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Component_DOM: Label
of an HTML component internal to a page
CORBA: Distributed
Object Model from the OMG (Object Management Group) – an industry consortium
DEO: Distributed
Educational Object using any approach of the Pragmatic Object Web
DOM: Document
Object Model – usually that developed by the Web Consortium W3C
Dynamic HTML
(DHTML): Technology supported by
Netscape and Microsoft browsers with version 4 and higher. It enables pages to
be built in layers from multiple components that can be separately repositioned
and changed in both contents, order in layer and if necessary hidden
FoilWorld: A
hierarchical collection of Curricula pages displayed by WebWisdomNT and stored either on a web site or in the WebWisdomDB database.
IMS: Instructional
Management System from Educause aimed at setting Internet learning standards
and supplying reference implementations. (http://www.imsproject.org
The dominant web computing language and an important distributed object model
LecCorder: WebWisdom.com packaged product to allow convenient audio and video recording of
lectures with web display in high or low resolution form. (http://www.leccorder.com)
Page focus: Part
of Page receiving current attention
either because the pointer is there or the user performed some action such as
clicking a button
Page_URL: Web
label for a WebWisdom Page.
PAPI: Personnel and Performance
data being standardized by IEEE P1484 activity. Supported by the WebWisdom Course Server
Object Web: A concept developed at Syracuse University, which captures the
coexistence of multiple object models with different characteristics
SessionWeb: The collection of Internet
material used in a single learning session such as a lecture.
A WebWisdom.com technology supporting
sharing of general DEO’s with a Java,
C++ and JavaScript interface. TangoInteractive is packaged with a myriad of
basic shared tools such as chat, whiteboard etc.
A small
business located in Syracuse New York with leading edge multimedia,
collaboration and distance education products.
Active Object: A technology developed by WebWisdom.com
to enable the sharing of Java applets placed in Web pages. It combines the Java
and JavaScript interfaces of TangoInteractive
Course Server: An Oracle or equivalent database supporting day to day operation
of a course including student
registration, homework submission and grading, and surveys.
WebWisdomDB: A modern web-linked
database optimized for storing educational objects DEO’s
Manager: A
Java administrative interface to the WebWisdomDB
WebWisdom DEO: A
Distributed Educational Object DEO that
is either a WebWisdom Page or a
component thereof.
DynamicViewer: The integration of TangoInteractive
with a dynamic HTML browser pages to provide a powerful interface to shared
curricula material. The WebWisdom DynamicViewer can also be used independently
of TangoInteractive in asynchronous
learning modes.
DynamicFilter Converter: A Java technology developed by WebWisdom.com that implements batch filters adding dynamic HTML to
permanently modify and enhance the curricula value of simple Web Pages
including those exported from Microsoft PowerPoint.
DynamicFilter Server: A Java Servlet technology developed by WebWisdom.com that implements a dynamic server approach to filters
adding dynamic HTML to enhance the curricula value of simple Web Pages
including those exported from Microsoft PowerPoint.
Integrated Mail: This supports threaded discussion lists and mail, which is fully
integrated with conventional mail systems, listservs and mail sent from TangoInteractive sessions. As each mail
item can be accessed by a URL, one can link audio-video recordings of
discussions connected to resource. Dynamic HTML or Java interfaces allow
administrators to arrange material into topics.
WebWisdomNT: An integrated distance
education system supporting both asynchronous and synchronous learning models. WebWisdomNT includes the TangoInteractive collaboration system
for sharing objects and interacting between teacher and students. This is
combined with the WebWisdom DynamicViewer client and can accept either
conventional web pages or those enhanced with the WebWisdom DynamicFilter Converter/Server. Large users will put
curriculum in the WebWisdomDB database
with WebWisdomDB Manager and WebWisdomNT provides web linkage through
the WebWisdom XMLTemplate Server.
WebWisdom Page: Material viewed by teacher
or learner on a computer screen as part of a WebWisdomNT Session. Note this
includes any pages taken from the World
Wide Web or that statically or dynamically modified by a WebWisdom DynamicFilter Converter or Server. It also includes pages
generated dynamically from the WebWisdomDB
XMLTemplate Server front ending a
WebWisdomDB database. Enhanced
WebWisdom Pages include support for dynamic HTML to represent cursor,
notes, quizzes, glossaries, thumbnails (for review and preview) as well as
event handling to improve TangoInteractive's monitoring of network performance
and notification of problems in synchronous delivery.
TangoInteractive Executive: The JavaScript code that links WebWisdom browser
pages (using WebWisdom Dynamic Viewer) to the TangoInteractive collaboration system for an interactive session.
WebWisdom XML
Template Server: The Java server combining the WebWisdomDB
database and XML templates to enable
display of curricula stored in the database in Web browsers.
World Wide
Web: All
the material (Pages) stored on the
XML: A powerful new technology
from W3C that enables custom tags to be developed that can capture the
structure of general content.
of WebWisdomDB