Simple link test
URL+ID reference:
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#id(otters)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='id(otters)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Normal URL reference:
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR=''
- No Xpointer, URI resolved to a resource. Node type is 'element'. GI is 'TESTTARGET'. Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Null XPointer (not valid):
Invalid XPointerXPointer only (ID reference):
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='#id(otters)'
- role='definition'
- content-role='mention'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI=''
- XPTR='id(otters)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is all about otters'.
All about otters in this documentroot() (same doc):
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='#root()'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI=''
- XPTR='root()'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='XLINKTEST'), . Data ='Simple link testURL+ID reference:
All ab...'.
root() (other doc):
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#root()'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='root()'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='TESTTARGET'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='#origin()'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI=''
- XPTR='origin()'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='SIMPLE'), . Data ='This link'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#html(named-a-element)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='html(named-a-element)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='A'), . Data =''.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#root().child(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='root().child(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='P'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='P'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#root().child(2)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='root().child(2)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraph'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#root().child(-1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='root().child(-1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is a paragraph with an A element'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#child(2,bar)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='child(2,bar)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='BAR'), . Data ='This is a cdata marked section'.
All cdata nodesancestor(all):
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#child(-1).child(1).ancestor(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='child(-1).child(1).ancestor(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='TESTTARGET'), . Data ='This is a paragraph with an A elementAll...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#child(-1).child(1).ancestor(1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='child(-1).child(1).ancestor(1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is a paragraph with an A element'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#child(-1).child(1).ancestor(2)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='child(-1).child(1).ancestor(2)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='TESTTARGET'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='A'), element(gi='P'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='P'), element(gi='A'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(2)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(2)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='A'), . Data ='subelement a in mixed content'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(3)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(3)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraph'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(6)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(6)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='BAR'), . Data ='Another not a paragraph'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(7)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(7)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is a paragraph with an A element'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(4).psibling(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(4).psibling(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraphAll ab...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(4).psibling(1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(4).psibling(1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraph'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(4).psibling(-1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(4).psibling(-1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='All about otters in test target document...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(1).fsibling(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(1).fsibling(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraphThis i...'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(1).fsibling(1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(1).fsibling(1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraph'.
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(1).fsibling(-1)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(1).fsibling(-1)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), . Data ='This is a paragraph with an A element'.
nodes preceding 7th descendant of rootfollowing:
Processing simple link element (gi='SIMPLE'):
- HREF='testtarget.xml#descendant(1).following(all)'
- show='REPLACE'
- actuate='USER'
- URI='testtarget.xml'
- XPTR='descendant(1).following(all)'
- XPointer resolved to a resource. Node types are 'element(gi='P'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='BAR'), element(gi='P'), element(gi='A'), . Data ='This is another resource paragraphThis i...'.