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GLOBAL foilset Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 on 15 September 95. Foils prepared 15 September 1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file See also color IMAGE

This describes the forces motivating use of Web in MetaComputing
First the need for a pervasive technology base for HPCC which is otherwise a nonviable niche market.
The growing number of Web-enabled machines and the development of WebWindows giving the productivity tools needed for a true distributed HPCC software engineering environment
We describe the 3 layer model of WebWork
At the high end we describe our early example -- WebFlow and how this can be extended to a full WebHPL with mixed interpreted and compiled systems.
At the base level, we have the World-Wide Virtual Machine as a mesh of computationally extended web servers
At the Intermediate level, we propose WebScript to integrate VRML, PERL5 Java and similar domain specific scripting systems

Table of Contents for full HTML of Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

1 WebWork --
MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
September 1995

2 Abstract of WebWork and MetaComputing Presentation
3 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-I
4 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-II
5 Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication
6 Some Implications of HPCC Observations
7 Initial Summary of Technical Points
8 Another Non Technical Issue -- What is the Community ?
9 Initial Vignettes Identified
10 HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)
11 What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?

12 What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?

13 Some Key Features of WebWork
14 WebWork -- Example from
Dun & Bradstreet
One of Largest Information Providers

15 Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
16 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England
17 WebWork -- Figures/Screendumps Index
18 WebWork Architecture
19 Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers
20 NPAC WebTools-I (Basic WebWindows Functionality)
21 NPAC WebTools-II
22 Web Productivity Tools and Virtual Software Laboratory (VSL)
23 Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code
24 Figure 4:Java documentation sample page
25 World-Wide Virtual Machine
26 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram
27 WebFlow Paradigm
28 Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
29 Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype
30 Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W
31 WebHPL: HPCC Infrastructure for WebWindows
32 WebHPL -- Integrating Compiler and Interpreter Technologies
33 Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware
34 Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager
35 General WebScript and Agents
36 Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA)
37 Figure 10: VRML source code example
38 Figure 11: Java source code example
39 WebWork Integration Model
40 Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds
41 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- I
42 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- II
43 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- III
44 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- IV

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 WebWork --
MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
September 1995

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract of WebWork and MetaComputing Presentation

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This describes the forces motivating use of Web in MetaComputing
First the need for a pervasive technology base for HPCC which is otherwise a nonviable niche market.
The growing number of Web-enabled machines and the development of WebWindows giving the productivity tools needed for a true distributed HPCC software engineering environment
We describe the 3 layer model of WebWork
At the high end we describe our early example -- WebFlow and how this can be extended to a full WebHPL with mixed interpreted and compiled systems.
At the base level, we have the World-Wide Virtual Machine as a mesh of computationally extended web servers
At the Intermediate level, we propose WebScript to integrate VRML, PERL5 Java and similar domain specific scripting systems

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Foil 3 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-I

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Secs 87 Full HTML Index
Parallel Computing Works!
Technology well understood for Science and Engineering
  • Good parallel algorithms, several examples of major applications in many fields exploring range of issues
  • Data and Message Parallel programming models developed
Supercomputing market small (few percent at best) and probably decreasing in size
  • Essential to have good common software infrastructure
  • Productivity tools -- Software Engineering -- Programming Support tools POOR
  • The parallel software "industry" is very small

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Foil 4 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-II

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Secs 141 Full HTML Index
No silver programming bullet -- I doubt if new language will revolutionize parallel programmimng and make much easier
  • Hardware (shared memory) could be helpful
Social forces are tending to hinder adoption of parallel computing as most applications are areas where large scale computing already common
  • Parallelizing existing applications (porting sequential software) very hard
  • Opportunities offered by use of MPP's often require major organizational changes

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Foil 5 Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Secs 86 Full HTML Index
ATM ISDN Wireless Satellite advancing rapidly in commercial arena which is adopting research rapidly
Social forces (deregulation in the U.S.A.) are tending to accelerate adoption of digital communication technologies
  • These are often NEW applications (porting of POTS relatively easy!) such as interactive TV/Shopping
  • Tremendous competition between different telecommunication sectors encourages new technology now to ensure future success
Not clear how to make money on Web(Internet) but growing interest/acceptance by general public
  • huge sales in home multimedia PC's -- comparable to TV's in volume
Integration of Communities and Opportunities
  • Computing and Communication and Information Industries merging -- similar impact on academic departments will(should) happen

