HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 4 April 1996

Foil 36 Some More Thoughts on Type of Material

From Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation Workshop on Education and Training Technology -- NIST -- 25 March 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Note we do need more than one version of each piece of material as for instance computer science and application issues are rather different
  • There is a tendency for material to have a computer science slant
What is relative role of:
  • Foils i.e. Overview material
  • Lectures in person, audio or video -- Adds depth to foils and context to text
  • Digital Text -- note type of books produced by consumer computer (PC, web etc.) industry which are different from those produced in academia?
  • New approaches -- Java VRML MOO Digital Annotated Video etc.
MY major problem with material is that I need
  • BOTH foil (overview) material -- critical for teaching
  • AND digital text or equivalent -- traditionally critical for user
For Instance CSEP would be an order of magnitude more useful if linked to Overview material
Can audio plus foils replace text?
  • Note that when I get up and talk , Stress/Adrenalin produces thoughts that don't appear when writing text in dreaming spires

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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