This directory contains examples of how to use the Oracle JDBC drivers. The oci7 subdirectory contains samples written for the JDBC OCI7 driver. It is the directory with the most examples. The examples can be very easily adapted to work for the other drivers, in most cases you just need to change the connect string. The thin subdirectory contains a sample for an applet. The thin-1.0.2 subdirectoy contains a sample for an applet running in a web browser that only supports the JDK-1.0.2 (and not the JDK 1.1). In each directory the example lists all employees from the EMP table. We provide it written for the oci7, oci8, thin and "thin for JDK-1.0.2" drivers. Please look at the different versions to understand how to use the different drivers. The DBMetaData directory contain the source code for the OracleDatabaseMetaData class that implements the DatabaseMetaData entrypoints of JDBC. It is provided for your information in case you want to tune the meta data entrypoints.