NPAC -- a computational science/Internetics research and development organization: Geoffrey Fox (NPAC director, Professor of Physics and Computer Science), Ed Lipson (Universal Access), Marek Podgorny(Education Technology)
Experimental High Energy Physics: Marina Artuso, Tomasz Skwarnicki, Sheldon Stone
Physics -- existing web enhanced courses: Simon Catterall, Ed Lipson, Gianfranco Vidali
College of Engineering and Computer Science - Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAME) -- existing web enhanced courses: Hiroshi Higuchi, Alan Levy, Jacques Lewalle
Eric Schiff -- Department chair Physics
Ed Bogucz -- Dean of ECS College and also part of MAME
1) New Curriculum: Internetics Concept as novel and powerful way of linking Computing to Applications
Concept generalizes computational science
An Internetics Certificate which we will offer over Internet both in USA and internationally
Integration with physics for new degree options
2) Improved curriculum in existing fields as in Physics-NPAC-Engineering-Cornell Collaborative Applets and web-based simulations
3) NeatTools for universal access allowing those with disabilities to be effective teachers and learners
4) TangoInteractive and WebWisdom as web-based distance education technology to allow broad dissemination of curriculum starting locally
5) High Energy Physics experimental group as research link
6) NSF PACI (NCSA,UCSD supercomputer centers) to accelerate national outreach and ensure top quality
9--ɵ.30 Introduction (Fox)
9.30--ᡂ.30 Physics Curriculum Phy 105/106/307(Lipson, Catterall, Vidale)
10.45-ᡃ.30 TangoInteractive/WebWisdom (Podgorny,Fox)
11.30-ᡄ.15 NeatTools and Universal Access(Lipson)
12.15-ɭ.15 Lunch brought in
1.15--ɮ.15 Tour of RICH Detector (Artuso,Skwarnicki,Stone)
2.15--ɮ.40 High Energy Experimental Physics Educational Outreach (Artuso,Skwarnicki,Stone)
2.40--ɯ.20 Engineering Curriculum (Higuchi,Levy,Lewalle)
3.30 Institutional Comments (Bogucz, Schiff)
4.00 Discussion of Possible Proposal and Next Steps
We are integrating best information technology and leading physics and engineering research into new curriculum with both existing and new educational programs and outreach activities
This will invigorate traditional majors; integrate them into interdisciplinary education and improve broad based science understanding
We need Internetics as key information technology curriculum
We need NeatTools to enable universal access to web-based curriculum
We need TangoInteractive/WebWisdom to broadly disseminate
We need outside collaboration (such as NSF PACI EOT) to ensure integration with national agenda
We need physics and engineering researchers and teachers to design and develop new curriculum materials
Computational Science is Interdisciplinary field in between Computer Science and "large scale Scientific and Engineering simulation-based" applications
Academic fields: Aerospace engineering, physics etc.
Internetics is Interdisciplinary field between CS and Both Simulation and Information-based applications
Bioinformatics, Public Communication ...
As information applications dominate commercial world, internetics has an information flavor (analysis of physics data is an "information" application; QCD Monte Carlo is a simulation application)
Enrollment in Classic Computational Science at Syracuse has dropped from 50 to 10; enrollment in Internetics has risen from 6 to 100 (95-98)
Current Internetics Curriculum starts with High School Java Academy;undergraduate and graduate programs, through the four course continuing education certificate
a) Modules for Science for 21st Century where Tango/WebWisdom/NeatTools are fully integrated to support interactive applets,quizzes and glossaries
e.g. work done so TangoInteractive delivery and Universal Access is assumed in basic design and implementation
b) Design and implementation of High Energy Physics modules (incl. Linked instruments) which will eventually have property a)
c) Mechanics Based Engineering Courses (Fluid Mechanics, Aircraft and Spacecraft Dynamics, Statics and Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Thermodynamics, Vibrations) material with similar properties
d) Design of Internetics minor to be offered for physics and engineering students and physics minor to be offered (with Internetics enablement) to CS students
e) K-12 and Other Outreach using local and national partners
f) Training material to enable other researchers and faculty to produce similar material
g) Workshops describing our and related work