CPS714 Advanced Web Technologies

Topic 4 The Object Web

An Overview of Javabeans, COM and CORBA

Xinying Li

email: xli@npac.syr.edu

Component Architectures

Developers are turning to creating components rather than monolithic applications to free themselves from slow, expensive application development, and to build up a portable, reusable code base. This enables developers to quickly attack new market opportunities, new joint development opportunities, and new ways to sell smaller packages of software.

JavaSoft and Microsoft currently are battling to get you to involved into JavaBeans and ActiveX/COM, their respective component frameworks. CORBA, a standard for object communications that is maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), is also a competitor to Microsoft's DCOM technology. In this paper I present a brief technology overview of Javabeans, COM and CORBA and take a look at their respective component models.


The Component Object Model


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