program main integer nd, nx parameter (nd=8, nx=32) double precision margin parameter (margin = 1.) double precision begintime, endtime parameter (begintime = 0., endtime = 1.) integer dumps parameter (dumps = 10) integer ll, mm parameter (ll=2, mm=2) double precision time double precision dd, dx, du integer i, it, nt, scoop double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision go(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) integer mask(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer aa, bb, cc, dd1 INTERFACE subroutine interpolate(gn, q, p, nx, nd, dd, i) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer nx, nd, i double precision dd end subroutine interpolate subroutine gmiddle(go,gn,x,q,p,nd,nx,dd,dx,du,i) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision go(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) integer nd, nx double precision dd, dx, du integer i end subroutine gmiddle END INTERFACE open(24,file='pfvals',status='new') call setup(mask, x, q, p, nd, nx , dd, dx, du, ll, & mm, margin, time, begintime, endtime, nt & , dumps, scoop) call initial(gn, x, q, p, nd, nx, time, ll, mm) do i=0,nx call interpolate(gn, q, p, nx, nd, dd, i) enddo go=gn do it=1,nt time=time+du i=1 call gstart(go,gn,x,q,p,nd,nx,dd,dx,du) call interpolate(gn,q,p,nx,nd,dd,i) do i=2, nx-1 call gmiddle(go,gn,x,q,p,nd,nx,dd,dx,du,i) call interpolate(gn,q,p,nx,nd,dd,i) enddo i=nx call gend(go,gn,x,q,p,nd,nx,dd,dx,du) call interpolate(gn,q,p,nx,nd,dd,i) call norm(gn,x,q,p,nd,nx,dd,dx,time,dumps,ll,mm) c open(22,file='gnvals2',status='new') c do aa=-(nd+1), (nd+1) c do bb=-(nd+1),(nd+1) c do cc=0,nx c do dd1=0,1 c write(22,*) aa,bb,cc,dd1,gn(aa,bb,cc,dd1) c enddo c enddo c enddo c enddo c call flush(22) go=gn enddo call flush(24) contains subroutine setup(mask, x, q, p, nd, nx, dd, dx, du, ll, mm, & margin, time, begintime, endtime, nt, & dumps, scoop) integer mask(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer nd, nx double precision dd, dx, du integer ll, mm double precision margin, time, begintime, endtime integer nt, dumps, scoop integer i C Fill-in grid coordinate functions C ND is the real grid dimension, the grid is enlarged by one, C so that it holds the interpolated values as well. dd = 1. / dble(nd) dx = 1. / dble(nx) do i = 0, nx x(i) = i * dx end do do i = -(nd+1), (nd+1) q(i) = i * dd p(i) = i * dd end do C Figure out the number of iterations (nt) C Calculate the timestep (du), and the sampling density (scoop). time = begintime du = margin * dx * dd ** 2 nt = int((endtime - du) / du) + 1 if (nt .lt. dumps) dumps = nt if (dumps .gt. 0) then scoop = int(nt / dumps) else scoop = 1 end if if (dumps .gt. 0) then open (11,file='dat/run.log' ,status='new') write (11,*) 'Run Parameters' write (11,*) '-------------------------------------' write (11,*) 'Grid size : ', nx, ' x ', nd, ' x ', nd write (11,*) 'Initial time : ', time write (11,*) 'Final time : ', endtime write (11,*) 'Number of iterations : ', nt write (11,*) 'Number of data dumps : ', dumps write (11,*) ' ' call flush(11) end if C Set mask array for interpolation between stereographic patches c call setmask(mask, q, p, nd) return end subroutine setup subroutine initial(gn, x, q, p, nd, nx, time, ll, mm) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision time integer nd, nx, ll, mm integer i, k, l double precision u C Fill in initial data for all x's, both patches, all angles u = time do i = 0, nx do l = -nd, nd do k = -nd, nd gn(k,l,i,0) = fg(ll,mm,u,q(k),p(l),x(i),0) gn(k,l,i,1) = fg(ll,mm,u,q(k),p(l),x(i),1) end do end do end do return end subroutine initial double precision function fg(ll, mm, u, q, p, x, D) double precision u, q, p, x, y double precision lambda c double precision cos1, ylm, cos2, phi double precision phi integer ll,mm, D, l, m C Choose overall factor lambda = 1. l = ll m = mm C Calculate the cosine for this point and this patch y = cos1(q,p,D) phi = acos(cos2(q,p,D)) if(abs(cos2(q,p,D)).gt.1) then print*, q, p, cos2(q,p,D) end if fg = lambda * 