[14/Jan/1998] 9981 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.alaska-ext 24 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.arctis-ext 3827 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.cr-ext 3 | se.ericsson.era.testbed.pisco-sux 139 | se.ericsson.se.ericsson.edt.wise.arctis-buf Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) via NetCache version 3.1.2c-Solaris [ 17115 / 144888(Agent) | 40775(Request)] [16/Jan/1998] 12878 | edu.syr.search Netscape-Catalog-Robot/1.01 (14135) Crescent Internet ToolPak HTTP OLE Control v.1.0(185) [14320 / 115363 (Agent) | 34977(Request)] [17/Jan/1998] 14949 | edu.syr.search Netscape-Catalog-Robot/1.01 (18415) Crescent Internet ToolPak HTTP OLE Control v.1.0(81) [18496 / 91804 (Agent) | 31199(Request)] [18/Jan/1998] 2395 | jp.or.infoweb.cab.robot2 InfoNaviRobot [2495 / 73765 (Agent) | 18113(Request)] [31/Jan/1998] 266 | us.oh.columbus.freenet.bigsearch AltaVista Intranet V1.0 scooter-gcfn webmaster@freenet.columbus.oh.us [307 / 108512 (Agent) | 45634(Request)] 1469 | com.atext.crawl3 ArchitextSpider [1527] 2637 | com.dec.pa-x.scooter Scooter/1.0 scooter@pa.dec.com [3113] (No robots.txt, but is per days.) 19397 | edu.syr.search Netscape-Catalog-Robot/1.01 [23596] [1/Feb/1998] 249 | edu.tenet.search (No robots.txt, but is on 2/Feb) AltaVista Intranet V1.0 tenet.edu webmaster@tenet.edu [294 / 84766 (Agent) | 21798(Request)] 369 | com.infoseek.templeton-bbn cf. From (Access_log) - 1052 (Infoseek, Inc. (NETBLK-NETBLK-INFOSEEK2) NETBLK-INFOSEEK2) InfoSeek Sidewinder/0.9 [1538] [3/Feb/1998] 39 | com.webcrawler.tripod (No robots.txt) (Accessing almost same pages everyday) WebCrawler/3.0 Robot libwww/5.0a [39 / 124172 (Agent) | 27798(Request)] 325 | edu.utk.cs.netlib2 (No robots.txt, no gif's) Harvest/1.4beta [334] (cf. Harvest [481]) cache1.cc.interlog.com - - [03/Feb/1998:00:23:56 -0500] "GET /REU/reu97/reference/posters/ce97eli/brooke4.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 67822 [03/Feb/1998:00:23:56] Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; U) via Harvest Cache version 3.0pl4-BSDI (cf. Harvest/ [335]) [8/Feb/1998] 3300 | jp.or.infoweb.cab.robot3 InfoNaviRobot [3450 / 92140 (Agent) | 23648(Request)] [9/Feb/1998] 980 | com.inktomi.j9 (No robots.txt, but j15 on previous day.) Slurp/2.0 (slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html) [982 / 129849 (Agent) | 32649(Request)] cf. 7507 | de.rhein-zeintung.mail (Much gif access, serial order) Using "Wget/1.4.5" [13781] [10/Feb/1998] 8221 | es.udc.fi.dc.krilin (Much gif access, serial order) Wget/1.4.4 [10114 / 128373 (Agent) | 32129(Request)] 1482 | net.kvi.g4sale01 (Much gif access, serial order) (This is a robot.; it checks robots.txt.) (similar accesses for several days) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSIECrawler; Windows 95) [10137] [14/Feb/1998] 1226 | com.lycos.lycosidae Lycos_Spider_(T-Rex)/3.0 [1292 / 92272 (Agent) | 36373(Request)] [15/Feb/1998] 39 | net.euroseek.infra Arachnoidea (arachnoidea@euroseek.com) [40 / 75028 (Agent) | 18777(Request)] [20/Feb/1998] 2093 | com.alexa.firestone ia_archiver/1.6 [2833 / 133015 (Agent) | 44427(Request)] [03/Mar/1998] 123 | uk.co.mirror-image.tblondon (No robots.txt, Random access) Mozilla/4.0 (not really) [376 / 116179 (Agent) | 24916(Request)] [05/Mar/1998] 169 | com.planetsearch.fido fido/1.0 Harvest/1.4.pl2 [175 / 117300 (Agent) | 24037(Request)] 391 | uk.co.demon.thing Wget/1.4.5 (697) [08/Mar/1998] There are missing data between 07 Mar 3AM and 08 Mar 12PM. 87 | com.atext.brat-isdn1 ArchitextSpider (The same as crawl3.atext.com) [95 / 55063 (Agent) | 10960(Request)] [09/Mar/1998] 517 | com.microsoft.tide15 (Much gif accesses) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSIECrawler; Windows NT) [1599 / 103633 (Agent) | 23109(REquest)] 98 | jp.ac.yasuda-u.pent (Seems not robot) httpdown 3.0 using http.cc (99) 1063 | net.ozemail.anzwers.crawler3 AnzwersCrawl/2.0 (anzwerscrawl@anzwers.com.au; http://faq .anzwers.com.au/anzwerscrawl.html) [1065] [12/Mar/1998] 937 | jp.go.affrc.nfri.pcb178 (Many accesses in a short time) (No avidence that it is a robot) (Much gifs, sequence accesses) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) 7530 | ( unresolved (7530 : agent) (Much accesses gif's) GETWWW-ROBOT/2.0 [14/Mar/1998] 1170 | net.hinet.cache-root1 Wget/1.4.5 [4919 | 108225(Agent) / 41833(Request)] 1760 | net.mediaone.se.lc46-111 (No robot) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) 1633 | net.nlanr.cache.sd (Has no robot.txt) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I) (Only 02:18:50) Wget/1.4.5 (Since 16:05:45) 306 | net.nlanr.tirana (Has robot.txt) Wget/1.4.5 344 | net.soft.wipsys.sentry (Has no robot.txt) NetAttache/2.5 [362] [16/Mar/1998] 225 | com.northernlight.taz Gulliver/1.2 [228 / 78562(Agent) | 17525(Request)] 538 | net.cloud9.dialup.futurist (Seems no robot.) (Many accesses of gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Mac_PowerPC) [18/Mar/1998] 728 | edu.pitt.cs.toros (No evidance it is robot.) (Seems no robot.) Mozilla/3.0Gold (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i686) [21/Mar/1998] 4786 | edu.osc.gcfn224 AltaVista Intranet V2.0 scooter-gcfn webmaster@gcfn.org [4913 / 147658 (Agent) | 75094 (Request)] (36341 Simple Request) (No gif access) (134.131 belongs to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.) Netscape-Compass-Robot/3.0 (ebaenen@mbvlab.wpafb.af.mil) [ Accesses: 2771(20/Mar), 36341(21/Mar), 23690(22/Mar), 9019(23/Mar)] [ 42384(28/Mar), 32844(29/Mar)] [26/Mar/1998] 874 | fr.u-bordeaux.emi.marquet (Both non-spider & spider) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m) (From 03:31:13) Wget/1.4.2 (From 03:35:38" to "14:17:53", robot.txt) [926 / 116860 | 28630 (Request)] [27/Mar/1998] 3696 | edu.syr.npac.joker (Some gif's, no robots.txt) (Seems a robot.) Java3.0 (Sun 1.1.2) (From 15:52:48 - To 16:03:39) 215 | fr.univ-lille1.iut-info.goujon (Both non-spider & spider) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (WinNT; I) (From 10:57:15) Teleport Pro/1.28 (From 11:03:30 - To 11:09:48) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (WinNT; I) (From 11:09:56 - To 11:10:05) [ 510 / 114152(Agent) | 40692 (Request)] 25 | fr.wanadoo.abo.ca-metz-122 Teleport Pro/1.28 315 | net.bestweb.poughkeepsie.dialin-30 (No gif's, no robots.txt) Crescent Internet ToolPak HTTP OLE Control v.1.0 (318) 460 | tw.net.seed.gais9 (Has robots.txt, no gif's) GAIS Robot/1.0B2 (570) [29/Mar/1998] 268 | pl.ccs.poz.rporczyn (Has robots.txt, 2069 gif accesses) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; MSIECrawler; Windows NT) [31/Mar/1998] 406 | com.alexa.green (Has robots.txt, 101 gif accesses) ia_archiver/1.6 [ 689 / 122843 (Agent) | 34333 (Request) ] 313 | com.ibm.almaden.wildpig (Has robots.txt at 21:19:41) Java1.1.4 (02:52:18, 02:58:22) (21) (Invisible agent from 11:xx:xx to 13:39:57) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; U) (13:40:45 3 gif accesses, from 13:40:43 - jpg) 114 | edu.cornell.resnet.dph11 (No robots.txt, No gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.29 i686) (117) 4746 | tw.gov.kcg.linux (No robot, 3861 gif's) Mozilla/3.01Gold (Win95; I) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17 (From 01:45:52) Teleport Pro/1.28 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17 (From 02:31:00 - to 10:38:57 including some gif accesses) [05/Apr/1998] 578 | ca.mb.cyberspc.pm2-1-03 (No robots.txt 2977 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) (From 01:40:14 to 01:45:54) NetAttache/2.5 (From 01:47:26 to 04:33:28) (3531) 317 | com.dec.pa-x.av.soap (No robots.txt no gif's) (robots.txt access on 01/Apr/1998) Scooter/1.0 scooter@pa.dec.com (317) 184 | edu.buffalo.ap.arch4 (No robots.txt 357 gif's) Mozilla/3.01 (WinNT; I) [07/Apr/1998] 365 | se.uu.pal.server (No robots.txt, 665 gif's) (From 05:58:27 to 06:24:50) (Short time) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows NT) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows 95) [08/Apr/1998] 137 | gr.auth.ccf.philippos (No robots.txt, 54 gif's. Robot) WebZIP/1.30 (http://www.spidersoft.com) 183 | pl.gda.pg.ds2.andrew (No robots.txt, 131 gif's. No robot) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I ;Nav) (12:02:34 - 12:12:38) Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I; HTTPClient 1.0) (12:14:12 - 15:30:40) 6224 | (No robots.txt, 83 gif's and 1914 jpg's. Robot?) (10:50:13 - 18:07:06) Mozilla/3.03 (Win16; I) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) route: person: Graca Carvalho address: France e-mail: graca@cisco.com e-mail: me@graca.net source: RIPE [09/Apr/1998] 139 | com.aol.ipt.201-52-108 (No robots.txt, 105 gif's 40 jpg's.) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) (01:05:50 - 01:24:45) 446 | edu.syr.npac.quarry (No robots.txt, 393 gif's. No robot) Mozilla/3.0 (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP22) 154 | edu.umr.cs.himalaya (No robots.txt, no gif's. Robot) LinkSweeper/1.0 [165] 627 | gr.hellasnet.salonika.pop (No robots.txt, 3205 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 [5358(Agent) / 3836(Access) other site used same agent] 585 | net.rccn.nat4 (No robots.txt, no gif's. Robot) Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) 855 | pt.up.fe.deec01ws53 (robots.txt access, 347 gif's. Robot) Teleport Pro/1.28 [5358/ 1520(Access)] 1520+3836 = 5356 506 | (No robots.txt, 1136 gif's, 1718 accesses) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows NT) [151] (05:21:53 - 05:36:44) WebZIP/1.30 (http://www.spidersoft.com) (05:36:44 - 05:46:26) [24] Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I) (06:25:33 - 09:17:23) [11/Apr/1998] 230 | uk.co.easynet.one4life (No robots.txt, 11 gif's) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win16; I ;Nav) [13/Apr/1998] 153 | fr.guetali.dns (No robots.txt, 51 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) 160 | ca.on.vianet.hunt-annex2-port3 (No robots.txt, 34 gif's, 75 jpg's) Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I) (07:55:15 - 07:59:44) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AK; Windows 95) (08:03:24 - 09:11:32) 162 | (No robots.txt, 49 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95; Snap.home.1) [14/Apr/1998] 552 | kr.co.lg.lg_gate3 (No robots.txt, 194 gif's, 1.5 hrs) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I) (00:06:26, 00:06:56) Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I; HTTPClient 1.0) via NetCache version 3.1.2c-Solaris (00:08:18 - 01:21:21, 06:26:58 - 06:28:38) [15/Apr/1998] 1386 | edu.osc.bigsearch (No robots.txt, no gif's. Robot) AltaVista Intranet V2.0 scooter-gcfn webmaster@gcfn.org 135 | fi.ccc.veera (No robots.txt, 57 gif's. Seems no robot) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows NT) \ via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17 [16/Apr/1998] 179 | com.time-0.198-112-156-21 (No robots.txt, no gif's) Java1.1.4 (206) [21/Apr/1998] 135 | gov.pnl.darth (No robots.txt, no gif's) No Agent log. (18:08:10 - 18:25:20) [22/Apr/1998] 406 | pl.edu.agh.ds14.gacek (Has robots.txt, 7 gif's) Wget/1.4.5 (414) [23/Apr/1998] 771 | br.ufsc.eps (No robots.txt, 78 gif's) Wget/1.4.5 (1664) 160 | ca.gc.srv.kshaheen (No robots.txt, 272 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) 1753 | (Has robots.txt, 187 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I) (00:00:12 - 03:11:27) Teleport Pro/1.28 (03:14:37 - 04:10:52) (2599) (about 30 gif's) [27/Apr/1998] 160 | jp.ac.yasuda-u.pent (No robots.txt, No gif's) httpdown 3.0 using http.cc (161) [28/Apr/1998] 160 | es.iies.iies244 (No robots.txt, 582 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 (5818) 2190 | (28 robots.txt, no