

  • Work : K.K.Karargahı Per. D. 06100 Yücetepe, ANKARA Tel : 0 (312) 411 2196 Fax : 0 (312) 417 0130
  • Home : Taflan Sitesi 4.Blok No:3 Çayyolu, ANKARA Tel : 0 (312) 241 2463



1997–1998 Turkish Army Land Forces Headquarters Ankara, TURKEY

Database Designer and Developer

  • Oracle Developer/2000 (Forms, Reports, SQLPlus and SQL Loader). Designed and developed a database system for personnel affairs of martyrs, veterans and wounded Personnel in GATA. Transferred existing Paradox tables into Oracle SQL environment and re-implemented all forms and reports in Oracle.
  • Paradox (Foms, Reports and Object PAL). Developed several kinds of reports and forms for existing OHAL martyr and veteran personnel database. Improved existing forms for multiuser environment.
  • Mandatory Military Service will be completed on July 21st and available in early June.

1996– 1997 Afyon Kocatepe University Uşak, TURKEY

Research Assistant

  • Assigned to this mandatory position after completing M.S. programme in New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
  • Gave several recitations for graduate and undergraduate students about basic programming and computer cult.


1992–1994 Bilkent University Ankara, TURKEY

Research/Teaching Assistant

  • Courses include Parallel Processing and Architectures, Neural Networks, Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.
  • Teaching Assistanship in courses Introduction to Programming I-II, Fundamentals of Computer Science.
  • Member of TURKLANG (A five year project performed by Bilkent and METU, sponsored by NATO and consists of several components such as theasarus and tagger for Turkish) and implemented spelling correction component of a large scale software. Designed a real time matching algorithm for incomplete strings using low level routines and tricks for indexing pre-compiled dictionary for roots and a finite state machine for word production in a given language.
  • Research/Interest Areas include Algorithms for Graph Theory, Complexity Theory, Fast String Matching, String Compression, Cyrptography and Natural Language Processing.
  • Publications include conference papers and technical reports on Spelling Correction. (ACL Conference on Natural Language Processing, Spelling Correction in Agglutinative Languages, Stuttgart 1994, etc..).



1994–1996 New York University (CIMS) NY, NY

M.S., Computer Science

  • Solid background in C/C++, Java, Ada, Pascal ,Lisp and Visual Programming.
  • Experienced in UNIX programming. (Sockets, pipelining and process management)
  • Courses include Algorithms in Moleculer Biology, Advanced Complexity Theory, Database Tuning (By Prof. Dennis Shasha), Object-Oriented Software.
  • Designed and implemented a compiler for Oberon language in Compiler Construction course. This compiler was able to handle procedures, recursive calls, different types of parameter passing and scope resolution for variables.
  • Attended several seminars on computing, advanced mathematics, advances in moleculer biology, multimedia and Ada 95 given by very famous academicians and top level professionals.

1987–1992 Bilkent University Ankara, TURKEY

B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering

  • Courses include Database Management Systems, File Structures and Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Graph Theory, Computer Graphics, Mathematics for Economists, Linear Programming, System Software and Formal Semantics.
  • Took graduate level courses in graduate classes on graph theory and algorithms.


  • Among top %1, ranked 60th, students in nation-wide University Entrance Examination in a pool of one million High School graduates in 1987.
  • Won full scholarship from Bilkent Univesity for all types of expenses
  • Won full scholarship from Turkish National Education Ministry for graduate level education in U.S. including monthly salary.
  • Dean’s List in Bilkent University and New York University.
  • Accepted to Research/Teaching Assistantship position in Computer Science and Information Engineering Department of Bilkent University.
  • Accepted to Research Assistantship position in Computer Engineerig Department of Oregon State University and won scholarship for tution fees.



  • Chess, scrabble, mathematical puzzles and crosswords.
  • Football, baseball, soccer and amateur club basketball player.