Statement of Work for
Syracuse University Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC)
Contributions to the
International Border Electronic Crossing (IBEX)
Program at Otay Mesa, California


The Southern California Partnership has been selected by the Federal Highway Administration to perform a Field Operational Test at Otay Mesa, California which demonstrates electronically expedited commercial vehicle border crossing. Calstart is prime contractor for the IBEX effort and Scientific-Atlanta is responsible for technical design and development. Scientific-Atlanta anticipates that NPAC will design, develop, test, and integrate the central data access and management capabilities required under the IBEX program. The data management and networking system which implements those capabilities, referred to as TransWeb, shall be implemented using Netscape as a front end to an Oracle data base management system (DBMS), hosted on a computer which is referred to as the TransWeb processor. This SOW shall govern the contract between Scientific-Atlanta and NPAC under which NPAC will provide those items.

Division of Responsibilities

In the following sections, those requirements which will be addressed using software written by Scientific-Atlanta have been explicitly identified. All other requirements shall be the responsibility of NPAC.

Due to the large number of inter-related system components, the complex data flow between them, and the use of the TransWeb processor to host functions other than Netscape based data access and management, it is difficult to concisely specify which portions of the IBEX functionality must be performed by NPAC under this contract. However, in general NPAC shall provide the software which allows for data display, entry, and storage within the Netscape and Oracle environments. Scientific-Atlanta will provide the software which is required to manage non-Internet external interfaces. Scientific-Atlanta will also provide for the storage and retrieval of the data passed on those interfaces using data base access software provided by NPAC.

Required Capabilities and Characteristics

The attached figure illustrates the overall IBEX system, including the TransWeb site and connecting computer systems. NPAC shall provide all software and software tools required to implement TransWeb capabilities in San Diego. Scientific-Atlanta will provide the computer system and communications lines required to host TransWeb. TransWeb shall support the overall IBEX requirements by providing the following capabilities:

  1. TransWeb shall be accessible via Internet to the Enrollment, Cargo Control, and Crossing Control computer systems. The Enrollment and Cargo Control interfaces shall be primarily visual via Netscape. The Crossing Control interface shall primarily support data transfers in response to truck movements at the border crossing site.
  2. TransWeb shall provide at least the following four levels of secure multi-level data access when being used by remote Web clients:
    1. browsing, which shall allow display of background information on the IBEX program and the TransWeb capabilities
    2. registration, which shall allow the creation of new program participants
    3. manipulation, which shall allow access to and modification of the previously entered or received registration and cargo data.
    4. supervision, which shall allow access to and manipulation of all data, data structures, and executable software
  3. TransWeb shall provide the ability to access background information on the IBEX program and TransWeb capabilities via Internet connections. Scientific-Atlanta will provide the data which will be used to create the web page. This capability as implemented by NPAC shall initially be very limited, but the software structure shall allow Scientific-Atlanta employees to easily add additional information.
  4. TransWeb shall provide the entry, storage, and subsequent structured access to background information concerning drivers, power units, motor carriers, shippers, and consignees. Information in each of these areas shall be primarily textual and numeric, typically consisting of 10 to 50 fields of nominally 50 bytes each. In addition, it is desired that driver and power unit data support the management of digital images. Data entry shall be accomplished using the Entry System, consisting of a laptop PC connected to the TransWeb site. Data access shall be accomplished via the Entry System, the Cargo Control System, or the Crossing Control System. The TransWeb site shall support the storage of at least 10,000 drivers, 1,000 power units, 100 motor carriers, 100 shippers, and 100 consignees.
  5. The TransWeb DBMS shall provide for the storage and recall of commercial invoices. Transmission and reception of these invoices will be performed by software which, though resident in the TransWeb computer system, will be developed directly by Scientific-Atlanta. TransWeb software shall interface with that Scientific-Atlanta software to provide the required storage and access capabilities.
  6. TransWeb shall provide for the display, data handling, and communications required to accomplish a Cargo Registration. Cargo Registration shall be accomplished using the Cargo Control System, consisting of a laptop PC connected to the TransWeb site. Registering a cargo shall generally consist of the following steps:
    1. Scientific-Atlanta software within the TransWeb processor will receive a commercial invoice as an EDI message, reformat it as necessary, then store and forward responding EDI messages. Communications and formatting software will be written by Scientific-Atlanta, but the TransWeb data base shall provide for storage and access. The EDI messages are typically less than 10,000 bytes. Storage must be provided for at least 10,000 messages.
    2. When the container is loaded and ready for transit, a trusted operator will use the Cargo Control System to access the commercial invoice at the TransWeb site using software provided by NPAC.
    3. The trusted operator will also use a Netscape page to identify the driver, power unit, motor carrier, and other key data associated with the transit. NPAC shall provide software which allows the operator to access background data on these items using operator-entered identities.
    4. Upon operator command, an EDI message will be generated and transmitted to Customs describing the transit which will be made. A Trip ID will be assigned to the transaction. Scientific-Atlanta will be responsible for the software which formats and transmits the message. NPAC shall provide the user interface which causes the Scientific-Atlanta software to execute.
    5. Upon operator command, the identity data will be written onto a PCMCIA flash memory card, which will be transferred to a computer system on board the power unit. Scientific-Atlanta will be responsible for the software which formats data and writes it to the flash card. NPAC shall provide the user interface which causes the Scientific-Atlanta software to execute.
  7. The TransWeb site shall provide for recall of enrollment and cargo registration information by the Crossing Control System. As a truck reaches the border crossing, the Trip ID will be transmitted via radio from the on-vehicle computer system to the Crossing Control System. TransWeb shall provide data management and access capabilities which allow the Crossing Control system to access all relevant enrollment and cargo registration information using this identifier as a key. Scientific-Atlanta will be responsible for the Crossing Control System. NPAC shall provide the data base routines within TransWeb which provide access to the required information.

