Assignment A1 (due Thursday 2/18/99): Implement a small rule-based system in CLIPS to accomplish the following task: There are facts describing the required courses that must be taken by any student in order to graduate. With each required course, there is a specified minimum grade that must be achieved; students may have to repeat a course if that minimum grade is not achieved. With each course, there is a list of courses that are prerequisites for that course. Also, with each course, there is information available regarding whether the course is offered every Fall, every Spring, or both. When a student interacts with your system, he is prompted for (and supplies) his name, unique student id, and the list of courses already taken, along with grades achieved in those courses. The output of the system must be a list of courses that the student must take in future semesters, generating a schedule that will minimize the amount of time needed to graduate. Assume that no student may register for more than 6 courses (ignoring credit hours).