Research Areas

General Research Interests: Parallel and Distributed Computing, Web technologies, Heterogeneous and Meta Computing, Interoperable Interface Design for High Performance Computing Platforms, Parallelizing Compilers.

Current research work involves developing of a software system that exploits emerging Web technologies and existing parallel and distributed computing infrastructure and provides a metacomputing environment. This unique synthesis merges important aspects of both technologies seamlessly and targets the solution of grand challenge problems. Two proof-of-concept products that complements each other were developed out of this research work:

Virtual Programming Lab: A Web-based parallel programming environment or an interoperable interface for accessing high performance computing platforms. Virtual Programming Lab was used to teach parallel computing courses to graduate-level students at Syracuse University. It was also adopted by Cornell Theory Center (one of National Science Foundation supercomputing centers) of Cornell University and a more developed version has been in use in Virtual Training Workshops since the beginning of 1997.

World-Wide Virtual Machine: A Web-based metacomputing environment for the solution of parallel and distributed applications.

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Revised: Haziran 01, 1998.