2**(l+1) * x ** (l+1) * ylm(l, m, y, phi) & / ((u + 1.) ** (l + 1) * (u * (1 - x) + x + 1.) ** (l+1)) return end function fg double precision function legendre(l,y) C Legendre Polynomials integer l, lc double precision y double precision pnext, tmp0, tmp1 C l = 0 and 1 polynomials tmp0 = 1. tmp1 = y if(l.eq.0) then legendre = tmp0 else if (l.eq.1) then legendre = tmp1 else C Higher order recursive formula do lc = 2, l pnext = (y * (2*lc-1) * tmp1 - (lc-1) * tmp0) / lc tmp0 = tmp1 tmp1 = pnext end do legendre = pnext endif return end function legendre double precision function ylm(l, m, x, phi) C Spherical Harmonics C Re(Ylm) (The real part) integer l, m double precision x, phi double precision pi, norm c double precision plgndr, factrl pi = 3.14159265358979323846 norm = sqrt((2. * l + 1.) / (4. * pi) & * factrl(l - m) / factrl(l + m)) ylm = norm * plgndr(l, m, x) * cos(m * phi) return end function ylm double precision function plgndr(l,m,x) integer l,m double precision x integer i,ll double precision fact, pll, pmm, pmmp1, somx2 if ( then stop 'bad arguments to plgndr' end if pmm=1. if( then somx2= sqrt((1. -x)*(1. +x)) fact=1. do i=1,m pmm=-pmm*fact*somx2 fact=fact+2 enddo endif if(l.eq.m) then plgndr=pmm else pmmp1=x*(2*m+1)*pmm if(l.eq.m+1) then plgndr=pmmp1 else do ll=m+2,l pll=(x*(2*ll-1)*pmmp1-(ll+m-1)*pmm)/(ll-m) pmm=pmmp1 pmmp1=pll enddo plgndr=pll endif endif return end function plgndr double precision function factrl(n) C Factorial integer n c double precision gammln integer j,ntop double precision a(33) save ntop,a data ntop,a(1)/0,1./ if ( then stop 'negative factorial' else if (n.le.ntop) then factrl=a(n+1) else if (n.le.32) then do j=ntop+1,n a(j+1)=j*a(j) end do ntop=n factrl=a(n+1) else factrl = dexp(gammln(dble(n)+1.0D0)) endif return end function factrl double precision function gammln(xx) double precision xx double precision half,one,fpf parameter (half=0.5d0, one=1.0d0, fpf=5.5d0) integer j double precision ser,stp,tmp,x,cof(6) save cof,stp data cof,stp/76.18009173d0,-86.50532033d0,24.01409822d0, & -1.231739516d0,.120858003d-2,-.536382d-5,2.50662827465d0/ x = xx - one tmp = x + fpf tmp = (x+half) * log(tmp) - tmp ser = one do j=1,6 x=x+one ser=ser+cof(j)/x end do gammln = tmp+log(stp*ser) return end function gammln double precision function p1(u,q,p,x,D) double precision u, q, p, x double precision lambda c double precision cos2, sin1 integer D lambda = 1. p1 = lambda * 4 * sin1(q,p,D) * cos2(q,p,D) * x**2 / & ( (-x - u + u * x - 1)**2 * (u + 1)**2) return end function p1 double precision function sin1(q,p,D) double precision q, p integer D sin1 = 2. * sqrt(q*q + p*p) / (1. + q*q + p*p) if ( print*, 'Error in sin1' end function sin1 double precision function sin2(q,p,D) double precision q, p integer D if(q.eq.0.and.p.eq.0) then sin2 = 0. else if(D.eq.0) then sin2 = p / sqrt(q*q + p*p) else if(D.eq.1) then sin2 = - p / sqrt(q*q + p*p) end if end if if ( print*, 'Error in sin2' end function sin2 double precision function cos1(q,p,D) double precision q, p integer D if(D.eq.0) then cos1 = (q*q + p*p -1.) / (1. + q*q + p*p) else if(D.eq.1) then cos1 = (1. - q*q - p*p) / (1. + q*q + p*p) end if if ( print*, 'Error in cos1' end function cos1 double precision function cos2(q,p,D) double precision q, p integer D if(q.eq.0.and.p.eq.0) then cos2 = 0. else if( then cos2 = 1. else if( then cos2 = - 1. else cos2 = q / sqrt(q*q + p*p) end if if ( cos2 = 1. end function cos2 subroutine copy(go, gn, nd, nx) double precision go(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) integer nd, nx integer i, k, l C Copy the "new" array into the "old" one. We could use a C "canned" routine from a library to do this chore. do i = 0, nx do l = -(nd+1), (nd+1) do k = -(nd+1), (nd+1) go(k,l,i,0) = gn(k,l,i,0) go(k,l,i,1) = gn(k,l,i,1) end do end do end do return end subroutine copy subroutine gstart(go, gn, x, q, p, nd, nx, dd, dx, du) double precision go(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer nd, nx double precision dd, dx, du integer D, i, k, l double precision