HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared March 22,1995

Foil 24 WebHPL -- Domain/Language Specific Interpreters

From Overview of WebWindows March 95 CRPC Annual Meeting Houston -- March 21-24,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

The Extractor module derives the closed type system from the Web-published class interfaces, optionally repackages the existing libraries and constructs a suitable little language interpreter for a given domain. This process is similar to the HPFCL approach described previously.
WebHPL then automatically generates the C++ framework for a distributed interpreter of that "little language". Copies of the code are distributed over WWVM sites, compiled and linked using the native C++ environment.
Successful little languages are published and reusable classes constructed in this process are accumulated. The idea is that this process might effectively converge to a practical HPC++ subset specification -- defined simply as a union of little languages for several critical HPCC computational domains.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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