Java Project X

Version: Technology Release 1

System Requirements

This version of Java Project X requires:


  1. Download ... Get the ZIP file from the download page on the Java Developer Connection web site. Copy it to the location where you want to install the software.

  2. UnZip ... You may use the JAR command from the JDK to unzip this distribution:
    jar xvf
    Alternatively, use an UnZip utility you may already have. Info-ZIP is one such utility, and is available on a variety of operating systems.

  3. Check Contents ... After the software is unzipped, you will see a directory xml-tr1 with the following files:

    LICENSE The license applying to this software
    apidoc/* Javadoc generated files presenting library APIs
    examples/* Example files, in subdirectories
    examples/index.html Index to the example files
    readme.html README for this release
    install.html This file
    relnotes.html Release notes ZIP Archive file containing source code.
    xml.jar Java Archive file containing classes

  4. Set up JDK ... You need a JDK 1.1.6 (or 1.2) release. Put it in your path, and set JAVA_HOME in your environment.

    On Solaris, if you've installed the JDK in /java:

        % set path=(/java/bin $path)
        % setenv JAVA_HOME /java
    On Win32 systems, if you have installed the JDK in D:\java:
        C:\> set PATH=D:\java\bin;%PATH%
        C:\> set JAVA_HOME=D:\java

  5. Update CLASSPATH ... If $XML is the base directory where the XML Library is installed, the following entry needs to be added to your class path, either with java -classpath ... or through the CLASSPATH environment variable:

    If you are using JDK 1.2 you may wish to install this JAR file as an extension, copying it to the jre/lib/ext directory. This eliminates the need to modify class paths. (This technique may also be used with the Java Plug-in.)

    To install this JAR file as an extension to the Java Web Server, version 1.1.6 and later, copy it into the lib directory of the Java Web Server distribution and restart the server process. (This can't be done through the administration user interface; you need to use operating system level commands.)

    Similarly, to use this package in Netscape Communicator 4.5, you may wish to install this JAR file as an extension, copying it into the Program/Java/Classes directory. This eliminates the need to download this JAR file with other applet code in many cases.

  6. Run The Sample Programs ... To run the sample programs, first compile them, and then run them following the invocation instructions in the Makefile. You will need to have configured your class path as noted above.

    On Solaris, the Makefile for each sample should work with at most minimal changes (as may be noted in the Makefile). It will build the classes as necessary, if the JDK is set up correctly. For example:

        % cd $XML/examples/simple
        % make
        ... output

    Developers using Win32 will need to read the Makefiles and perform the analagous procedures as needed for their particular development environment. At this time, the pathnames use POSIX/UNIX/Linux style pathnames (slashes) rather than backslashes (as used by Win32), and path separators use colons not semicolons.