Web-based distributed enterprise computing
Résumé #347071

Contact Information
Erol Akarsu
106 Roney Lane 34
Syracuse, NY 13210
Other Information
Will Relocate 
Salary Required$70/yr
Work TypePerm
US Work StatusRequires Sponsorship


Please No HeadHunters !!!!

Erol Akarsu
106 Roney Lane Apt #34
Syracuse, NY 13210


Seeking opportunities in areas of  web-based distributed systems . Other areas of interests are distributed computing and  network computing, and web-based visual development environments for client-server applications, collaborative systems, distance learning , program analysis and  virtual programming.


  • Ph.D. Candidate, Syracuse University, Fall 1996 - Present.
  • M.S. in Computer Science, Syracuse University, Spring 1996.
  • M.S. in Computer Engineering , Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, July 1993.
  • B.S. in Computer Engineering , Ege University, Turkey, July 1991.
  • Proficient in Java, C/C++ , Visual C++, TCP/IP, Network Programming using both Java and C/C++, F77/F90 and  CGI/HTTP/HTML  and Perl.

  • Familiar with multithreaded programming  (Pthreads package) and java Threads.

  • Familiar on Distributed Object Technologies CORBA/DCOM/COM.

  • Very good knowledge of administering and using LDAP (Light weight  Data   Access Protocol) directory servers.

  • Experienced on Object Oriented Design/Analysis and Component-based software design  and development.

  • .
  • Expert on designing , analyzing and prototyping of software systems.

  • Significant experience on using heterogeneous machines together to solve computational intensive applications.

  • Strong background on compiler design and development,  and experience on using  compiler development  tools (YACC, LEX and Sage).

  • Low-level  network programming (Socket based in C/C++/Java)

  • Good knowledge on WIN95/NT and  UNIX systems.

  • Expert on using parallel languages PVM, MPI and HPF and parallel machines, SP2, Origin200, and CrayT3E.

  • Expert on developing User Front-Ends for Parallel Machines.
  • Designed and implemented Web-based Visual  Front-End for metacomputing environment (with Java ,CORBA, JavaBeans and Globus (meta-computing toolkit) ). This includes WebFlow CORBA servers running on different hosts. Each server has  methods  to instantiate  JavaBean-based component, event binding between components and some administration jobs. User in browser can instantiate remote components and create bindings and test composed application. I  applied this  system to form complex applications including Quantum Simulation Codes, LMS and WMS simulations.

  • Designed and developed a web-based debugging and interpreting tool (DARP) for parallel as well as non parallel languages (F90/HPF and C) which is extendible easily to C++ also. DARP was produced with internet utilities CGI,Perl , HTML, JavaScript  and  TCP/IP networking and Pthreads  library. This provides an environment in which user can edit/compile/run/debug its remote jobs. I successfully integrated DARP with WebFlow and Visualization tool.

  • Designed and implemented Web-based visual front-end for LDAP  server.In this project, we have several different LDAP servers running on separate hosts. We tried to give uniform interface to project information (project files, user account information, input/output etc.) living  in different servers for each user. I used this in WebFlow project.

  • Designed and implemented Gateway for supercomputers from internet . It provides virtual account  for each  user to supercomputer.

  • Designed and implemented VPL(Virtual Programming Laboratory) using internet technologies Java/Corba/Servlets.

  • Designed and implemented extensively parallel particle in-cell  simulation codes on several parallel computing environments.

  • Designed and implemented parallel graph matching.

  •  Master Thesis Summary: Developed an data flow analysis tool  based on  the Graham-Wegman dataflow  algorithm. It takes subset of C as input , translates it to intermediate code , then to data flow graph .After setting up all of the traditional data flow equations for each node, it solves them with above-mentioned algorithm. As a result, it produces optimized version of intermediate code.

My  research addresses needs for high level programming environments and tools to support distance computing on heterogeneous distributed commodity platforms and high-speed networks, spanning across labs and facilities. More specifically, I am developing WebFlow - a scalable, high level, commodity standards based High Performance Distributed Computing system that integrates :

  1. High-level front-ends for visual programming, steering, run-time data analysis and visualization, and collaboration built on top of the Web and OO commodity standards (Tier 1).
  2. Distributed object-based, scalable, and reusable Web server and Object broker Middleware (Tier 2)
  3. High Performance Backend implemented using the metacomputing toolkit of GLOBUS (Tier 3)
NOTE: This can be applied to either parallel or metacomputing applications, including database applications and visualization servers, and provides a uniform cross platform high level computing environment.


  • Position: Research Assistant
  • Year     :  1996-1998
  • Organization : NPAC (Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse, NY)
  • Summary : I designed and implemented High-Level visual front-end for metacomputing environment. It is programming environment  and provides the user to instantiate jobs on available machines and create dataflow connections between jobs and to control their execution and  to send data from running jobs to other servers, like visualization servers. This programming environment is called VPL which is accessed through Web-Browser as  Java Applet which gets connected  to virtual user accounts in VPL  over CORBA-IIOP.

  • Position: Research Assistant
  • Year     :  1991-1993
  • Organization : Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
  • Summary : Designed and implemented algorithms for student   registration system with SQL.
  • Awarded Petrol Wakf fellowship during undergraduate and master studies  between 1989-1993.
  • Received National Culture Wakf fellowship during master between 1991-1993.
  • Received Hurriyet Wakf scholarship during undergraduate.
  • Awarded "Kredi ve Yurtlar Kurumu" scholarship between 1986-1990.
  • TUBITAK regional Physics Olympics Champion in 1983 (High School).
  • TUBITAK regional Mathematics Olympics Champion in 1983 (High School).
  1. Erol Akarsu, Kivanc Dincer, Tom Haupt and G. Fox, Particle in-Cell Simulation codes in High Performance Fortran, Supercomputing '96 , November 1996.
  2. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox, DARP: Java-based Data Analysis and Rapid Prototyping Environment   for Distributed High Performance Computations, ACM 1998 Workshop on Java for High-Performance Network Computing.
  3. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox, DARP: Java-based Data Analysis and Rapid Prototyping Environment   for Distributed High Performance Computations, Concurrency:Practice and Experience , Vol. 10(1), 1-9(1998).
  4. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox, WebFlow - High-Level Programming Environment  and Visual Authoring Toolkit for High Performance  Distributed Computing, Supercomputing '98, November 1998.
  5. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox, Web based metacomuting, Special Issue on MetaComputing for the FGCS International  Journal on Future Generation Computing Systems (Accepted  for publication)
  6. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox,WebFlow a High Level Visual Interface for Globus, Globus Retreat '98.
  7. Erol Akarsu, Tom Haupt and G. Fox ,Quantum Simulations  using WebFlow - a High Level Visual Interface for  Globus,  Alliance'98 poster and demo.
  • Prof. Geoffrey Fox (email: gcf@npac.syr.edu  tel: 315-443-4741)
  • Dr. Tomasz Haupt (email: haupt@npac.syr.edu tel: 315-443-2087)
  • http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/hpfi/
  • http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/haupt/WebFlow/demo.html