Spatial derivative routines contain routines for Inner boundary, Outer boundary
and interior. Time derivatives, use a 3 level leap frog scheme.
All derivative routines are second order for the first derivative in
x,y,z directions.
To handle the hole, 2 non-distributed lists are created, m(nl),d(nl) where m(l) contains the i,j,k location of the ``hole'' points and d(l) contains either (1,-1,0) indicating either forward, backwards or centered.
The derivatives around the hole
are determined to second order. Second derivatives, for example ,
are only first order accurate. The interior second derivatives are
second order accurate.
Routine looks as follows:
subroutine diff(h,f,df,dir,m,d,nl) use params implicit none real*8 h real*8, dimension(nx,ny,nz) :: f,df real*8, dimension(3*nl) :: d integer, dimension(3*nl) :: m character dir !HPF$ PROCESSORS PROC(nproc) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE f *(BLOCK,*,*) ONTO *PROC !HPF$ ALIGN(:,:,:) WITH *f(:,:,:) :: df call diff_int(h,f,df,dir) call diff_ob(h,f,df,dir) if ( call diff_ib(h,f,df,dir,m,d,nl) return end
subroutine diffx_ib(h,f,df,m,d,nl) use params implicit none integer nl real*8, dimension(nx,ny,nz) :: f,df real*8, dimension(3*nl) :: d integer, dimension(3*nl) :: m real*8 h,h2 integer i,j,k,l h2 = 0.5d0 / h do l = 1 , nl i = m(l) j = m(nl+l) k = m(2*nl+l) d1 = d(l) d2 = d(nl+l) d3 = d(2*nl+l) da = abs(d1) df(i,j,k) = h2*(d1*(-3.0d0*f(i,j,k)+4.0d0*f(i+int(d1),j,k) $ - f(i+2*int(d1),j,k)) + $ (1.0d0-da)*(f(i+1,j,k)-f(i-1,j,k) ) ) end do return end
subroutine diffx_ob(h,f,df) use params implicit none real*8, dimension(nx,ny,nz) :: f,df real*8 h,h2,hi integer i,j,k !HPF$ PROCESSORS PROC(nproc) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE f *(BLOCK,*,*) ONTO *PROC !HPF$ ALIGN(:,:,:) WITH *f(:,:,:) :: df hi = 1.0d0/h h2 = 0.5d0 / h FORALL (k=1:nz,j=1:ny) df(1,j,k) = h2 * ( -3.0d0*f(1,j,k) . + 4.0d0*f(1+1,j,k) - f(1+2,j,k) ) df(nx,j,k) = h2 * ( 3.0d0*f(nx,j,k) . - 4.0d0*f(nx-1,j,k) + f(nx-2,j,k) ) END FORALL FORALL (i=2:nx-1,k=1:nz) df(i,1,k) = h2 *(f(i+1,1,k)-f(i-1,1,k) ) df(i,ny,k) = h2 *(f(i+1,ny,k)-f(i-1,ny,k) ) END FORALL FORALL (i=2:nx-1,j=1:ny) df(i,j,1) = h2 *(f(i+1,j,1)-f(i-1,j,1) ) df(i,j,nz) = h2 *(f(i+1,j,nz)-f(i-1,j,nz) ) END FORALL return end