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Guidelines for Preparation of Proceedings Papers

Proceedings file must be received by
Deadline: July 8th

The WebNet 1999 Proceedings will be internationally distributed by AACE.

  • The proceedings will be available both in hard copy book and electronic (CD-ROM) formats.
  • The CD-ROM version (Macintosh, IBM, and ISO 9660 formats) will be included in each conference registrant's packet.
  • Please note: SIGs, Roundtables and Corporate Sessions (Showcases & Demos) are not included in the proceedings.

Attendees who want to receive a hard copy book proceedings on-site must order the book prior to the conference. All books not ordered prior to the conference will be shipped following the conference.


To ensure that high quality, professional proceedings are published, authors are urged to take special care in preparing their papers.

Please note: Papers which are submitted in technically unsuitable form cannot and will not be published.

Examples for each area below can be found by clicking on Heading (e.g. Abstracts). A full paper example may be found by clicking here (Note: this file is in the Adobe Acrobat format).

Final Call Proceedings Deadline: Your proceedings file must be received by July 8th. Your file will be printed exactly as you submit it without any reduction or change.


Maximum Length

Full Papers: 6 pages
Short Papers: 2 pages
Panels: 1 page per panelist
Posters/Demos: 150 words

Text Area - 16 x 23 cm or 6 1/2 x 9 inches

Begin the Text Area 1" or 2.5 cm from top of the page. Use only a one-column layout. Set your margins so that they precisely match the text area specified.

  • Place pictures, figures and tables centered between the margins without any text flowing around them.
  • Do not start a new page for new sections (chapters) or subsections.
  • Do not insert page numbers.
  • Notice that no form of running headers or footers is allowed.
  • Do not use the paragraph spacing feature of your word processor to create the line spaces indicated in the following sections.




The title of a paper consists of the title itself, capitalized (all words except for short connectives should start with a capital letter), unnumbered and centered between the margins. Use a serif typeface (e.g. Times), 14 point, bold font for the title. Do not capitalize every letter of the title.

Leave 2 blank lines after title and then give the name and affiliation of each author including department, institution, country, and email address centered between margins. Multiple authors should be delimited by a single blank line. Use a serif typeface (e.g. Times), 10 point. Leave at least three blank lines after the last author. Please do not put any acknowledgements or thanks here, but place them in the optional Acknowledgement section at the end of the document.


Abstracts should be 75-150 words in length. Indent 2 cm or 3/4" from left and right margins for abstract. Skip 2 lines before and after abstract. Start the abstract with the sequence "Abstract:" (without the quotes) in 9 point bold-face without a line break after "Abstract:".

For Full Papers, Short Papers and Panels:
Include the abstract in your paper.

For Poster / Demonstration Papers:
Your paper is the abstract.

Literature References

Start the literature references with the single numbered first level header "References" (see Headings below for a detailed description of the first level header format).


This is an optional section. Acknowledgements or appreciation to individuals for assistance with the manuscript or with the material reported should be included and appear at the end of the article after References. Financial support for work reported or a grant under which a study was made should be noted in the Acknowledgements. Start the acknowledgements section with the sequence "Acknowledgements" in 10 point bold-face, left justified, followed by a single blank line.



Use a typeface with serifs for all levels of headings. It is recommended to use Times or a similar typeface. Leave sufficient place for the title to stand out clearly. Leave 2 lines blank above and 1 line below the headings. If a heading is directly followed by a lower level heading the 2 blank lines before the lower level heading should be omitted. All headings should be capitalized (i.e. all words except for short connectives should have a capital initial). The title should be centered between the margins, all lower level headings should be left-justified.

Font sizes, numbering and styles for the different types of headings:

Title: centered, 14 point, bold
1st-level heading: left-justified, 12 point, bold
2nd-level heading: left-justified, 10 point, bold
3rd-level heading: left-justified, 10 point, bold, italic

Running Text

Use a typeface with serifs for running text. It is recommended to use Times or a similar typeface. Use 10-point type size and one line spacing for normal text and 9-point type size for small text (abstract, literature references and acknowledgements). Use italic print to emphasize words. Note: bold type and underlining should be avoided. The text should always be justified to occupy the full line width, so that the right margin is not ragged. All text should be single-spaced.

Computer Programs

For Computer programs both sans-serif and serif typefaces are allowed. Use 10-point type size and one line spacing.



Insert the sequence "[Name year]" (without the quotes) into the running text for a citation to a literature reference. Name is the second name of the author and year is the year of printing. Also a citation to several authors is allowed. In this case the single authors must be delimited either by commas or the word "&". The phrase "et al." is also valid. The year can either be written in short form or in long form (i.e. 92 and 1992 are both valid entries) is a possible lower case literal, if you refer to more than one article of an author of the same year. The word "see" and the brackets around the year are optional.

