M.S. Computer Science, May '98
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
Computer Systems
: Sun workstations, Power-PC, IBM PC,SP2, SGI
Operating Systems
: Sun-OS, Solaris, AIX, WINDOWS-NT, 95
Programming Languages : C, C++, JAVA,
: CORBA, PERL, Javascript, JavaBeans, EDI
Worked on project COYOTE (COver YOur Transactions Environment), which provides
a framework for inter-business
transactions. COYOTE auto-generates components to enable communication
between businesses based on their service
contracts. The project stresses key features like extended,
l ong-running, reliable, asychronous transactions. Developed
using Java and CORBA.
Developed a scalabe collaborative presentation tool
for presenting text, images and video. The contents are multicast
the clients who pre-fetch and cache the contents. Asynchronous
multicast improves server performance and caching
improves client response time. Developed using Java AWT, JMF API.
Developed a shared white-board
for presenting text and images.
This was developed on top of
a Java
synchronous collaboratory framework. Later ported
to a scalable, robust, router-based proxy pusher which
serves as
the reflector for collaboration.
Tested JDBC performance to design a
scalable commercial web site. Tests measured
DB2 performance with client
applications using 2-tier JDBC, and 3-tier JDBC with
CORBA server objects having connections to database, and many
other variations.
Worked on Virtual Distributed Computing Environment(VDCE) project. In VDCE
users model applications and define tasks
using a web based modelling tool. The taks are then dynamically
distributed and executed as specified by the user through
VDCE modules. Developed using Java, C, P4.
Developed an applet to monitor network statistics.
The applet enables the administrator to monitor several components of
network from the web with a simple user interface. Developed using Java,
C, rstat, SNMP.
Developed a tool for measuring NPAC web-server performance. The tool runs
batch jobs, calculates accesses and presents
various statistical results. Developed using UNIX scripts, C, PERL.
Developed a tool for generating composed multimedia class-lecture
pages. The tool records class-lectures and slices the
audio based on time spent on each slide used for the lecture. It then generates
web-pages with audio clips, slides and related
description. Developed using PERL, JavaScript and Real Audio tools on SGI.
Developed a web-based package for NPAC researchers and
students to access and edit information on NPAC database
containing technical documents. Developed using ORACLE with web interface(WOW)
Developed databases and interfaces to manage the data
collected and exchanged in EnviroNet, a NSF project, which
is a
network of teachers, scientists and environmentalists having common concerns
and interests about the environment.
1. Architecture for Delegated
Network Management using Distributed Objects,
Geoffrey Fox, Pradeep Janakiraman.
2. Design of multicast based
distribution of web-pages with composed multimedia content, {currently
working }
Daniel Dias, Pradeep Janakiraman.
3. Performance considerations in TCP over ATM - A term paper,
Pradeep Janakiraman, Mannava Srinivas.
4. Co-Authored the first version
of IBM's COYOTE design document.
1. Part of IBM's COYOTE team and filed a related
patent, Nov '97.
2. Network monitoring applet was rated among the Top-5%
of Applets July '96 by Java Applet Rating Society (JARS)
3. Cultural Director of the Syracuse
Indian Association, '96 - '97.
4. Silver medalist in inter-college
chess championship, Sep '94