dold, dnew, d1, d2 double precision xp, xq, xr, xs double precision rp, rq, rr, rs, rc double precision gp, gq, gr, gs double precision l2, l2im1, l2i, factor, area double precision gmean C Calculate the characteristic deviation i = 1 dold = 0.5 * du * (1. - x(i-1)) ** 2 dnew = 0.25 * du * (1. - x(i)) ** 2 d1 = dold / dx d2 = dnew / dx xp = x(i-1) xq = x(i) - dnew xr = x(i-1) + dold xs = x(i) + dnew rp = xp / (1. - xp) rq = xq / (1. - xq) rr = xr / (1. - xr) rs = xs / (1. - xs) rc = 0.5 * (rp + rs) C area = \int_\Sigma du dr area = 0.5 * du * (rq - rp + rs - rr) C Calculate gn for both patches independently do D = 0, 1 gmean = 0. do l = -nd, nd do k = -nd, nd factor = - 0.25 * (1 + q(k) ** 2 + p(l) ** 2) ** 2 l2im1 = 0. l2i = factor * (1. / dd ** 2) * & (go(k+1,l,i,D) & + go(k-1,l,i,D) + go(k,l+1,i,D) & + go(k,l-1,i,D) - 4. * go(k,l,i,D)) l2 = 0.5 * (l2im1 + l2i) C Interpolate the g = r * f values gp = 0. gr = (1. - d1) * go(k,l,i-1,D) + d1 * go(k,l,i,D) gs = (1. - d2) * go(k,l,i,D) + d2 * go(k,l,i+1,D) gq = gp + gs - gr - 0.5 * area * l2 / rc ** 2 C Extrapolate to obtain the new gamma grid value gn(k,l,i,D) = (gq - gn(k,l,i-1,D) * d2) / (1. - d2) gmean = gmean + gn(k,l,i,D) end do end do gmean = gmean / (2.* nd + 1.) ** 2 C Average out the angular dependence forall (l=-nd:nd,k=-nd:nd) gn(k,l,i,D) = gmean end do return end subroutine gstart subroutine gend(go, gn, x, q, p, nd, nx, dd, dx, du) double precision go(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer nd, nx double precision dd, dx, du integer D, i, k, l double precision dold, dnew, d1, d2 double precision xp, xq, xr, xs double precision rp, rr double precision gp, gq, gr, gs double precision l2, l2im1, l2i, factor, integral C Calculate the characteristic deviation i = nx dold = 0.25 * du * (1. - x(i-1)) ** 2 dnew = 0. d1 = dold / dx d2 = dnew / dx xp = x(i-1) - dold xq = 1. xr = x(i-1) + dold xs = 1. rp = xp / (1. - xp) rr = xr / (1. - xr) C integral = \int_\Sigma du dr 1/r^2 integral = 2. * log(rr / rp) C Calculate gn for both patches independently do D = 0, 1 do l = -nd, nd do k = -nd, nd C Calculate the Laplacian factor = - 0.25 * (1 + q(k) ** 2 + p(l) ** 2) ** 2 l2im1 = factor * (1. / dd ** 2) & * (gn(k+1,l,i-1,D) + gn(k-1,l,i-1,D) & + gn(k,l+1,i-1,D) + gn(k,l-1,i-1,D) & - 4. * gn(k,l,i-1,D)) l2i = factor * (1. / dd ** 2) & * (go(k+1,l,i,D) + go(k-1,l,i,D) & + go(k,l+1,i,D) + go(k,l-1,i,D) & - 4. * go(k,l,i,D)) l2 = 0.5 * (l2im1 + l2i) C Interpolate the g = r * f values gp = (1. - d1) * gn(k,l,i-1,D) + d1 * gn(k,l,i-2,D) gr = (1. - d1) * go(k,l,i-1,D) + d1 * go(k,l,i,D) gs = go(k,l,i,D) C Calculate the gp box value gq = gp + gs - gr - 0.5 * integral * l2 C Extrapolate to obtain the new gamma grid value gn(k,l,i,D) = (gq - gn(k,l,i-1,D) * d2) / (1. - d2) end do end do end do return end subroutine gend subroutine norm(gn, x, q, p, nd, nx, dd, dx, time, dumps, ll, mm) double precision gn(-(nd+1):(nd+1),-(nd+1):(nd+1),0:nx,0:1) double precision x(0:nx) double precision q(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) double precision p(-(nd+1):(nd+1)) integer nd, nx double precision dd, dx, time integer dumps, ll, mm integer i, k, l, D double precision ex, nu, diff, l1, l2, linf integer mk, ml, mi C Calculate the global l1, l2 and linfinity norms. l1 = 0. l2 = 0. linf = 0. mk = 0 ml = 0 mi = 0 D = 0 do i = 0, nx do l = -nd, nd do k = -nd, nd ex = fg(ll,mm,time,q(k),p(l),x(i),D) nu = gn(k,l,i,D) diff = abs(ex - nu) l1 = l1 + diff l2 = l2 + diff * diff if ( then mk = k mi = i ml = l linf = diff end if end do end do end do l2 = sqrt(l2) / sqrt(dble(nx * nd * nd)) l1 = l1 / (dble(nx * nd * nd)) if (dumps .gt. 0) then open(14, file = 'dat/norml1.dat', status = 'unknown') open(15, file = 'dat/norml2.dat', status = 'unknown') open(16, file = 'dat/normli.dat', status = 'unknown') write (14,10) time, l1 write (15,10) time, l2 write (16,20) time, linf, mk, ml, mi call flush (14) call flush (15) call flush (16) end if 10 format(2E23.12E3) 20 format(2E23.12E3,3I5) return end subroutine norm end program main