Using grdoc

grdoc is invoked on the command line. The syntax is
  grdoc (-i srcdir|-f filelist) -o htmldir
That is, you must either specify a srcdir in which grdoc will execute a find and only take things ending with .C, .c, .f, .F etc... (this is done with the -i arg) or you must have a file which contains a list of all files to be included relative to the dir where you run grdoc. This file should be one file per line, should contain dirs on their own if you have subdirs, and is set with the -f filelist option. This is mostly there so that perl code (which doesn't require an extension) and machines without find can both use grdoc.

Other optional arguments are

  -c    "Name of Code"
  -a    author_email
  -T    [No Args.  If set, parses out tex eqns in containers]
  -O    [No Args.  If set, routines which have vio out get special marker]
  -V    [No Args.  Verbose.  If set, code makse lots of output!]

As well as the @keywords described, grdoc also has the following features: