Introduction: This is the second alpha distribution of VncMonitor. VncMonitor is a 100% pure Java implementation of a client for ORL's Virtual Network Computer see: To make use of this software you will need to have one or more machines running the VNC server, you can download free servers for many platforms from the ORL web site. _______________________________ Changes from the first alpha version 1/ VncMonitor does not poll servers for updates if the window is minimised and only polls the server currently being viewed. If an interactive window is minimised then polling is suspended. This results in a substantial decrease in network traffic. 2/ A screen refresh menu item has been added. 3/ Various tweaks have been applied to the code to improve the consistency of the GUI. Scroll bar handling should be noticeably better in this version. 4/ VNcMonitor now uses and implementation of the standard Java Cryptography Extension rather than the Acme DES module. _______________________________ Setting Up: If you are reading this then you will have unzipped the archive to a directory. You should have the following files: ReadMe.txt - this file Licence.txt - the licence for the software - the .class files for the program vncmonitor.xml - a sample configuration file To get started you will need to edit vncmonitor.xml. The file is in XML and looks like this: ' " -> " NB the semicolon on the end of the escape is required. You can have as many or as few host entries as you wish. You should set the Port attribute up to specify the port used to connect to the server. E.g. if you normally type to connect using the standard viewer. Then you would put the following line in the config file: _____________________________________ Running: java -cp ./ VncMonitor will run the program if you have the Sun JVM 1.2 installed If you have the Microsoft JVM installed you need to type jview /cp ./ VncMonitor For other versions of the JVM you need to edit your CLASSPATH system variable to include the path of the file and then just type: java VncMonitor __________________________________________ Known Problems: 1/ Running under JDK 1.2 under Windows NT will cause exceptions to be thrown. However the program will continue to operate quite happily. 2/ Running under JDK 1.1.6 under Windows NT you will find that pressing the return key will not make the window interactive you will need to use the menu entry. 3/ Running under JDK 1.1.7a under Intel Linux you will find that backtab does not change the displayed screen. 4/ Error handling is execrable. Spend some extra time getting the config. file right! ________________________________________________ What to do if: Using Jview on 32 bit windows you find that the displayed window is very small You need to upgrade to the latest Microsoft JVM from --- The system fails to start with the following error: java.lang.NullPointerException at uk/co/wilson/vnc/sun/ConnectionParametersFactory.hasMoreElements (Con at uk/co/wilson/vnc/sun/VncMonitorImpl.main ( at VncMonitor.main ( ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException Your vncmonitor.xml file is not correctly formatted. Check that the < and /> match, check that you have the right number of quotes, check that you have escaped the special characters properly. If all else fails email me the file and I'll take a look. _____________________________________________________ Thanks to: The members of the ORL mailing list for finding and reporting problems so rapidly;) _____________________________________________ Bug Reports/Comments send to