Our address is 8035 Shadow Rock in the Town of Manlius, a mile beyond the village. The phone number is 682-5755. Follow Route 92 through the Village of Manlius. Take the first right which is Whetstone. Follow it to the end at Broadfield (not indicated on sign). Turn left on Broadfield and take the first left on Shadow Rock. We are at "9:00 o'clock" on the cul de sac circle. The number 8035 is on the mailbox. It's a gray house between two brown ones. { In case you are unfamiliar with the route to Manlius, follow East Genesee past Wegmans. Generally stay in the right lane. Branch to the right at Lyndon Corners to stay on 92. In Manlius, stay in right lane even as you make the left turn near Burger King. After that turn you'll soon branch to the right for 92 again. Whetstone will come up very soon on the right. } { In case you miss Whetstone (a bit hidden), turn right on Pompey Center Rd. (note: because of recent construction, there may not be a sign at Pompey Center Rd.; it is the first right after you enter the 50 mph zone and it is where the Manlius Veterinary Clinic is located on the right.) (If you hit a traffic light you have gone too far; that is a traffic light on Enders Rd. where Flannery's is. Turn right on Enders Rd. When it ends turn left on Pompey Center Rd.) Turn right on Broadfield Rd. It appears just after you pass a fire station on the left and cross a small bridge over a creek. The sign for Broadfield is on the left side of Pompey Center Rd. There is also a rectangular sign with a left-arrow and yellow background at the tee intersection of Pompey Center Rd. and Broadfield Rd. Be careful not to miss the inconspicuous Broadfield turn. If you reach Trillium Trail (one entrance to Pompey Pines development), on the right side of Pompey Center Rd., you've gone too far. By the way, Broadfield is the 2nd right off Pompey Center Rd. (the first is Bluffview). On Broadfield, pass Limestone Rd. on the right, and turn right on Shadow Rock. See above. }