Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 2 98

Foil 10 The TCP/IP protocol suite

From Introduction to Architecture of World Wide Web CPS406/606 -- Fall Semester 98. by Nancy J. McCracken

1 TCP - Transmission Control Protocol. A connection-oriented protocol used by most Internet applications to provide a reliable, full-duplex, byte stream for a user process.
2 UDP - User Datagram Protocol. A connectionless protocol for user processes. Also not reliable.
3 ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol. Handles error and control information between gateways and hosts.
4 IP - Internet Protocol. Provides the packet delivery service for the upper layers.
5 ARP - Address Resolution Protocol. Maps an Internet address into a hardware address.
6 RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.
7 User process
9 Hardware
10 interface
11 User process
12 TCP
13 IP
15 ARP

in Table To:

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