
Technological improvements have enhanced our range of educational experiences with such things as distance-learning. The education systems of today are needed to be supported by new architectures for managing the courses, instructors, students, performance records, for grading homeworks and exams, for supporting assessment, legacy systems, and security.

We have developed a multi-tier architecture which integrates back-end tools and systems with commodity interfaces.

Data at the back-end databases transformed into knowledge at the front-end browser through a hierarchical middle-ware using various object web technologies.

We implemented an asynchronous open information access environment. This asynchronous resource evolved with the needs, used to support traditional classroom and interactive synchronous lessons offered using TangoInteractive, reached a large audience, 450 users, including on-campus and on-line distance courses. This paper presents a technical architecture overview and discusses its functionalities gained from our experiences.


1) We have developed a multi-tier architecture which integrates back-end tools and systems with commodity interfaces.

Data at the back-end databases transformed into knowledge at the front-end browser through a hierarchical middle-ware using various object web technologies.


We have developed a multi-tier architecture which converts data from back-end tools and systems into knowledge in commodity interfaces through a hierarchical middle-ware using various object web technologies.

3) a:
We have developed a multi-tier architecture which integrates back-end tools and systems with commodity interfaces using various object web technologies.
We have developed a multi-tier architecture which integrates back-end tools and systems with commodity interfaces through hierarchical middle-ware of various object web technologies.

4) in synchronous and asynchronous learning

to support traditional classroom and interactive synchronous lessons offered using TangoInteractive