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Foil 6 Some Implications of HPCC Observations

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Secs 63 Full HTML Index
Technology Opportunities in Integration of High Performance Computing and Communication Systems
  • Merging of networking, parallel computing, distributed comouting communities
  • This SOLVES previous difficulties observed for high performance computing as implies a much larger distributed (world-wide metacomputing) computing base
New Business opportunities linking Enterprise Information Systems to Community networks to current cable/network TV journalism
New educational needs at interface of computer science and communications/information applications
Major implications for education -- the Virtual University

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Foil 7 Initial Summary of Technical Points

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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1) need for better debuggers, profilers, performance monitoring tools
2) need for more stable operating systems
3) need for tools to aid in code migration to parallel systems, whether it be in the form of libraries, or other software engineering tools.
4) need to reduce the latencies due to system software
5) need for looking at exciting and innovative applications areas, (to help the HPCC industry by stimulating new demands). This might involve very data intensive applications (in contradistinction to compute intensive ones) but also harder and more complex problems, irregular data structures and less obviously load balanceable problems.

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Foil 8 Another Non Technical Issue -- What is the Community ?

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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Need to involve a larger group of non HPCC communities
For instance, most of the messages on networks are
  • MIME (Email/World Wide Web) or eventually ATM (of one or another adaptation layer AAL)
  • Not PVM/MPI
But MPI standrards set internally to HPCC and did not explicitly involve ATM/Internet community/standard processes
HPF focusses on regular multidimensional arrays in an excellent standards forum that ignores
  • VRML which is a fascinating 3D (irregular) datastructure which surely needs HPCC and will greatly broaden relevance of HPCC as used in interactive simulations of virtual worlds
Need HPVRML and a broader community

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Foil 9 Initial Vignettes Identified

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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Real-time embedded systems
Aerospace manufacturing
Crisis management
Nuclear Weapons
Environmental Modeling
Mission to Planet Earth
Data Intensive Applications
High end CFD
Computational Chemistry

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Foil 10 HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)

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This implies that we look at both Grand Challenges and National Challenges but we suggest this is not enough:
WebWork Builds HPCC technologies on a broad not niche base starting at bottom (Web,PC's)
not top (MPP's, Supercomputers) of computing pyramid

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Foil 11 What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
WebWork is an open, world-wide distributed computing environment based on computationally extended Web Technologies
The backend computation and information infrastructure is provided by the World-Wide Virtual Machine -- a mesh of computationally extended Web Servers (called Compute Servers)
These servers manage (via CGI mechanisms) a collection of standardized computational units called WebWork Modules.

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Foil 12 What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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Geographically distributed and Web-published WebWork modules interact by HTTP/MIME based message/object passing and form distributed computing surfaces called Compute-Webs
The front-end user/client interfaces are provided by evolving Web browsers with increasing support for two-way interactivity (e.g. Java, VRML) that facilitates client side control and authoring.
A natural user-level metaphor -- WebFlow -- is supported in terms of visual interactive compute-web authoring tools.

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Foil 13 Some Key Features of WebWork

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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Implements the "Viable Base" Enterprise Model of HPCC Software identified in Pasadena2 workshop
This will allow good programming tools to be developed and mnaintained as larger enough base to support software industry
Implements a powerful software engineering framework for parallel computing by integrating parallel programming with the World Wide Web Productivity Tools

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Foil 14 WebWork -- Example from
Dun & Bradstreet
One of Largest Information Providers

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They have communication difficulties hampering best use of their team of over 200 software engineers in Madras India
As with other large companies, problem reports are rotated around world on 24 hour basis. If East Coast hasn't solved by COB, customer problem sent to open office the the West so that by 8 am EST, solution is waiting for customer with perhaps many offices having worked on it as it moved (virtually) around the globe.
We have proposed to them that local database solution is Oracle but World Wide Web linkage be in terms of WebWindows (WebSpace/WebWork).

