The World Wide Web offers the potential for revolutionary changes in education at all levels from K-12, undergraduate, graduate and continuing (lifelong) levels. |
We describe four significant activities where we have used Web Technologies to prepare and deliver education. These are the |
Living SchoolBook -- 6 K-12 schools in New York State connected by the high-speed ATM network NYNET to HPCC resources at NPAC; |
Undergraduate science education for non-science majors; |
Graduate computer science courses both at Syracuse and remotely with students in China. |
These curricula development and delivery activities build on a suite of Web Technologies. |
We will describe how text-indexed video, Perl, JavaScript, Java, VRML (incurrent and future 2.X version) and object databases can and are being woven into a novel interactive educational technology base. |
We speculate on the implication of pervasive availability of such capabities on Universities or more generally the current educational establishment. |
WebWisdomMar96Master Web Technologies for Education and NPAC Projects Master Presentation VirtualUniversity95masterMaster Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 Teaching Science to the 21st Century Student Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106 NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96 MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96- Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96 NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96- NIIASOP95 Master Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC FoxResFall95 Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations RLCIV31Jan96master Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- First Project Review GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
WebWisdomMar96Master 001 001 Web Technologies for Education -- The Virtual University and other Projects WebWisdomMar96Master 002 002 Abstract of Web Technologies for Education Presentation WebWisdomMar96Master 003 003 What Types of Technologies Does NPAC Develop in Education WebWisdomMar96Master 004 004 Web Education Areas of Interest to NPAC
VirtualUniversity95master 026 005 Overview of the Living Schoolbook Project VirtualUniversity95master 027 006 The Living Schoolbook Project Partners VirtualUniversity95master 028 007 Outside Partners of the Living Schoolbook Project
Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 004 008 Science for the 21st Century Principal Features Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 005 009 Course Structure Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 006 010 Enrollment in Phy 105/106 Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 007 011 Syllabus / Representative Modules Phy105 009 012 Home Page for Mind and Machine Module Phy105 010 013 Brief tour of the brain TOC - large scale features Phy105 011 014 Neurons - includes video of firing sequence of neurons Phy105 012 015 Neural networks TOC - diagram of network layers
NPACAddons 109 016 ECS400 Spring 1996 Home Page MillsScreenDumps 005 017 CPS 616 Homepage
VirtualUniversity95master 042 018 Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - I WebWisdomMar96Master 005 019 Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education WebWisdomMar96Master 006 020 Scope of Certificate in Computational Science WebWisdomMar96Master 040 021 Scalable Certificates in Computational Science
WebWisdomMar96Master 007 022 Some Synergies between Education and Home Based Health Care WebWisdomMar96Master 008 023 Synergies with TeleMedicine
Webworkaddons 106 024 The Neat Thing in Action I Webworkaddons 108 025 The Neat Thing in Action III Webworkaddons 107 026 The Neat Thing in Action II NPACScreenDumps96 059 027 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools NPACScreenDumps96 060 028 Java Applet Version of Neattools
Webworkaddons 092 029 JavaScript Based WebFoil Prototype Webworkaddons 096 030 JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -I Webworkaddons 097 031 JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -II
WebWisdomMar96Master 009 032 Some Technology Contributions of NPAC WebWisdomMar96Master 010 033 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - I NIIASOP95 Master 005 034 Basic Structure of World Wide Web FoxResFall95 024 035 The Java/Netscape2.0 Client server Model WebWisdomMar96Master 011 036 Choices of Formats and Filters in Web Systems WebWisdomMar96Master 012 037 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - II WebWisdomMar96Master 013 038 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - III WebWisdomMar96Master 014 039 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - IV WebWisdomMar96Master 015 040 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - V WebWisdomMar96Master 016 041 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - VI WebWisdomMar96Master 017 042 Examples of the Use of Java in Education
