HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 15 Sept 1995

Foil 56 WebSpace -- Planned Collaboration with ANL LabSpace

From Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology Several Presentations -- September 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

We recently proposed a WebSpace to cooperate with and provide universal access Web interfaces to Argonne's LabSpace -- a high-end hypermedia collaboratory environment for advanced science research.
In this project, we plan to explore sequential and parallel CGI servers and E-Mail+MIME agents as a base computation and communication platform for scalable virtual communities.
Eventually, each NII user/desktop will run a dynamic Web+CGI server. Next, there will be group servers, project servers, institution servers, community network servers and so on. Designing appropriate scalable agents protocols for such hierarchies is a challenging and non-trivial task. We plan to address a restricted problem of scalable WebMail support for interactive forums, ranging from individuals to domains to the LabSpace size.
NPAC will contribute two new user domains to the scientific community of the LabSpace: education via the Living textbook project and small business via the InfoMall project.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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