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Foil 15 Factoring RSA Numbers and Security

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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RSA security systems based on numbers
  • RSAm = Prime1 * Prime2
  • A product of two large primes
  • RSAm has m decimal digits
  • RSA corporation recommends m>=200
Bank of England and English Savings and Loan based on m=155 (512 binary digits)
RSA129 cracked by factoring with email team using sophisticated version of Quadratic Sieve. RSA155 will use better Number Field Sieve
Need x2 = y2 mod(RSAm) as then gcd(x+y,RSAm) likely to be interesting factor
Find x and y by finding lots of interesting a's
  • a = product of small primes = b2 mod(RSAm)
Given these a's factored into primes, multiply together so powers of primes are even. This gves desired x
This last step requires graph theory and solution (for Bank of England) of 5 million linear equations

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Foil 16 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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RSA155 requires about 300 teraops hours to solve with NFS
RSA129 needed about an order of magnitude less time. Can be done today faster if use Number Field Sieve
We have roughly one to five million independent calculations which form the rows of matrix (after clever graph theory manipulates and combines)
Set of master servers publish problem to solved with suitable demos, description of algorithm and full marketing attention.
  • Clients download software, run tests and certify with test case.
  • Clients pick the set of a's they hope to do in a week
  • PC's pick the smaller numbers needing less memory and CPU power
  • Cray's pick the largest hardest numbers
Clients return results -- not so easy except by email and cut and paste
Best done as a set of cooperating servers where server performing factorization publishs it solution as a file on the WWW.
Cooperating servers also better for computer administrators as can control set of clients at a given site
Initially use humans but replace by agents when software ready

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Foil 17 WebWork -- Figures/Screendumps Index

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram
2:WebWork System OverView
3:WebTools CASE tools sample page
4:Java documenation sample page
5:Java class database manager
6:Java screendump -- sorting algorithms
7:Java screendump -- WebFlow Editor prototype
8:Java screendump -- WebFlow application prototype --- Project Manager
9:VRML screendump
10:VRML source code example
11:Java source code example

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Foil 18 WebWork Architecture

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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WebWork is based on a three-layer architecture shown in figure 2, including: World_Wide Virtual Machine (WWVM) in the (bottom) layer 1, Middleware layer 2 of agents, wrappers, mediators etc., and high level programming environments (e.g. HPFCL) and user interfaces (e.g. WebFlow) in the (top) layer 3.
All base WebWork concepts can be implemented in terms of today's Web technologies (HTTP, MIME, CGI) and a prototype is under development at NPAC.
The overall design is open and ready to upgrade the existent (e.g. browsers or servers) and include new (e.g. agents or distributed object brokers) Internet/Web technologies
One starting point for the WebWork construction is provided by NPAC WebTools -- a CGI-extended Web server with enhanced content authoring and database navigation functionalities. WebTools Server is used as a prototype WebWork node server.

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Foil 19 Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers

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Illustrates 3 base layers of WebWork architecture and all main system components.
A 4--node compute-web is represented
  • by WebFlow icons in Layer 3,
  • by Java threads in Layer 2, and
  • by WWVM modules in Layer 1.
Java/HotJava model is used for WebFlow front-end implementation

The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series

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Foil 20 NPAC WebTools-I (Basic WebWindows Functionality)

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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NPAC WebTools is a CGI-extended Web server that offers a HyperWorld based metaphor for organized content authoring and navigation, currently implemented in terms of the following tools: HyperWorld Manager, HyperWorld Navigator, On-Line HTML Editor, WebMail and CASE tools for HySource Worlds authoring.
HyperWorld Manager offers database management support for the server document tree, integrated with browser GUI tools for remote file/document and directory/folder handling (create, destroy, copy etc.). The model assures concurrency control, atomicity and integrity of the document datatbase.
  • Compare to File Manager in MS(becomes Web)Windows and simple UNIX shell cp mv rm commands. Directory structure is (crude) database structure built into UNIX. WebWindows has much much more powerful natural database support.

