
Note: You should get another (initially empty) Netscape2 window after pressing the [Help] button. All pages linked on this help page are being displayed in this auxiliary window. This allows you to analyze (or download) the source code for individual frames while maintaining the display of the current content in all frames.


WebFoil uses the following windows and frames:

Name Description
main Main Netscape2 window, containing the following frames: nbar, list, foil, sign.
nbar Navigation bar including a set of buttons (from [Home] to [Help]) and a text field used to display URLs and error messages.
list Contains selectable list of Texts corresponding to various Documents.
foil A frame to display the current Document foils.
appbar To display an applet.
source Auxillary window used by the Help page to display the source code of the individual frames


The following files are being used to construct the main page and its frames:

File Description
Bar1.html Generates nbar (navigation bar) frame with a set of buttons.
Help.html Generates help (this) page.
View.html Generates view page, displayed in the foil frame on the first entry to the WebFoil or on each restart via the [Home] button.
List.html CGI script used by the server to display HTML and CGI files as text files in the source window.
index.html Generates the frameset layout for the main WebFoil page.
Bar2.html Displays an applet at the bottom bar


Buttons in the toolbar located in the upper frame are associated with the following actions:

Button Action
Home Display WebFoil Home Page (this page)
Back Display the previous foil in the current foilset
Forward Display the next foil in the current foilset