Beca, beca@npac.syr.edu
  • Tom Major (whiteboards), toma@npac, Tom Stachowiak (BV), stach@npac, Remek Trzaska (GIS), remek@npac, Bart Winnowicz (VoD, MS apps), bartw@npac, Greg Lewandowski (media players), grzes@npac

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, npac@npac.syr.edu

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to webmaster@npac.syr.edu.

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