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Foil 21 NPAC WebTools-II

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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HyperWorld Navigator offers a consistent navigation metaphor.
  • Compare to UNIX directory structure and generalized cd
  • Compare to MSWindows Program Manager
On-Line HTML Editor offers remote authoring support for documents, created by the HyperWorld Manager.
WebMail offers the Web interface to the MH mailing system and initial support for collaborative forums.
  • Enables enhanced MH on all clients from PC's to Supercomputers ...
  • Will also integrate Oracle with WebMail (and WebTools) for very fast indexed and free text search
CASE tools offer disciplined WebTools software development environment, integrated with the HyperWorld database.
  • Enabled by Integration of Computing, Software DEvelopment and Databases in WebWindows

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Foil 22 Web Productivity Tools and Virtual Software Laboratory (VSL)

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NPAC WebTools can be viewed as an instance of Web Productivity Tools (navigators, editors, databases), developed collectively by the Internet/Web community.
We view these emergent open tools as central to develop and maintain Web based World-Wide Metacomputing.
Software exchange and integration tools are urgently needed. Without it, 'pervasive Web' will become soon too complex to maintain and will be dominated by closed corporate products.
One such attempt is made by the HySource CASE package in NPAC WebTools. So far, we developed HyPerl World (Screen 3) of the WebTools source code and we now integrate it with Java (Screen 4) in the form of HyJava World (Screen 5)
These tools will evolve towardsVirtual Software Laboratory -- a collective distributed CASE framework for virtual corporation of WebWork developers.

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Foil 23 Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code

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HyPerl World page, generated automatically by the WebTools CASE package, and integrating documentation with the source.
More generally, we call by HySource the hypertext documentation with navigable source code included.
Function calls and external variable references are 'blue' and point to the corresponding HySource pages.

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Foil 24 Figure 4:Java documentation sample page

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Java documentation shares some common aspects with HySource,
  • e.g. HTML pages are generated automatically from the source code.
  • However, no support for source navigation is provided.
Java and VRML CASE support will be included as next steps in WebTools CASE package.

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Foil 25 World-Wide Virtual Machine

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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WebWork pilot project is a collaboration between NPAC, Boston University and Cooperative Systems Corporation, MA. It will prototype a candidate VSL, WWVM, Java based user interfaces, and port selected Grand/National Challenge applications to this platform.
The project will use NPAC WebTools to bootstrap the software process and will prototype WWVM in terms of current Web technologies (Screen 1)
Technically, early WWVM will include existent Web Servers with add-on CGI (Perl) scripts that build server-to-server communication and offer document database management, and module publication and linkage/instantiation support.
This base model will be further extended and refined by using and driving evolving Web technologies. For example, the disk-based model in Screen1a will likely evolve towards memory-mapped model based on multi-threaded interpreted compute-servers (Screen 1b)

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Foil 26 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram

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Illustrates implementation of WebWork message passing in terms of
  • a): current Web technologies (HTTP/CGI), and
  • b) next generation multithreaded compute-servers
This diagram illustrates point-to-point communication between Web servers, used to implement a webflow channel between compute-web modules. Two extreme implementation modes are described: a) based on today's Web server technology, and b) based on thread memory mapped high performance implementation, expected in future Web compute-servers. Subsequent steps, represented by a sequence of labelled lines in the figure, are described below in both implementation modes.
a) Today's Web server mode: (1) -- M1 locks O1 on S1 disk. (2) -- M1 sends POST HTTP message to S2 with M2 URL in the header sector and with O1 URL in the body sector. (3) -- S2 activates M2 via CGI and passes O1 URL as a command-line argument. (4) -- M2 sends GET method to S1 with O1 URL in the header. (5) -- S1 fetches O1 from its document tree. (6) -- S1 sends the content of O1 to M2 which completes the GET exchange. (7) -- M2 saves O1 by overwriting current I2 on the S2 disk. If I2 is locked, M2 waits (blocks). (8) -- After O1 is saved on the S2 disk, M2 returns 'end-of-transfer' acknowledgment to M1 which completes the POST exchange. (9) -- M1 unlocks O1 and exists.
b) Compute-server (future Web server) mode: (1) - M1 locks its memory object O1. (2) - M1 checks if socket connection to M2 is in M1 connection table. If yes, go to (5) below. Otherwise, M1 connects to S2 and sends M2 creation script. (3) - S2 spawns M2 and acknowledges. (4) - M1 receives acknowledge message and saves new socket in connection table. (5) - M1 gets O1 handle. (6) - M1 writes O1 to M2 using socket lib calls. (7) - M2 reads O1 using socket lib calls. If I2 is free, O1 buffer is copied directly to I2 buffer. If I2 is locked, M2 creates O1 clone and blocks. (8) - M2 sends acknowledge to M1. (9) - M1 unlocks O1 and blocks.