The final implementation of the TransWeb site shall be hosted on a computer running the Windows NT operating System. Preliminary software deliveries may be made using Unix platforms.

Work Statement

NPAC shall perform the following tasks:

  1. NPAC shall develop a program plan for TransWeb development. This plan shall specify the personnel, computer resources, and software tools which will be used to develop the TransWeb software. It shall also specify the computer system and tools which will be required at Scientific-Atlanta to host the TransWeb software.
  2. NPAC shall develop a preliminary functional specification of the TransWeb software. This shall include a top-level description of all software interfaces, data base structures, data base access techniques, display formats, and software development tools. Scientific-Atlanta will support this effort by specifying the data elements and sizes which must be stored within the data base. Scientific-Atlanta will also coordinate with NPAC to develop the user interfaces. Display specifications may be created electronically as part of Task 3. Coordination of this task shall primarily be accomplished electronically. However, NPAC shall allow for 1 2-day trip to San Diego. Scientific-Atlanta employees will also visit NPAC on a regular basis.
  3. NPAC shall develop prototype software which demonstrates all relevant aspects of the user interface. This prototype may be delivered to Scientific-Atlanta for installation on Scientific-Atlanta computer hardware. Alternatively, NPAC may host TransWeb on its own computer systems, which shall be accessible via Internet.
  4. NPAC shall develop TransWeb revision 1, which shall incorporate all software tools, shall provide top-level access to (but not necessarily implement) all Netscape functionality demonstrated in Task 2, and shall implement all Enrollment functions. This revision may be implemented on an NPAC computer running Unix, but shall be accessible via Internet.
  5. NPAC shall develop TransWeb revision 2, which shall provide the balance of the required capabilities. This revision shall be implemented on a computer running Windows NT. NPAC shall install the TransWeb software and configure the Internet communications controls on a Scientific-Atlanta computer system in San Diego.
  6. NPAC shall support Scientific-Atlanta efforts to implement and integrate software which interfaces with the TransWeb software.
  7. NPAC shall develop TransWeb revision 3, which incorporates corrections developed during Scientific-Atlanta software development and integration.


NPAC shall deliver the following items:

  1. Program Plan. Delivery due 01 April 1996.
    Item Cost: $
  2. Functional Specification. Delivery due 15 April 1996.
    Total Cost: $
  3. TransWeb prototype. If hosted on NPAC computers then delivery shall consist of a letter notifying Scientific-Atlanta how to access the site. If hosted on Scientific-Atlanta computers then delivery shall include source code, executable code, all required make files, and all required software tools. The delivery shall also include a description document which describes the delivered items and specifies how they should be installed and utilized. Delivery due 01 May 1996.
    Unit Cost: $
  4. TransWeb revision 1. Delivery shall include source code, executable code, all required make files, and all required software tools. The delivery shall also include a description document which describes the delivered items and specifies how they should be installed and utilized. Delivery due 01 June 1996.
    Unit Cost: $
  5. TransWeb revision 2. Delivery shall include source code, executable code, all required make files, and all required software tools. The delivery shall also include a description document which describes the delivered items and specifies how they should be installed and utilized. Delivery due 15 June 1996.
    Item Cost: $
  6. System integration services during the period from 01 May 1996 until 01 October 1996
    Item Cost: $
  7. TransWeb revision 3. Delivery shall include source code, executable code, all required make files, and all required software tools. The delivery shall also include a description document which describes the delivered items and specifies how they should be installed and utilized. Delivery due 01 September 1996.
    Item Cost: $

Intellectual Property

note: the following wording is representative of the desired licensing rights but must be treated as preliminary since it has not been reviewed by Scientific-Atlanta corporate attorneys.

NPAC shall grant to Scientific-Atlanta an unrestricted, transferable, non-revocable, non-exclusive license to use all software delivered under this contract. This license need not include the following software tools which are integrated into the software product and are commercially available from third party vendors: