HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared April 4,1995

Foil 42 Recent Developments in WWW Tools and Standards

From Webserver General Description -- January 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

PERL5 offers new object oriented structure extending original PERL which is a scripting language for manipulating operating system (UNIX) services.
VRML or Virtual Reality Modelling Language
  • VRML is based on SGI Inventor which is a 3D design and modelling script language where VRML has hyperlink extensions
  • VRML gives a uniform addressing and composition scheme for 3D graphics objects on the Internet
  • Netscape Communication Corp (NCC) offers custom HTML extensions in Netscape commercial browser
  • Internet community confused as HTML/NCC is "cool" but not compatible with official HTML+ extension efforts
W3 Organization formed at CERN in 1994
  • Organizes conferences such as those at Geneva in May 94 and Chicago in Oct 94
  • Enforces uniformity and consistency of public Internet standards

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Mon Feb 17 1997