===================================== SEE IMPORTANT NOTES IN README.TXT ===================================== C++ for You++: AP Edition Disk Contents =========================================================== PART1 Folder containing STUDENT files for Part 1. PART2 Folder containing STUDENT files for Part 2. WORKBOOK Folder containing STUDENT files for the Workbook. C++ for You++ disk contains the following files: =========================================================== ERRATA.TXT Errors found in the previous printings. PART1 Folder containing files for Part 1 (Chapters 1-13). PART1\ BOOL.H Header file containing the definition of bool (for compilers that do not have it). DICT.CPP Case study: Dictionary program (Section 2.2). DICT.DAT Data file for the Dictionary program. FASTFOOD.CPP Case study: Point of sale System (Section 3.2). SIZE.CPP Example: Sizes of data types (Section 3.4). MEANS.CPP Lab: Three Means program (Section 4.6). REVERSE.CPP Lab: Reverse an array (Section 5.7). WEEKDAY.CPP Case study: Day of Week program (Section 6.8). GRADES.CPP Lab: Students Grades program (Section 7.8). LIFE1D.CPP Lab: 1-D Game of Life program (Section 7.10). LIFE_CAT.DAT Data files for the Game of Life program (Section 7.10). LIFE_HRV.DAT LIFE_GLI.DAT CALC.CPP Case study: Calculator program (Section 8.2). MENU.CPP Case study and Lab: Inventory program (Section 8.3 and 8.4). ALGORTHM.CPP Examples: Selection sort, binary search, Euclid's Algorithm (Sections 9.2 - 9.4). MONCARLO.CPP Case study: Estimating the Perimeter of an Ellipse (Section 10.2). GETLINE.CPP Example: Reading lines from a text file (Section 12.6). LIMERICK.TXT Data file for the Getline program. GREP.CPP Lab: Section 12.8 OVERLOAD.CPP Example: Operator overloading (Section 13.5). PART2 Folder containing files for Part 2 (Chapters 14-28, Appendix A-C). PART2\ DATES.H Example of the DATES module -- header file and DATES.CPP source (Section 14.3). TESTDATE.CPP Test program for the DATES module (Section 14.3). LIST.CPP Linked list functions and Lab (Section 17.5 and 17.7). LIST.DAT Data file for the Lab in Section 17.7. STACK.H STACK class (implemented as an array) -- header file STACK.CPP and source (Section 18.2). MUSIC.CPP MUSIC case study and lab (Section 18.4). SONG.TXT Data file for the Music program (Section 18.4) AREAFILL.DAT Data file for the Area Fill project (Section 19.7). LLQUEUE.H QUEUE class implemented as a linked list (Section 20.2). LLQUEUE.CPP RBQUEUE.H QUEUE class implemented as a ring buffer (Section 20.2). RBQUEUE.CPP PIZZA.CPP Case study: Application of queues (Section 20.4). EMAIL.CPP e-Mail lab (Section 20.5). ITERATOR.CPP Example: Iterators (Section 21.7). TREE.H Binary search trees module and test program TREE.CPP (Sections 22.3-22.5). TESTTREE.CPP TREE_CLS.CPP Binary search tree implemented as a class (Section 22.6). MORSE.H Morse code lab -- (Section 22.7). MORSE.CPP TSTMORSE.CPP TREEFILE.CPP Saving a binary tree in a file (Section 22.8). HEAP.H HEAP templated class (Section 24.3). ENCRYPT.CPP Example for the cryptography lab (Section 26.4). SAMPLE.TXT Sample and encrypted text files for the cryptography SECRET.TXT lab (Section 26.4). SORTS.CPP Binary serach (Section 26.2) and all sorting algorithms (Sections 27.2-27.3). WORKBOOK Folder containing data files for the Workbook. \WORKBOOK TRANSACT.DAT Chapter 13, Questions 13-16. INDEX.DAT Chapters 17-20 Review, Question 5. MONSTER.DAT Chapters 17-20 Review, Questions 6-7. ALLPATHS.DAT Chapters 17-20 Review, Question 9. CONTOUR.DAT Double-Diamond Projects, Question 4. SPELLCHK.DAT Double-Diamond Projects, Question 6. MADLIBS.DAT Double-Diamond Projects, Question 7. ASMCODE.DAT Double-Diamond Projects, Question 14.