Main Panel :
There are three types of image slices -- Axial, Sagittal,
and Coronal.
Small (preview) images for each of these viewpoints are displayed
in the main panel of the viewer.
Moving one of the cutting lines will create a new slice
through the Visible Human.
Image Controls :
Select the type of slice you want by clicking on the image or the
viewpoint name.
This will highlight the name in blue, and the cutting line which produced
that image will change from red to cyan.
To chose a new slice, click on the cutting line and
drag it to a new position. A new preview image will
appear after you release the mouse button.
Resolution Controls :
Choose the image resolution appropriate for your network
connection by clicking one of these buttons:
Low resolution images are around 10 - 50 KBytes.
Medium resolution images are around 25 - 150 KBytes.
High resolution images are around 50 - 350 Kbytes.
Access Controls :
The adjust buttons (the triangle buttons) let you
fine tune the exact slice number (shown in blue).
If you want to see the full size image of the slice
you have just chosen, press the Load button to pop up
image slice window.