Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 22 98

Foil 23 More on Sharing in Tango

From Pictorial View of Tango Features with tutorial SIGGRAPH 98 Orlando -- July 19-23 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Tango can share any client or server application whose state can be determined and set. Tango finds the state from the master and transmits it to the slave clients
  • For efficiency, Tango usually transmits "the change in state" and not state itself -- for spring it is as easy to transmit absolute state x as change dx in state. For chat, change in state (latest text typed) is natural.
  • For server applications, one finds and sets state through web interface which can be URL (perhaps with CGI extension) or even CORBA interface to a distributed object.
Porting an application to Tango, requires sending messages from master with state (change) and receiving them on slave. Hardest perhaps is knowing what the state is!

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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