Program Technical Status A. Description of progress during the reporting period, supported by reasons for any changes reported previously. Work continues according to plan. Highlights: The first public domain release of the PCRC kernel software, (developed at NPAC) is now expected in the next reporting period. The functionality of the kernel is essentially frozen and fully implemented. The interface and implementation are currently being documented, prior to release. The final task before release will be to simplifiy the installation procedures, improving portability across platforms with diverse operating systems, MPI implementations, and compilers. A GNU-style configuration script is under development. The proposed Java interface to the kernel runtime is being actively developed. We have devised a minimal set of extensions to the Java language to support data-parallel programming using distributed arrays plus the PCRC run-time functions. Besides its intrinsic value as a Java environment for parallel programming, the envisaged system can be viewed as a pilot study towards incorporation of similar extensions in more complex languages. This work comes under the umbrella of stage 2, item 4---{\em Infrastructure supporting high-level SPMD}, and stage 1, item 1g---{\em Java interface} in the revised statement of work, submitted with the previous quarterly report. The Florida subcontractors have developed an MPI version of their algorithms for combining scatter. This version is link-compatible with the PCRC kernel developed at Syracuse. Syracuse has provided interface code so that these routines are now callable using the generic DAD array descriptors employed by the kernel library. The work of subcontractors Texas and Maryland, developing DAGH and MetaChaos respectively, is proceeding according to plan. Something on prefix. Excuse for a compiler. ... Should address things in revised statement of work for this period. B. Description of any special programs developed or major items of experimental or special equipment purchased or constructed during the reporting period. None. C. Notification of any changes in key personnel associated with the contract during the reporting period. No change. D. Summary of substantive information derived from noteworthy trips, meetings, and special conferences held in connection with the contract during the reporting period. 1) Papers ``PCRC-based HPF Compilation'' and ``Java as a Language for Scientific Parallel Programming'' were presented at LCPC '97 in Minnesota. ... E. Summary of any problems or areas of concern on which procuring activity or guidance is required. None. F. Statement relative to apparent sufficiency of contractually prescribed effort to achieve the objectives of the contract. The contractually prescribed effort is sufficient to achieve the objectives of this contract. G. Related accomplishments: i.e., scientific papers published, etc. 1) PCRC-based HPF Compilation 2) Java as a Language for Scientific Parallel Programming ... HPJava proposals??? ... Seungjo+Sanjay report H. Planned activities and milestones for the next reporting period. The documentation of the NPAC runtime kernel will be completed. (This is a substantial document. The current draft---some 120 pages---covers about half of the system.) The runtime kernel will be tested on various UNIX platforms, (including LINUX). The installation scripts will be completed. The release of the kernel software will be made public. Java interface. A Java interface complementing the current C++ and Fortran interfaces will be completed. Work will start on a source-to-source preprocessor for a minimally extended Java dialect, providing a high-level interface to the PCRC run-time (this can be seen as a new compiler targetting the run-time---an {\em HPJava}---although the scope of this work is somewhat less ambitious than for HPF). As explained in section A, this work fits naturally in the revised work plan. It will exploit an existing infra-structure for Java compilation. ... Any things from the revised SOW that fit naturally into this time frame.