Given by Paul Smith DoE at JNAC (PetaFlops) Presentation on August 28,1996. Foils prepared August 25 1996
Outside Index
Summary of Material
This was part of a set of PetaFlop (JNAC) Presentations to group of Federal Program Managers |
JNAC = Joint National Advanced Computing Initiative |
This summarizes results of the series of Petaflop Workshops and Conference Events |
It Summarizes the case to move forward with the major JNAC Program |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
The PetaFLOPS Workshops Series |
August 28, 1996 |
Dr. Paul H. Smith |
Department of Energy |
9:00 The PetaFLOPS Workshop Series Paul H. Smith |
9:30 Drivers for High End Computing Paul Messina |
9:45 Findings and Recommendations from Thomas Sterling |
the PetaFLOPS Workshop Series |
10:15 Break |
10:45 Point Design Studies John Van Rosendale |
11:00 Software Development Architecture Geoffrey Foz |
11:15 Proposed JNAC Program Concept Rick Stevens |
11:45 Near Term Steps and Discussion Paul H. Smith |
12:30 Adjourn |
Brief major findings & recommendations of the PetaFLOPS workshops
Identify the key drivers for advanced computational capabilities beyond HPCC |
Recommend a program concept
Discuss future actions necessary to mold & advocate a coherent successful R&D program |
Approvals |
Need |
Feasibility |
Program Plans |
Implementation |
Software |
Workshop |
June `96 |
Scope |
Architecture |
Workshop |
April `96 |
Petaflops Frontier 2 |
October `96 |
Algorithms |
Workshop |
April `97 |
PetaFLOPS Challenge
PetaFLOPS is possible / feasible in 15 - 20 years |
Applications will demand petaFLOPS (1015) performance |
Memory is dominant implementation factor |
Semiconductor estimates (SIA) allow for 1015 (FL)OPS
Superconducting technology very promising for processor performance |
Planned system software technology is inadequate to support petaFLOPS goals |
Accelerate PetaFLOPS goals to 10 years. |
Multiple applications classes exist. |
Technology transition (paradigm shift) required to get to PetaFLOPS. |
Need to tie architectures closer to programming models |
Role of algorithms must improve |
Accelerate PetaFLOPS goal to a decade. |
Memory, memory and memory
New technologies (paradigm shifts)
Architectures |
Algorithms |
Importance of software |
Need for explicit, low-level control of hardware |
Need for a layered software architecture |
Existence of fundamental systems software scaling problems |
Opportunities for immediate software effort |
Interrelationship of hardware and low-level software |
Start S/W now (independent of H/W). |
Develop layered architecture |
Support strong R&D on new paradigm shift technologies |
Conduct point design studies
Develop performance models
Steps Beyond TeraFLOPS |
Year Peak Performance First Achieved |
Floating Point Operations Per Second (FLOPS) |
Computational Needs |
Rapid Path |
Enhanced Evolution |
... well thought out process |
... best experts in country |
... joint research and development community
... vision of steps for the next 10 years |
Strong need for computing at the high end |
PetaFLOPS levels of performance are feasible |
Private sector is not going to do it |
Develop Technical Approach --NOW
Multi-agency efforts |
Pre-start in FY 1997 |
Consider current successful Federal and Industrial Models |
PetaFLOPS Workshops Results |
Near Term Steps and Discussion |
August 28, 1996 |
Dr. Paul H. Smith |
Department of Energy |
Need to invest in computing at the high end |
PetaFLOPS level of performance are feasible |
Private sector is not going to do it |
Develop Technical Approach --NOW
Multi-agency efforts |
Pre-start in FY 1997 |
Consider current successful Fed/Indust. Models:
....add major ones from the 4 workshops here |
The PetaFLOPS Frontier (Oct 96)
PetaFLOPS Algorithms Workshop (Apr 97) |
PetaFLOPS II Conference (Sept 97)
Engage community in establishing challenges, directions, topics for research |
Integrate into Federal R&D Strategic Planning |