Notice to Parents - Throat Culture
Your child, ___________________, was seen in the
nursing health office on __________ for a sore throat. A throat
culture was performed. You will be notified of the culture results
tomorrow. If the throat culture is positive, antibiotics will
be prescribed for your child. The following measures would help
decrease the discomfort your child is experiencing:
- Tylenol every 4 hours for discomfort (according
to package directions)
- Drink plenty of fluids. Water and non-irritating
fluids (such as Kool-aid) are best. Fruit juices sometimes irritate
sore throats. If juices do not cause an increase in pain, they
may also be provided.
- Rest as needed
Your child should see the school nurse or your physician
- The sore throat lasts for more than 6 days
- The child has a fever greater than 102F
- The child has difficulty swallowing
- The child has difficulty breathing