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Class webwisdom.tango.TLAgentApplet


public final class TLAgentApplet
extends Object
implements TLAgent, AppletBaseInterf, TLAgentASType
Tango system proxy for applets. This class may be used to create TAgent.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o TLAgentApplet(Applet)
Registers an applet in the Tango system.

Method Index

 o add(TLListener)
 o exit()
 o getJSWindow()
 o getJSWindow()
 o receive(AppEventMessage)
 o send(AppEventMessage)
 o send(int[], AppEventMessage)
 o setInFrame(boolean)
 o toString()


 o TLAgentApplet
 public TLAgentApplet(Applet app) throws TangoException
Registers an applet in the Tango system.

app - applet to be registered
Throws: TangoException
if cannot get reference to Tango


 o exit
 public void exit()
 o add
 public void add(TLListener tl)
 o send
 public final void send(AppEventMessage m)
 o send
 public void send(int userlist[],
                  AppEventMessage m)
 o receive
 public void receive(AppEventMessage m)
 o getJSWindow
 public Object getJSWindow()
 o setInFrame
 public void setInFrame(boolean i)
 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object

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