HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 4 April 1996

Foil 32 Some Next Steps at NPAC

From Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation Workshop on Education and Training Technology -- NIST -- 25 March 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Improve Graphics -- can have templates with various themes
NPAC designing a set with WebWisdom Theme
Need to be careful not to be trapped in a particular browser technology
  • So store all in a database and generate dynamically with best (all?) browser
  • Current database (MIME data / UNIX file system) in principle easy to convert into relational database (Oracle)
Over Summer use JavaScript multiframe Netscape target
Add Collaborative technology from outside
Goal -- offer attractive (as opposed to complete but clumsy) online courses CPS606/615 next fall

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Thu Jun 26 1997