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TParticipantsListenerJS.Tango_participantLeft() Method

notify about participant leaving session




userName String Object. The name of the participant who left.




TParticipantsListenerJS.Tango_participantLeft() method is a user defined callback. It is called by the Tango runtime if TParticipantsListenerJS interface has been registered for receiving master updates with TAgentJS.addTParticipantsListenerJS() method.

See Also

TAgentJS.getParticipantsNamesJS() method, TParticipantsListenerJS.participantJoined() method


addTCrossDataListenerJS(), 20

addTDataListenerJS(), 5, 11, 21

addTMasterListenerJS(), 8, 21

addTParticipantsListenerJS(), 8, 22

agent, 4. See TAgentJS

fake, 15

applets. See channels

channels, 11


createTAgentFakeJS(), 16, 19. See TAgentJS

createTAgentJS(), 4, 19. See TAgentJS

crossSendJS(), 23


from Tango, 4. See exitJS()

of listeners

cross-session. See removeTCrossDataListenerJS()

data. See removeTDataListenerJS()

master. See removeTMasterListenerJS()

participants. See removeTParticipantsListenerJS()

document. See handlers

exitJS(), 4, 23

getJoinedSessionsNamesJS(), 24

getMasterNameJS(), 6, 24

getParticipantsNamesJS(), 6, 9, 25

getUserNameJS(), 6, 25

getVersionJS(), 26

handlers. See TCrossDataListenerJS, TDataListenerJS, TMasterListenerJS, TParticipantsListenerJS

isMasterJS(), 6, 26

listener. See registration of listeners

master, 1, 6. See isMasterJS(), TMasterListenerJS, See also participants

participants, 6, 9. See getParticipantsNamesJS(), TParticipantsListenerJS, See also user, master


cross-session. See Tango_crossReceive()

same session, 5. See Tango_receive()


in Tango, 4


in Tango. See TAgentJS

of listeners, 5

cross-session. See addTCrossDataListenerJS()

data. See addTDataListenerJS()

master, 8. See addTMasterListenerJS()

participants, 8. See addTParticipantsListenerJS()

removeTCrossDataListenerJS(), 27

removeTDataListenerJS(), 27

removeTMasterListenerJS(), 28

removeTParticipantsListenerJS(), 28

selectiveSendJS(), 9, 28

sending, 2

broadcast, 5. See sendJS()

cross-session. See crossSendJS()

selective, 9. See selectiveSendJS()

sendJS(), 5, 29

session, 1

creation. See createTAgentJS()

deletion. See exitJS()

properties. See user, participants, master

proxy. See TAgentJS()

setDbgModeJS(), 4, 30

TAgentJS, 19

Tango_crossReceive(), 31

Tango_masterChanged(), 8, 33

Tango_participantJoined(), 8, 9, 34

Tango_participantLeft(), 8, 9, 34

Tango_receive(), 5, 11, 32

TCrossDataListenerJS, 30

TDataListenerJS, 31

TMasterListenerJS, 33

TParticipantsListenerJS, 33

user, 1, 6. See getUserNameJS(), See also participants