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Foil 27 WebFlow Paradigm

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User-level WebWork metaphor is given by WebFlow -- a distributed dataflow model built in terms of WebWork modules and MIME object/document communication channels.
  • Think as Web versions of AVS or Khoros
WebWork users will build and control distributed computing applications (compute-webs) using Web browsers based visual interactive editors and monitors.
We are currently prototyping such WebFlow front-ends at NPAC using Java/HotJava model. WebWork modules are represented by Java threads (Screen 6) and visualized as interactive interconnected icons (Screen 7)

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Foil 28 Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms

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An example of HotJava applet that makes essential use of Java multithreading.
Three different sorting algorithms are visualized on a single HotJava page.
Each algorithm can be started independently or they can all run concurrently.
Concurrent mode allows for real-time visual comparison of various algorithms and their performance.

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Foil 29 Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype

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Early prototype of AVS or Khoros like visual compute-web editor.
Two interactive modes are supported:
  • a) module placement, and
  • b) module linking.
In mode a), each click in the active editor window places a new module box there.
In mode b), each click on module port generates links with all other modules.

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Foil 30 Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W

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Latest results prepared for HPDC95 Tutorial August 1,1995

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Foil 31 WebHPL: HPCC Infrastructure for WebWindows

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In WebWork, we also propose an interpreter of HPFCL -- High Performance Fortran Coordination Language, which will support coarse grain distributed HPF computation. Compiled HPF modules, published on individual nodes of the WWVM, will be easily invoked by HPFCL scripts, integrated with GUI front-ends (such as Khoros etc.) and employed in collective computation on the WWVM.
In WebHPL we further explore the concept of interpreted HPCC language environments and we propose an object-oriented Web based parallel programming environment supporting HPF and C++ for distributed metacomputing.
WebHPL, or Web based High Performance Languages, is our most ambitious project in the area of Web and HPCC integration. It addresses both base software engineering and applications, and it refers both to backend and frontend layers of language compilers and interpreters, seeking a uniform programming model for interactive HPCC.

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Foil 32 WebHPL -- Integrating Compiler and Interpreter Technologies

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WebHPL is a hybrid Compiled/Interpreted environment with a more or less seamless use interface.
We use compilers or optimized message passing in the local environments where low latency hardware benefits from careful optimization.
We use interpreters where flexibility and power (e.g. fault tolerance) of agent approach beneficial and performance overhead in software matches intrinsic lower performance of hardware.
We expect that our two-prong approach in WebHPL, attacking the problem both from the full compiler and the full interpreter perspective, will result in an interesting software engineering framework, 'scalable' along the compiler<--->interpreter axis.
The interpolation mechanism along this axis is provided in terms of domain specific "little languages" that are interpreted but operate on compiled modules. UNIX shell, Perl or Tcl are examples of sequential little languages. WebHPL will develop parallel analogs.

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Foil 33 Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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One current WebWork/WebFlow application, prototyped at NPAC, is Software Project Manager (Screen 8). Each software developer runs his/her WebTools server and uses HySource CASE tools. These servers are WWVM-connected to agent and manager servers. Agent server receives automatic notifications from developers servers on each software volume update, and uses customizable thresholds to decide when to fire a report to the manager or a deadline reminder to a developer.
Software Project Manager tools contains a simple agent server that mediates between client/consumer ( here manager) and servers/producers (here developers).

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Foil 34 Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * Critical Information in IMAGE
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A front-end for the software project manager tool.
Three types of modules are supported:
  • a) developers,
  • b) software agent,
  • c) project manager.
Developer modules are linked to the agent module and report automatically all changes in the software volume (handled by WebTools CASE toolkit integrated with WebTools editor).
The agent module integrates the results and uses customizable threshold to decide when to fire a report to the manager or a deadline reminder to a developer.

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Foil 35 General WebScript and Agents

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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More generally, this Middleware Layer 2 will be rather complex and populated by a spectrum of proprietary (e.g. Telescript, ScriptX, CORBA) and public (e.g. Perl, Tcl, Harvest, Java, VRML) scripted languages, brokers, agents, wrappers, mediators etc. see Screens
In WebWork, we refer collectively by WebScript to the whole ensable of these models.
At the current stage, it isn't clear if WebScript as a common intermediate language is a practical concept. An alternative is to live in the multi-language Web medium and emply interoperability agents to translate between various protocols.
Practical initial implementation platfrom for this dual approch is provided in WebWork by an integrated collection of WebTools CASE tools based HySource Worlds for various languages.