... this special form [see Wonko & Tsio 1994b] is very...
... as described in [Wonko 94a]...
... and this algorithm [Tsio et al. 1994c] is used...

Insert the sequence "[ Fig. n]" (without the quotes) into the running text to refer to a Figure contained in the current document.

Insert the sequence "[ Tab. n]" (without the quotes) into the running text for a markup to a table contained in the current document.

When placing a citation to a section of the actual document, refer to the section name by using the special sequence [ SectionName].

... we will discuss this later in [Theory].
... see [Theory] for further details on...

For a reference to a footnote, use the form [n], where n is the unique number of the footnote [see Footnotes]. Please note that footnotes should only be used when unavoidable.

Literature References

Use the following APA style when referencing a book or journal article making sure to precede the reference with the bracketed information described above:

- Book references:
O'Shea, T., & Self, J.A. (1983). Learning and teaching with computers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc.

- Proceedings references:
Tsio, F. (1994). Hypermedia Systems in the Future. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1994, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Charlottesville, VA. 115-123.

- Journal references:
Beasley, R.E., & Vila, J.A. (1992). The identification of navigation patterns in a multimedia environment: A case study. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1 (2), 209-222.

Figures and Tables

Center figures and tables between the margins with one blank line above and below each. Insert the text "Figure n: description" or "Table n: description" (without the quotes) in 10 point font after the figure/table (n is a unique number that identifies the figure/table; description is a short description about its contents. "Figure n: and Table n:" should be in bold). Please use an expressive description for your figures to allow finding them in a keyword search.


Separate footnotes from the preceding main text by a line from the left to the center of the page. Start the footnote with the sequence "[n]", where n is the unique number of that footnote (unique means that this number can only appear once on a page, not throughout the whole document). Use a 9 point font for footnote text.


[1] as we mentioned earlier this is how to write footnotes 



A format which best preserves the "document's look" as it was submitted is preferred. You should not have problems generating a file in one of those formats, no matter which word processor you are using. When submitting a file, please follow the rules given below which will allow your paper to be read and converted. To provide an interface to a wide variety of word processors, we accept the following file types:

  • RTF - Rich Text Format (Preferred)
  • WORD - Microsoft Word (Preferred)
  • TEXT - ASCII Files
  • PS - Postscript
    • Use only Postscript Type 1 fonts. No Postscript Type 3 fonts.
  • PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format
    • Use only Postscript Type 1 fonts. No Postscript Type 3 fonts.

Submitted files can be compressed using the following methods: gzip, zip, hqx, sit, tar.

Proceedings file must arrive by
July 8th, 1999
Files received after this date may not be processed.

Submitting your file:

Please submit your paper according to the instructions above with the subject "WebNet 99, Session # ????", where ???? is the session number indicated in your acceptance letter.  The filename of the submitted paper must be your session number.  You will receive notification that your file was received ONLY if the directions are followed.  Any submitted files not following these directions may not be included in the Proceedings.

E-mail messages containing only an FTP or WWW address will be ignored and not processed.


E-mail your Proceedings file to: webnetproc@genesis.coe.uh.edu

All correspondence regarding your paper should be directed to info@aace.org



cut here - cut here - cut here - cut here - cut here


This Transfer of Copyright Agreement must be signed and faxed to AACE.

FAX: 804-978-7449

WebNet 99
Transfer of Copyright Agreement

Completion of this form allows the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), publisher of the proceedings, to comply with copyright regulations. This form must be signed and returned before your paper can be published in the Proceedings.

The paper, (session # _____ ), entitled,
______________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
is herewith submitted for publication in the WebNet 99 proceedings. No part of the material is subject to another copyright except those parts covered by permissions the author has obtained. Copies of these permissions are enclosed. I hereby agree to transfer to the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, all right under existing copyright laws except for the following, which the author(s) retain(s): 1. The right to make copies of all or part of the published article for my use in teaching; 2. The right to re-use all or part of this material in a compilation of my own works or in a textbook of which I am the author; 3. The right to make copies of the published work for internal distribution within the institution which employs me. 4. The right to make copies of published work available via the Web The Web copy will include an acknowledgement in the header of the paper as follows: "Copyright 1999. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Distributed via the Web by permission of AACE."

I agree that copies made under these circumstances will continue to carry the copyright notice which appeared in the original published work. This agreement must be signed by the primary author.

Date: ____________________ Signed: _______________________________


Copyright © 1999 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Last modified: 
July 01, 1999  12:43:01 PM -0400