#!/usr/local/bin/perl ####################################################################### # Tracing Your Visitor's Footsteps # Created by Craig David Horton chorton@neo.lrun.com # Copyright (c) 1997 All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution of this script is NOT authorized without the prior # writtten permission by DBasics Software Company. ####################################################################### # Define Path To Server Access Log $serverlog='/public/logs/htaccess_public'; # Usage is footstep.cgi?QUERY where QUERY is the REMOTE_HOST is the # IP Address/Domain Name you're tracing. if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ne "") { $search4=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { $search4=$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; } print "content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "
"; open (LOG, "$serverlog") || die $!; while ("; print qq|) { ($visitor,$a2,$a3,$date_time,$a5,$a6,$file,$a8,$a9,$a0) = split(/\s+/, $_); ($date,$hr,$min,$sec) = split(/:/,$date_time); $date = substr($date,1,length($date)-6); print "$date $hr:$min:$sec $file\n" if ($visitor =~ $search4 && $file !~ ".jpg" && $file !~ ".gif"); } close(LOG); print "