(September 1996)

Wei Li
Department of Computer Science
University of Rochester

PART I: Program Technical Status

  1. Description of progress during reporting period, supported by reasons for any changes reported previously

    Briefly describe activity for each task/subtask.

    Rochester's goal in this project is to access the utility of the new runtime system for distributed shared-memory architectures. During the past year, we made a lot of progress towards our goal of building a parallelizing compiler and runtime system for distributed shared-memory machines. We have been studying the design of the new Compiler Runtime Systems in the context of data transformations and optimizations for distributed shared-memory machines. Our work can be divided into three categories: locality optimizations, scheduling for network of workstations, parallel and distributed data mining. We are also building a Java compiler.

  2. Description of any special programs developed or major items of experimental or special equipment purchased or constructed during reporting period.

    We have developed a prototype Java compiler called Briki, and a network visualization system called NetProf.

  3. Notifications of any changes in key personnel associated with the contract during the reporting period.

    No change.

  4. Summary of substantive information derived from noteworthy trips, meetings, and special conferences held in connection with the contract during the reporting period

  5. Summary of any problems or areas of concern on which procuring activity or guidance is required
  6. Statement relative to the apparent sufficiency of contractually prescribed effort to achieve the objectives of the contract
  7. Related accomplishments:

    We have published the following papers:

  8. Planned activities and milestones for the next reporting period

  9. List of all equipment purchased during reporting period

PART II: Program Financial Status

  1. List cost to date, whether billed or not

    Planned: $48,000 (1/1/96--8/31/96), $150,000 (8/15/94--8/31/96)

    Actual: $47,595 (1/1/96--8/31/96), $143,406 (8/15/94--8/31/96)

  2. Answer the following questions:

    1. Is current funding sufficient for the current FY?

      No. Current funding will run out by September 30, 1996. We will need the remaining $75,000 to complete the project for the final period.

    2. What is the next Fiscal Year's funding requirement at current anticipated levels?

      We will need the $75,000 originally budgeted for the third year (8/15/96-- 8/14/97). This would give us a cumulative budget of $225,000.

Last change: September 1996 by Wei Li
Please report problems with this server to wei@cs.rochester.edu.