gif's) InfoSeek Sidewinder/0.9 (2380) Infoseek, Inc. (NETBLK-NETBLK-INFOSEEK2) NETBLK-INFOSEEK2 - [29/Apr/1998] 219 | us.in.k12.lakecentral.dev130 (No robots.txt, 1898 gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95) (3599) 116 | (Has robots.txt, 26 gif's); Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) (11:06:27 - 13:02:08, 13:09:53 - 20:33:48) Teleport Pro/1.28 (13:02:08 - 13:08:29, 20:42:52 - 23:49:18) Ministry of Education Computer Center (NET-TANET-B3), Taipei, Taiwan [30/Apr/1998] 302 | com.ibm.alphaworks.jcentral2 (No robots.txt, no gif's) No agent, 304 accesses 479 | it.uniud.sci.cjanevate (Has robots.txt, 419 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 351 | no.siemens.www (No robots.txt, 34 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 [01/May/1998] 451 | com.spyglass.siv.roam101 (No robots.txt, no gif's) Phantom/2.1f2b2 (501) (15:42:52 - 16:41:24) [04/May/1998] 232 | net.mediaone.ne.mitagaki (No robots.txt, no gif's) Java1.1.5 (264) 164 | (Has robots.txt, 22 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 (04:42:43 - 04:47:20) cf. CC.CURTIN.EDU.AU 115 | (Has robots.txt, 1116 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 (21:25:18 - 21:56:16 ) [05/May/1998] 359 | edu.tenet.isd.collegestation.e35 (No robots.txt 1241 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC) (472) Mozilla/3.0Gold (Macintosh; I; PPC) (1902) 192 | (No robots.txt, 228 gif's) WebSeer (420) Performance Systems International (NET-PSINETA) PSINETA University of Illinois (ASN-UIUC) UIUC 38 [06/May/1998] 592 | de.uni-rostock.informatik.donau (No robots.txt, 252 gif's) Mozilla/3.0Gold (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m) (1079) (06:02:13 - 15:54:08) [18/May/1998] 951 | (No robots.txt, 1218 gif's) Mozilla/4.02 [en] (Win95; I) (05:37:20 - 23:59:51) Tokyo Central Post Office Box 351 Netblock: - inetnum: - netname: KREONET descr: Korea Research Environment Open Network country: KR [19/May/1998] 474 | es.upv.dsic.amon (No robots.txt, 1 gif's) Lynx/2.7.1 libwww-FM/2.14 (Not fast access) 134 | net.hinet.ts.s84.h47 (Has robots.txt, 93 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) 851 | (No robots.txt, 19 gif's) Java1.1.6 (1149) Tokyo Central Post Office Box 351 Netblock: - inetnum: - netname: STARNET-SG descr: Ministry of Defence country: SG notify: tech@cyberway.com.sg [20/May/1998] 140 | net.psi.pub-ip.nj.newark3.ip94 (Has robots.txt, 32 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 741 | (Has robots.txt, no gif's) InfoSeek Sidewinder/0.9 (3551) 1309 | [21/May/1998] 519 | at.co.styria.news (No robots.txt, 613 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) (06:22:20 - 06:26:09) Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0) (06:29:12 - 08:14:22) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) (11:18:42 - 12:54:14) 132 | fi.hut.freenet.openet (No robots.txt, no gif's) Lynx/2.3.7 BETA libwww/2.14 (141) [22/May/1998] 265 | de.bosch.fe.gwa (No robots.txt, 8 gif's) Autonomy/1.0 (279) 257 | nl.rotterdam.port.www (No robots.txt, 65 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I) 154 | se.kth.s3.svartfink (No robots.txt, 17 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) 865 | (No robots.txt, 21 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I) (06:02:07 - 06:02:51) AvantGo 1.1 (937) (06:04:07 - 06:36:33) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I) (06:41:08) Tokyo Central Post Office Box 351 Netblock: - inetnum: - netname: SMARTONE descr: Smartone Mobile Communications Ltd. descr: Hong Kong changed: tspyip@hkabc.net 605 | (No robots.txt, 335 gif's) Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; ) (1004) JOANNA.WES.ARMY.MIL (Seems a military site) [23/May/1998] 400 | uk.co.cableinet.usr105-edi (No robots.txt, 309 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; ) [24/May/1998] 117 | (Has robots.txt, 50 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) (20:11:49 - 20:12:43) Teleport Pro/1.28 (20:15:01 - 20:47:27) [25/May/1998] 241 | fi.lut.it.melkor (Has robots.txt, 1562 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) (04:52:57 - 04:55:06) Teleport Pro/1.28 (04:57:10 - 05:24:51) 254 | my.jaring.klm.j12 (No robots.txt, 44 gif's) VCI WebViewer VCI WebViewer Win32 (08:08:01)(08:08:06) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I) (08:08:03)(08:08:06) - Two agents are mixed. 100 | net.bess.bard (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) Mozilla/5.5 libwww-perl/0.40 (100) 372 | (Has robots.txt, 126 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) inetnum: - rev-srv: minerva.ibernet.es address: Xunta de Galicia, Secretaria Xeral de Comunicaciones address: SPAIN [26/May/1998] 110 | de.fireball.heavymetal (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) KIT-Fireball/2.0 (111) 220 | edu.sdsu.edcenter (No robots.txt, 520 gif's) Mozilla/3.01Gold (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4u) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4u) 190 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.jucc1 (Has robots.txt, 121 gif's) 178 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.jucc2 (No robots.txt, 92 gif's) Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) Wget/1.4.5 127 | mil.navy.nuwc.npt.tothd (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) Java1.1.4 (145) [27/May/1998] 490 | gr.upatras.mech.dbz (Has robots.txt, 2914 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 (From 01:10:58 - 02:09:34) 1758 | (Has robots.txt, 851 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSIECrawler; Windows 95) KV Internet Access Inc (NETBLK-TRITON-KVI01) TRITON-KVI01 - 468 | (Has robots.txt, 611 gif's) Mozilla/3.01Gold (WinNT; I) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; ) Teleport Pro/1.29 (After second robots.txt, 06:36:31) [28/May/1998] 160 | com.trw.sp.achang (No robots.txt, 39 gif's) Mozilla/3.04 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.30 i686) (205) 131 | edu.virginia.seas.watt (No robots.txt, 29 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; AIX 4.2; Nav) (Seems no robot) 558 | jp.co.fujitsu.k1 (15 gif's) 612 | jp.co.fujitsu.k2 (15 " ) 536 | jp.co.fujitsu.k3 (12 " ) 560 | jp.co.fujitsu.k4 (20 " ) 571 | jp.co.fujitsu.k6 (Only has robots.txt, 20 gif's) (82 gif's total) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) Wget/1.4.5 (2916) [2/Jun/1998] 6226 | no.siemens.www (No robots.txt, 1782 gif's) No agents (07:30:34 - 07:35:29) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) (07:49:56 - 07:52:29) Teleport Pro/1.29 (20:55:28 - 23:59:23) [3/Jun/1998] 383 | es.upm.fi.datsi.tamujon (Has robots.txt, 66 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.30 i686) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win32; w95; i486; Nav) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.30 i6 [4/Jun/1998] 10 | com.vni.houston.mail (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) 110 | net.psi.pub-ip.oh.akron.ip171 (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) EmailSiphon (149) 165 | (Has robots.txt, 160 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) (03:41:19 - 03:55:21) Teleport Pro/1.28 (03:56:21 - 04:45:50) inetnum: - netname: LINKOR-NET descr: (VL142) "EXPRESS KARTA", Vladivostok country: RU changed: pooh@ipnms.rosprint.net 980112 [5/Jun/1998] 956 | (No robots.txt, 1700 gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95) (14:19:07 - 14:19:11) WebVCR/2.0 (2932, 14:22:25 - 17:38:40) inetnum: descr: Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa country: PT changed: ip-adm@rccn.net 940822 e-mail: sysup5@ciistr1.ist.utl.pt [6/Jun/1998] 476 | tw.com.openfind.index2 (Has robots.txt, no gif's) GAIS Robot/1.0B2 (590, whole time) [8/Jun/1998] 138 | nz.co.ihug.wlg.p36-max3 (No robots.txt, 109 gif's) Mozilla/3.04 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.30 i486) (12:47:36 - 14:29:18) Arena/beta-3a libwww/4.1 (46, 14:48:08 - 14:52:31) (Some gif accesses) [9/Jun/1998] 335 | edu.syr.npac.npacdial1-202 (No robots.txt, 30 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) (02:48:04 - 02:49:25) Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I) (12:08:11) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AK; Windows 95) Java1.2beta3 (20, same as access 23:33:23 - 23:47:21) 345 | uk.co.oracle.gatekeeper (No robots.txt, 227 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I ;Nav) (Seems no robot) [10/Jun/1998] 100 | (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Update a; Windows 95) (Only 100 "/" accesses) DJ Dist. (NETBLK-UU-208-211-45-224) UU-208-211-45-224 - [12/Jun/1998] 389 | com.ibm.alphaworks.jcentral2 (The same as 4/30) 194 | net.alta-vista.arachnophilia (No robots.txt, 0 gif's) Scooter/2.0 G.R.A.B. X2.0 (361) 737 | (18 robots.txt, 0 gif's) (5/20) InfoSeek Sidewinder/0.9 (same as 'wilbur-bbn.infoseek.com') [13/Jun/1998] 28948 | edu.syr.search (agent: 33311) [15/Jun/1998] 645 | fr.tm.cite-cybermonde.parmus (No robots.txt, 155 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) (2815) (05:25:54 - 06:07:50) 150 | uk.ac.gre.bubbles (No robots.txt, 116 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Mac_PowerPC) (325) (05:09:05 - 05:19:35) cf. 'MSIE 4%' : 15902 [16/Jun/1998] 289 | (Has robots.txt, 69 gif's) Mozilla/4.01 [en] (WinNT; I) (07:19:22 - 07:22:23) Wget/1.4.5 (07:34:04 - 08:44:24) Mozilla/4.01 [en] (WinNT; I) (08:57:38 - 08:58:10) [19/Jun/1998] 380 | es.upm.ssr.gc.ordg (No robots.txt, 8 gif's) Mozilla/3.01Gold (X11; I; Linux 2.0.0 i586) (06:07:10 - 06:12:54) WebCopy/0.98b7 (06:22:50 - 16:45:54) (471, 92 jpg's) [21/Jun/1998] 135 | au.com.tik.www (No robots.txt, 80 gif's) Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I) (22:16:19 - 22:18:20) NetAttache 2.1 (22:19:35 - 22:56:39) (Has gif access) 157 | in.net.vsnl.pppmad.m_33_65 (Has robots.txt, 165 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows 95) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) (Mixed with below agent) Teleport Pro/1.28 664 | net.hinet.ts32.s11.h84 (Has robots.txt, no gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 [22/Jun/1998] 364 | com.enron.enefw2 (Has 6 robots.txt, 283 gif's) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I) (10:37:23 Teleport Pro/1.29 ( - 15:27:04) Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I) (last 2 accesses) 14 | jp.ne.synap.ohdate-22 (No robots.txt, 7 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) WebFetch [23/Jun/1998] 236 | com.kraft.gateway (No robots.txt, 3 gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows NT) (12:54:09 - 12:58:39) (235 "lastModified.js" accesses - 304 code) 168 | (No robots.txt, 1697 gif's - total 1867) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95) (12:48:06 - 13:56:59) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 98) (14:32:28 - 18:03:03) Universidad Catolica Santa Maria (NETBLK-NETBLK-UCSM) NETBLK-UCSM - [24/Jun/1998] 161 | sg.gov.guardian (No robots.txt, no gif's) Agentware/2.1 (161) 133 | (Has robots.txt, 120 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.29 (From start to end) Technical University of Poznan (NET-TECHUNIV) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Control, Robotics and Computer Science skr. poczt. 1, 60-965 Poznan 5, Poland Netname: TECHUNIV Netnumber: [25/Jun/1998] 135 | com.bia-bg.db.dialin5 (Has robots.txt, 61 gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I) (The first one) Teleport Pro/1.28 (The rest) 105 | us.in.k12.lakecentral.dev132 (No robots.txt, 1099 gif's) * 880 gif accesses * Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95) [27/Jun/1998] 414 | com.hitc.east.echuser (No robots.txt, 1735 gif's) (No robot) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) (11:16:29 - 13:48:10) Mozilla/3.01Gold (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m) (15:51:54 - 17:24:13) 338 | net.psi.pub-ip.nj.newark3.ip100 (2 robots.txt, 248 gif's) Mozilla/4.05 (Strange agent name) 2425 | pl.net.atcom.sklad (3 robots.txt, no gif's) Wget/1.4.5 [27/Jun/1998] 124 | (No robots.txt, 56 gif's) - seems no robot. Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I) (17:05:30 - 17:24:58) [No name] (NMHO3-HST) NMHO08U.ROHMHAAS.COM [28/Jun/1998] 904 | com.ipinc.intergate (Has robots.txt, 138 gif's - 1073 total) Wget/1.4.5 240 | net.snet.wtrb-sh1-port30 688 | net.snet.wtrb-sh2-port146 (No robots.txt, no gif's) - 929 both Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I) (Both of nodes) o Seems robot. But no avidence it is a robot. (only no graph access.) [29/Jun/1998] 445 | hu.telnet.octopus (Has robots.txt, 311 gif's - 881 total) Mozilla/3.0Gold (WinNT; I) (03:57:52 first 3 accesses) Teleport Pro/1.28 (04:19:35 - 05:50:24) 435 | tw.com.trilogy.www (No robots.txt, 144 gif's - 630 total) Teleport Pro/1.26 (06:42:51 - 07:16:57) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) (22:13:07 - 22:14:36) [01/Jul/1998] 492 | tw.edu.ntu.w3-gate1 (No robots.txt, 2917 gif's - 3409 total) Inforia Quest 97 (01:08:30 - 1 access) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I) (01:14:01 - 1 access) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) (03:54:57 - 03:56:08) Teleport Pro/1.21 (03:57:25 - 04:51:10) [04/Jul/1998] 415 | my.net.tm.wmu-51-20 (Has robots.txt[7/03], 2288 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 [06/Jul/1998] 174 | com.altavista-software.monadnock (No robots.txt, 290 gif's, 561) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; U) (No referer) Pattern seems robot. [13/Jul/1998] 139 | mx.net.data.t2s16 (No robots.txt, 26 gif's, 171 total accesses) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95) 161 | us.md.ha.heat01 194 | us.md.ha.heat02 169 | us.md.ha.heat03 149 | us.md.ha.heat04 137 | us.md.ha.heat05 91 | us.md.ha.heat06 80 | us.md.ha.heat07 205 | us.md.ha.heat08 49 | us.md.ha.heat10 147 | us.md.ha.heat16 19 | us.md.ha.heat18 1 | us.md.ha.heat19 116 | us.md.ha.heat20 (No robots.txt, 2718 gif's, 5116 total) Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I) (No evidance that those are robots.) [14/Jul/1998] 167 | se.liu.student.ryd.h39 (No robots.txt, no gif's, 175 total) Fspider/7.1 (03:17:50 - 23:41:16) [15/Jul/1998] 132 | pl.wroc.pwr.if.st20 (6 robots.txt, 1041 gif's, 1257 total) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95) ( 11:44:35 - 12:13:06) Teleport Pro/1.29 (12:16:31 - 14:54:33) 242 | (No robots.txt, no gif's, 299 total) GET/0.5 libwww-perl/0.40 (299, exactly the same as accesses.) CERFnet customer - Jomax Technologies (NETBLK-CERF-JOMAX-A) CERF-JOMAX-A - Hostname: NS1.BULLSEYE-LISTS.COM Address: System: ? running ? [2/Aug/1998] 669 | uk.co.netcraft.zanussi (No robots.txt, no gif's) libwww-perl/5.10 (671) [5/Aug/1998] 171 | (No robts.txt, 1 gif's) Mozilla/3.01C-PBWF (only "-" referer page) Abovenet Communications (NETBLK-NETBLK-ABOVENET-3) Netblock: - Hostname: NS2.IMAGELOCK.COM Address: System: ? running ? [6/Aug/1998] 224 | (Only access "/" 224 times) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Update a; Windows 95) [9/Aug/1998] 173 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-99-122 (1 robots.txt, 184 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) Teleport Pro/1.29 [23/Aug/1998] 209 | net.thefree.nas10-21 1 | net.thefree.nas2-48 359 | net.thefree.nas5-16 (No robots.txt, 131 gif's) TE (131 - other sites also use this.) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AK; Windows 95) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) [25/Aug/1998] 738 | edu.stanford.saco (No robots.txt, no gif's) BackRub/2.1 backrub@backrub.stanford.edu http://backrub.stanford.edu/ (866 accesses : total access # is the same.) [22/Sep/1998] 14759 | edu.syr.npac.o020 (15243 Accesses) 14782 | edu.syr.npac.sunrise (15254 Accesses) NPACagent (30479) [27/Sep/1998] 317 | (No robots.txt, no gif's) Netscape-Proxy/3.51 (Batch update) Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (NET-USAEWESNET) 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39181-0631 Netname: USAEWESNET Netnumber: 166 | (No robots.txt, no gif's) AltaVista Intranet V2.0 Altavista Agent fhoffman@zapme.com Satellite Online (NETBLK-SATONLINE-NET-1) SATONLINE-NET-1 - [29/Sep/1998] 391 | mil.hpc.wes.moses (No robots.txt, 568 gif's) Mozilla/4.06 [en] (WinNT; I ;Nav) 534 | (2 robots.txt, 10 gif's) Wget/1.5.2 inetnum: - country: CZ [08/Oct/1998] 175 | ca.mb.hydro.forebay (1 robots.txt, 101 gif's) Mozilla/4.06 [en] (Win95; U) Teleport Pro/1.29 (15:29:28 - 15:36:56) 1628 | es.ualm.acano (No robots.txt, 112 gif's) WebZIP/2.32 (http://www.spidersoft.com) (02:25:49 - 14:27:07) 552 | tw.gov.nchc.dt.pc307 (No robots.txt, 2982 gif's) Teleport Pro/1.29 [11/Oct/1998] 462 | fr.magic.ppp8-197 (No robots.txt, 9 gif's) (529) ExtractorPro (582 accesses) 1878 | jp.ne.infoweb.cab.robot1 (1 robots.txt, no gif's) (2021) InfoNaviRobot (2021) 222 | pl.edu.pw.mikrus.green2 (1 robots.txt, 26 gif's) Lynx/2.8rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14 Wget/1.5.2 [12/Oct/1998] 2806 | de.hochtief.fwcache (no robots.txt, 56 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT; htie4014) (05:21:06 - 05:30:33) (28 accesses) Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I; HTTPClient 1.0) (05:26:49 - 06:20:28) (2844) 408 | net.ukrtel.kw.ns (2 robots.txt, 37 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) (06:41:39 - 06:48:25) Teleport Pro/1.29 (06:49:46 - 07:21:38) [13/Oct/1998] 105 | com.excite.recorder (2 robots.txt, no gif's) ArchitextSpider 155 | (No robots.txt, no gif's) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95) inetnum: - netname: CHINANET-CN descr: Beijing 1000083 country: CN [15/Oct/1998] 138 | fr.nordnet.proxy (No robots.txt, 296 gif's) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) (05:43:03 - 05:43:10) Mozilla/4.05 [fr] (Win95; I) (13:04:48 - 13:12:42) - (14:34:45 - 16:27:19) [19/Oct/1998] 125 | uk.ac.sunderland.cache - No robots [16/Nov/1998] 25338 | (1 robots.txt 11/15, no gif's) Teleport Pro/1.28 inetnum: - netname: DAEJINNET descr: DAEJIN UNIVERSITY (DUN) descr: Kyonggi country: KR admin-c: Gukboh Kim tech-c: Jaeseag Kim source: KRNIC 3943 | (No robots.txt, 1 gif's) Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) WebZIP/2.46 (http://www.spidersoft.com) inetnum: - netname: CHINAINFO-SD descr: Chinainfo. Shandong 169 -cninfo country: CN admin-c: YL29-AP tech-c: YL29-AP source: APNIC person: Yan Li address: 77 Jingsan Road,Jinan,Shandong,P.R.China country: CN phone: +86-531-6052157 nic-hdl: YL29-AP source: APNIC [24/Nov/1998] 537 | 1108 | (1 robots.txt, no gif's) 1122 | 210 | 165 | Googlebot/1.0 googlebot@googlebot.com http://googlebot.com/ (2806) Exodus Commnications Inc. (NETBLK-ECI-6) 1605 Wyatt Dr. Santa Clara CA 95054 Netname: ECI-6 Netblock: - Maintainer: ECI Coordinator: Exodus Communications (EC8-ORG-ARIN) noc@EXODUS.NET 800-263-8872 [02/Dec/1998] 837 | (No robots.txt, 527 gif's) 635 | (384 gif's) WebZIP/2.46 (http://www.spidersoft.com) (For 1 hour) inetnum: - netname: PIX descr: 72,Wen Miao Qian st descr: ChengDu , Sichuan country: CN source: APNIC [03/Dec/1998] 228 | (No robots.txt, 47 gif's) Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Opera/3.0; Windows 95/NT4) 3.21 via NetCache version NetApp Release 3.2.1R1: Fri Aug 7 10:46:42 PDT 1998 Unisys Corporation (NETBLK-UNISYS5) World Wide Telecommunications P.O. Box 500 Blue Bell, PA 19424 US Netname: UNISYS-WW 107 | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT; Gateway2000) [06/Dec/1998] 8849 | (2512 robots.txt, no gif's) Java1.1.6 (9422) netnum: - netname: KOSINET descr: Korea Network Information Center