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Foil 36 Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA)

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * Critical Information in IMAGE
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A sample VRML page produced by Black Hole Simulation group at NCSA and displayed by SGI WebSpace, cooperating with Netscape Navigator.
A set of 3D spaces related to gravity research is represented as Netscape icons and linked to the corresponding VRML worlds.
WebSpace window displays one of these spaces -- a space-time diagram for two black hole collision ('Pair of Pants' diagram)

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Foil 37 Figure 10: VRML source code example

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. *
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Example of VRML source code (for the black-hole space-time diagram of previous figure).
The full file is 0.5Mb and has been reduced here by removing many lines of numerical data for 'Coordinate3' and 'IndexFaceSet' vectors.

Get source here

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Foil 38 Figure 11: Java source code example

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. *
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Example of Java code, forming an applet for interactive performance measurement of Java thread scheduler functions.
The example illustrates typical objects and methods used by Java multithreading.

Get source here

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Foil 39 WebWork Integration Model

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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WebWork Interpolates and Integrates pervasive Web HPCC and (nonHPCC) commercial software as in following table comparing computing concepts in three "worlds"; HPCC -- Commercial mainstream -- Web
Current Web model needs computational extensions for banking/financial applications, manufacturing, interactice shopping/videogames etc
HPCC can provide Web both parallel computing programming models, libraries and language/runtime concepts which coordinate components of distributed or parallel system
HPCC needs the Web (or equivalent) to give it viable distributed computing and software engineering base
The Web interpolates between "flaky" research software and solid but closed corporate solution. Clear trend away from proprietary towards open software models.

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Foil 40 Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * Critical Information in IMAGE
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Current HPCC, Current Commercial Mainstream, Current and conjectured future Web

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The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series

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Foil 41 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- I

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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  • A middleware broker module that facilitates WebWork operation
  • A WWVM-runnable compute-web and its clients
Bottom-Up Process
  • A Software process that extracts reusable modules from applications
  • A communication link between two ports used to exchange objects
  • A Web browser or editor
  • Evolving Web Technology Server, driven by WebWork computation
  • A composite module given by a dataflow network of modules linked by channels
  • A server document tree with atomicity, integrity and concurrency control support

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Foil 42 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- II

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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  • Web-viewable instance of an object
  • A Web Browser with enhanced WebFlow authoring functions
HPFCL -- HP-Fickle for High Performance Fortran Coordination Language
  • Coordination Script and Interface builder for HPF modules
  • Any WebWork Module that is not a client or part of the WWVM
  • Computational Unit with specified I/O ports and CGI interface to a server
  • An instance of Object type used by modules as a (communication) unit
Object Type
  • Internet-public or WebWork-private MIME type
  • A channel terminal with specified object type published by a module

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Foil 43 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- III

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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  • A published compute-web with missing modules
Problem Solving Environment
  • A WebWork enabled, agents aided collaborative process of matching problems with solutions
  • WWVM-runnable module with a Web-published interface
  • Any Web server with database support or a compute-server
Software Process
  • A VSL based two-tier (top-down, bottom-up) WebWork Software Engineering process
  • A published module to be matched with a problem
Top-down Process
  • A software process that encapsulates applications as modules

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Foil 44 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- IV

From Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 -- 15 September 95. * See also color IMAGE
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VSL or Virtual Software Laboratory
  • Web Productivity Tools based CASE (Computer aided Software Engineering) tools that facilitate the software process
  • User level WebWork dataflow based application development environment
Web Productivity Tools
  • Any Web Software that facilitates WebWork Authoring
  • WebWork coordination and management language in layer 2 which incorporates agents and enables a software process
  • An instance of Web Productivity Tools developed at NPAC to bootstrap the Virtual Software Laboratory or VSL
  • Hierarchical network of applications and the associated software process
WWVM or World Wide Virtual Machine (Layer 1 of WebWork)
  • WebWork Infrastructure layer given by an interactive surface of interconnected servers

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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