Web Based Thin-Client Architecture for Collaborative Visualization C. Bajaj Department of Computer Sciences and TICAM University of Texas, Austin S. Cutchin Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue Universtiy Bringing your visualization Application to the Internet Lukas Mroz, Helwig Loffelmann, Eduard Groller Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Graphics XSIL: Extensible Scientific Interchange Language kent Blackburn, Albert Lazzarini, Tom Prince,Roy Williams http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/SDA/xsil/ An XML Architecture for High-Performance Web-Based Analysis of Remote-Sensing Archives G. Aloisio, G. Milillo, R.D. Williams California Institute of Technology http://www.ccsf.caltech.edu/SDA/publications.html Transparent Sharing of Java Applets: A Replicated Approach James "Bo" Begole, Craig A. Struble, Clifford A. Shaffer, Randall B. Smith http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/uist/263407/p55-begole/ Cave6D: A Tool for Collaborative , Interactive Immersive Visualization of Environmental Data Abhinav Kapoor , Jason Leigh, Glen Wheless, Cathy Lascara, Andrew E. Johnson, Kyoung S. Park, Thomas A Defanti http://www.evl.uic.edu/akapoor/cave6d/ Issues in the Design of a Flexible Distributed Architecture for Supporting Persistence and Interoperability in Collaborative Virtual Environments Jason Leigh, Andrew E. Johnson, Thomas A.DeFanti http://www.supercomp.org/sc97/proceedings/TECH/LEIGH/INDEX.HTM Globally Distributed Computation over the Internet - The POPCORN Project Noam Nisan, Shmulik London, Ori Regev, Noam Camiel DOVE: distributed objects based scientific visualization environment Lalit Kumar Jain,Mark Abbott http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/conferences/java98/program.html An Investigation of Multi-user Design Tools for Collaborative 3D Modelling Tek-Jin Nam http://des-sgi-02.brunel.ac.uk/~dtpgtjn/research.html Collaborative Augmented Reality: Exploring Dynamical Systems Anton Fuhrmann, Helwig Loffelmann, Dieter Schmalstieg http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/graph/266989/p459-fuhrmann/ An Externed Data-Flow Architecture for Data Analysis and Visualization Greg Abram, Lloyd A. Treinish Interoperability of Concurrency Control Schemes in Collaborative Systems Anshu Sharma(sharma@cs.unc.edu) http://www.cs.unc.edu/~munson/DARPA/ Latecomer Accommodation via Generic Logging Facility Goopeel Chung(chungg@cs.unc.edu) Hector: Distributed Objects in Python A Framework for distributed environments David Arnold, Andy Bond, Martin Chilvers http://www.ddj.com/articles/1997/9713/9713b/9713bf1.htm Group Communication Support for Distributed Collaboration System Injong Rhee, Shun Yan Cheung, Phillip W. Hutto, Vaidy S. SunderamO The Ligo Lightweight Data Format An XML-based Language for Representing Scientific Data Objects Kent Blackfurn, Albert Lazzarini,Tom Prince, Roy Williams http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/~sanders/111798.htm Improving Visualisation Through collaboration Jason Wood, Helen Wright ,Ken Brodlie Collaborative 3D Visualization with CSpray Alex Pang http://www.computer.muni.cz/cga/cg1997/g2032abs.htm The CAG Multi-Agent Framework an introduction Rob Kremer http://sern.ucalgary.ca/cag/information/introduction.html An Architecture for Collaborative Virtual Environment With Enhanced Awareness Dennis Brown(brownde@cs.unc.edu) Orbit: A Next Generation Collaboration Environment James Milligan , Carla Burns The WebMe Data Visualization Tool Roseanne Tesoriero, Marvin V. Zelkowitz COCA: Collaborative Objects Coordination Architecture Du Li , Richard Muntz http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/cscw/289444/p179-li/ Sluice: A Java-Based Framework for Collaborative Interactive Modular Visualization Environments Philip Isenhour,Clifford A. Shaffer,James "Bo" Begole,Jeff Nielsen http://vtopus.cs.vt.edu/~csrc/connection/CCFW97/TechReports.html JTransport:Collaborative Mobile Java Applications Jason Hong Can You Share JavaBean? James Begole,Philip L. Isenhour, and Clifford A. Shaffer Distribued Interactive Simulation for Synthetic Forces P.Messina, S. Brunett, D. Davis, T. Gottschalk, D. Curkendall, L.Ekroot, H.Siegel Collaborative Computing and Integrated Decision Support Tools for Scientific Visualization Theresa Marie Rhyne, Lockheed Martin http://www.css.tayloru.edu/instrmat/graphics/hypervis/related.htm An Intelligent Visualization System for Earth Science Data Analysis Zahid Ahmed , Peter Kochevar http://www.sdsc.edu/Tecate/papers.html Sieve: A Java-Based Framework for Collaborative Component Composition Philip L. Isenhour http://borg.lib.vt.edu/theses/public/etd-21698-23121/etd-title.html Microsfot TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse Tom Barclay, Jim Gray, Don Slutz A High-Performance Active Digital Library Roy Williams, Bruce Sears http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/dblp/db/indices/a-tree/s/Sears:Bruce.html Support for Implementing Scheduling Algorithms Using MESSIAHS Steve J. Chapin, Eugene H. Spafford http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/homes/spaf/messiahs.html Building Interactive Distributed Applications in C++ with The Programmers'Playgrornd Kenneth J. Goldman, Joe Hoffert, T. Paul McCartney, Jerome Plun, Todd Rodgers The Programmers'Playground: I/O Abstraction for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Kenneth J. Goldman, Michael D. Anderson, Bala Swaminathan http://www.cs.wustl.edu/cs/playground/papers/wucs-93-29-abstract.html The Programmers'Playground: A Demonstration Kenneth J. Goldman, T.Paul McCartney, Ram Sethuraman, Bala Swaminathan http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/multimedia/217279/p317-goldman/ The Globus Project: A Status Report Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/metaneos/kickoff.html A Simple Shared Data Space for Web-based Distributed Collaborative Applications Carmine F. Greco http://www.cs.duke.edu/ari/cisi/relay/html/paper/paper.html Real-Time Control and Management of Distributed Applications using IP-Multicast P.Parnes, K.Synnes, D. Schefstrom http://www.cdt.luth.se/~peppar/docs/ Student 2000: Net-based Learning for the Next Millenium Kare Synnes, Peter Parnes, Johnny Widen, Dick Schefstrom http://www.cdt.luth.se/utbildning.direkt/ Distributed Computing John A. Stankovic POPCORN-A Paradigm for Global-Computing Shmulik London Data and Visualization Corridors Report on the 1998 DVC Workshop Series Edited by Paul H. Smith and John van Rosendale http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/Publications/DVC/ Collaborative Visualization Jason Wood (I missed the url of this one, would you add it?) A Reference Architecture for Distributed Collaborative Applications Vassil Roussev(roussev@cs.unc.edu) http://www.cs.unc.edu/~munson/DARPA/