Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at HPCS95/HPDC95/SC95/RL96 on July 95--Feb 96. Foils prepared Feb 22,1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Initial set of Images is for WebWork |
Full resource available at Original Full Summary |
This set of foils contains figures,tables and VRML and Java source examples |
The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series |
Many Other Images are also present in the same general area |
This table of Contents
HPCS 95 |
Montreal Canada |
July 10-12,1995 |
Geoffrey Fox |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
Online presentation at |
Updated for HPDC95 and SC95 Tutorials August--November 1995 |
Illustrates implementation of WebWork message passing in terms of
This diagram illustrates point-to-point communication between Web servers, used to implement a webflow channel between compute-web modules. Two extreme implementation modes are described: a) based on today's Web server technology, and b) based on thread memory mapped high performance implementation, expected in future Web compute-servers. Subsequent steps, represented by a sequence of labelled lines in the figure, are described below in both implementation modes. |
a) Today's Web server mode: (1) -- M1 locks O1 on S1 disk. (2) -- M1 sends POST HTTP message to S2 with M2 URL in the header sector and with O1 URL in the body sector. (3) -- S2 activates M2 via CGI and passes O1 URL as a command-line argument. (4) -- M2 sends GET method to S1 with O1 URL in the header. (5) -- S1 fetches O1 from its document tree. (6) -- S1 sends the content of O1 to M2 which completes the GET exchange. (7) -- M2 saves O1 by overwriting current I2 on the S2 disk. If I2 is locked, M2 waits (blocks). (8) -- After O1 is saved on the S2 disk, M2 returns 'end-of-transfer' acknowledgment to M1 which completes the POST exchange. (9) -- M1 unlocks O1 and exists. |
b) Compute-server (future Web server) mode: (1) - M1 locks its memory object O1. (2) - M1 checks if socket connection to M2 is in M1 connection table. If yes, go to (5) below. Otherwise, M1 connects to S2 and sends M2 creation script. (3) - S2 spawns M2 and acknowledges. (4) - M1 receives acknowledge message and saves new socket in connection table. (5) - M1 gets O1 handle. (6) - M1 writes O1 to M2 using socket lib calls. (7) - M2 reads O1 using socket lib calls. If I2 is free, O1 buffer is copied directly to I2 buffer. If I2 is locked, M2 creates O1 clone and blocks. (8) - M2 sends acknowledge to M1. (9) - M1 unlocks O1 and blocks. |
Illustrates 3 base layers of WebWork architecture and all main system components. |
A 4--node compute-web is represented
Java/HotJava model is used for WebFlow front-end implementation |
The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series |
HyPerl World page, generated automatically by the WebTools CASE package, and integrating documentation with the source. |
More generally, we call by HySource the hypertext documentation with navigable source code included. |
Function calls and external variable references are 'blue' and point to the corresponding HySource pages. |
Java documentation shares some common aspects with HySource,
Java and VRML CASE support will be included as next steps in WebTools CASE package. |
NPAC REU(Research Experience for Undergraduates) project develops
Tables are hierarchical and offer links both to the original Sun documentation and to NPAC information pages. |
NPAC Java pages are focused on educational applications of individual classes and applets and offer suitable metric information. |
An example of HotJava applet that makes essential use of Java multithreading. |
Three different sorting algorithms are visualized on a single HotJava page. |
Each algorithm can be started independently or they can all run concurrently. |
Concurrent mode allows for real-time visual comparison of various algorithms and their performance. |
Early prototype of AVS or Khoros like visual compute-web editor. |
Two interactive modes are supported:
In mode a), each click in the active editor window places a new module box there. |
In mode b), each click on module port generates links with all other modules. |
A front-end for the software project manager tool. |
Three types of modules are supported:
Developer modules are linked to the agent module and report automatically all changes in the software volume (handled by WebTools CASE toolkit integrated with WebTools editor). |
The agent module integrates the results and uses customizable threshold to decide when to fire a report to the manager or a deadline reminder to a developer. |
A sample VRML page produced by Black Hole Simulation group at NCSA and displayed by SGI WebSpace, cooperating with Netscape Navigator. |
A set of 3D spaces related to gravity research is represented as Netscape icons and linked to the corresponding VRML worlds. |
WebSpace window displays one of these spaces -- a space-time diagram for two black hole collision ('Pair of Pants' diagram) |
Example of VRML source code (for the black-hole space-time diagram of previous figure). |
The full file is 0.5Mb and has been reduced here by removing many lines of numerical data for 'Coordinate3' and 'IndexFaceSet' vectors. |
Get source here |
Example of Java code, forming an applet for interactive performance measurement of Java thread scheduler functions. |
The example illustrates typical objects and methods used by Java multithreading. |
Get source here |
Current HPCC, Current Commercial Mainstream, Current and conjectured future Web |
Print this from Postscript Version |
The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995 |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Spring '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset CPS600 Course Server |
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From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
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From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
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Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
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Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
Postscript also Available |
From foilset WebTools (Summer '95) |
Associated Foil can be found |
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Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Oracle 7 Interface to Usenet-Prepared October 27,1995 |
Associated material may be found starting at Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services |
Using San Diego VRML Viewer Webview |
Little Neck Bay in Northern Long Island (altitude exaggerated by factor 7) |
Using San Diego VRML Viewer Webview |
Little Neck Bay in Northern Long Island (altitude exaggerated by factor 7) |
Using SGI VRML Viewer Webspace |
Little Neck Bay in Northern Long Island (altitude exaggerated by factor 7) |
Using SGI VRML Viewer Webspace |
Little Neck Bay in Northern Long Island (altitude exaggerated by factor 7) |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Initial webfoil 0.1 release Halloween 1995 |
Shown with example of November 3 Presentation to Trustee Spouses |
From Living Schoolbook Project |
Hot buttons linking to weather page in Albany area |
From Living Schoolbook Project |
From Living Schoolbook Project |
HotJava Demonstration |
HotJava Demonstration |
Factoring on the Web Project |
Factoring on the Web Project |
Factoring on the Web Project |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
Rome Laboratory Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Jan 31,96 |
By dragging and clicking the mouse, one can assign up to 16 data channels to various input and output devices. Here the interface box is connected to serial port #2 of the PC and its four pairs of electrodes (leads) are assigned respectively to channels 1 through 4. One can also specify running-average or other filters to the individual data channels. |
Channels are calibrated to select "windows" of their ranges of signal amplitude. The green and red lines, which are set by mouse dragging and clicking, set the lower and upper limits of the range of interest. When a signal is within range, the button turns from blue to green, and this condition can correspondingly control a binary output device. |
A multichannel oscilloscope-type display is available to monitor continuously the time course of an input signal. This mode is particularly useful for training a disabled subject, such as a quadriplegic, to activate certain channels for actions such as a) wheelchair control or b) mouse-cursor control for Web surfing (by conscious activity of various facial muscles). |
this the first step in the systematic conversion of poorly organized Web HealthCare material into a set of (Oracle) databases - this particular one stores individual URLs with short descriptions as RDBMS records (so they are automatically searchable, editable etc) |
Next steps will include grouping into subdomains, linkage with patient records as on-line aid for the medical personel (nurses) etc. |
Some explanation is on NPAC's Collaboration with Argonne on WebSpace Collaboratory |
blobs are WebFlow modules, |
domain mapping is: