Java application programming interface to Tango Interactive system

Tango API becomes available by inclusion of webwisdom.tango package in a Java program:
import webwisdom.tango.*;

System interface

Applications use TAgent as a Tango system proxy.
public class TAgent
  public TAgent(TLAgent agent);
  public void exit();

  public String getUserName();
  public boolean isMaster();
  public String getMasterName();
  public String[] getParticipantNames();
  public boolean isAudioAvailable();

  public void send(byte[] data);
  public void selectiveSend(String[] participantNames,byte[] data);

  public void addTControlListener(TControlListener l);
  public void removeTControlListener(TControlListener l);
  public void addTDataListener(TDataListener l);
  public void removeTDataListener(TDataListener l);
There is one TAgent per application. Application must create its own TAgent:
TAgent agent=new TAgent(/*params*/);
TAgent provides methods for acquiring asynchronuosly certain system information: TAgent allows sending data to other participants of the same session: The constructor of TAgent takes as a parameter TLAgent. A class implementing TLAgent is specific for an application type. For applets, for example, TAgent is implemented by TLAgentApplet:
public class TLAgentApplet implements TLAgent
    public TLAgentApplet(Applet app) throws TangoException;
Creating TAgent for applets can be coded as follows:
public class AnApplet extends Applet
    public void init()
        TAgent agent=new TAgent(new TLAgentApplet(this));
      catch(TangoException e)
        //cannot connect to Tango

Application interface

Asynchronous communication can be assured by the mean of callbacks from the Tango system. The listener interfaces lists available callbacks: Application must implement one of the listener interfaces and add itself to the TAgent in order to receive asynchronous notification about the Tango system:
class AnApplication implements TControlListener
    TAgent agent;
    //implementation of TControlListener interface
Reception of the private session data is implemented in the similar fashion:
class AnApplication implements TDataListener
    TAgent agent;
    //implementation of TDataListener interface follows
class AnApplication
    TAgent agent;
    TDataListener listener;


The code of a Tango enabled chat applet is presented here.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import webwisdom.tango.*;

public class JExamp extends Applet implements TDataListener
    TextField text;
    TAgent agent=null;

    public JExamp()
      text=new TextField();
      setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    public void init()
        agent=new TAgent(new TLAgentApplet(this));
      catch(TangoException e)

    public void destroy()

    public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)

      return super.handleEvent(evt);

    public void receive(byte b[])

    private String bytesToString(byte t[])
      return new String(t,0);

    private byte[] stringToBytes(String s)
      int l=s.length();
      byte[] t=new byte[l];
      return t;

Browserless testing

Fake Tango is provided for testing applications outside the browser environment.
package webwisdom.tango.fake;
public class TLAgentFake implements TLAgent
    public TLAgentFake(String userName,boolean isMaster,
                       String serverAddress,int serverPort);
public class TServerFake
    public TServerFake(int portNumber);
    public static void main(String[] params);
In such a setting there is no real Tango: TAgent connects to the fake server, which broadcasts application's private data, but privides no meaningful information about the system itself. Only master status is mainatined in a manner guaranteeing that there is exactly one master.

In order to use this testbed, the fake Tango server must be started:

$ java webwisdom.tango.fake.TServerFake <portNumber>
and the application must use TLAgentFake:
new TAgent(new TLAgentFake(/*serverHostName*/,/*serverPortNumber*/));

Multiple applications in one session

Two additional methods extends TAgent by so called channel interface:
addTDataListener(int channelId,TControlListener l);
send(int channelId,byte[] data);
These methods allows for selecting an arbitrary numerical identifier of the virtual data channel. which can be used for integrating multiple distinct applications in one Tango session. Using this interface for the purposes of a single application is strongly discouraged.
Last modified: Wed Oct 13 18:59:35 EDT 1999
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