Webworkaddons 007 043 Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms MillsScreenDumps 030 044 Visible Human MillsScreenDumps 007 045 Java Slide Show RLCIV31Jan96master 055 046 T4:Geographical Information Systems RLCIV31Jan96master 056 047 T4:GIS - 2D Terrain Rendering in Java MillsScreenDumps 008 048 Java Terrain Viewer Webworkaddons 083 049 The Weather Report accessed through the Interactive Journey GeneralResFoils96 007 050 Java Interface for Performance Visualization NPACAddons 105 051 Performance Visualization of Sorting Algorithm GeneralResFoils96 008 052 Use of Java to Display Algorithmic Structure NPACAddons 138 053 Visualization of Matrix Multiplication in Java
WebWisdomMar96Master 018 054 Possible Uses of VRML in Education RLCIV31Jan96master 057 055 T4:GIS - 3D Terrain Rendering in VRML NPACAddons 112 056 VRML Terrain Renerer with Herkimer House Web Page NPACAddons 079 057 Link between Interactive Journey and classroom multimedia projects MillsScreenDumps 029 058 VRML Interface MillsScreenDumps 032 059 VRML: Create World MillsScreenDumps 033 060 VRML: Rendered Scene MillsScreenDumps 035 061 VRML: Create Object MillsScreenDumps 036 062 VRML: Example Object
WebWisdomMar96Master 019 063 Uses of Databases in Education MillsScreenDumps 027 064 Newsgroup Search on 'biology' MillsScreenDumps 028 065 Newsgroup Search on 'biology' MillsScreenDumps 014 066 NewsBank Database MillsScreenDumps 015 067 NewsBank return MillsScreenDumps 002 068 AskNPAC Interface MillsScreenDumps 003 069 AskNPAC Return
WebWisdomMar96Master 020 070 Possible Uses of Digital Video in Education NPACAddons 074 071 CNN Newsource Database, video of President Clinton NPACAddons 068 072 Living SchoolBook Access to Digital Discovery Channel Archive NPACAddons 073 073 Berlin Journey of a City, documentary by Bob Frye MillsScreenDumps 019 074 Newton's Apple
WebWisdomMar96Master 021 075 Possible Uses of JavaScript in Education WebWisdomMar96Master 022 076 Experiments with WebFoil and WebWisdom VirtualUniversity95master 014 077 What is Natural Information Unit -- I? VirtualUniversity95master 015 078 What is Natural Information Unit -- II? RLCIV31Jan96master 013 079 I.4:Current prototype of Teacher-Student Interactive Environment - WebFoil WebWisdomMar96Master 023 080 From a PC/Macintosh Presentation to the Web Webworkaddons 077 081 RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil!! WebWisdomMar96Master 024 082 Experiences with WebFoil WebWisdomMar96Master 025 083 WebWisdom--JavaScript for Structured Information WebWisdomMar96Master 026 084 Self-Documenting Web Pages
WebWisdomMar96Master Web Technologies for Education and NPAC Projects Master Presentation1 2 3 4 5 6 40 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
VirtualUniversity95masterMaster Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University26 27 28 42 14 15
Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 Teaching Science to the 21st Century Student4 5 6 7
Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/1069 10 11 12
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96109 105 138 112 79 74 68 73
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-5 30 7 8 29 32 33 35 36 27 28 14 15 2 3 19
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96106 108 107 92 96 97 7 83 77
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-59 60
NIIASOP95 Master Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC5
FoxResFall95 Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations24
RLCIV31Jan96master Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- First Project Review55 56 57 13
GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 19967 8
WebWisdomMar96Master Web Technologies for Education and NPAC Projects Master Presentation1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 40
VirtualUniversity95masterMaster Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University14 15 26 27 28 42
Phy105/106-VidaliMarch96 Teaching Science to the 21st Century Student4 5 6 7
Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/1069 10 11 12
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March9668 73 74 79 105 109 112 138
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-2 3 5 7 8 14 15 19 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 36
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 967 77 83 92 96 97 106 107 108
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-59 60
NIIASOP95 Master Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC5
FoxResFall95 Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations24
RLCIV31Jan96master Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- First Project Review13 55 56 57
GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 19967 8