Class TextEntryPane


public class TextEntryPane
extends JPanel
TextEntryPane - Allows entry of text to be sent to the participants.

Paul Kronenwetter, Jayme Manning

Paul Kronenwetter
Jayme Manning
Trade Secrets and/or Confidential
Commercial or Financial Information
Exempt From Disclosure Under the Freedom
of Information Act (5 USC 552(b)(3)
and 5 USC 552(b)(4)) and Under 18 USC 1905

Proprietary Information Notice
This document contains information proprietary to, and is the sole property of, Paul Kronenwetter and Jayme Manning. It shall not be reproduced, used or disclosed in any manner or for any purpose not authorized in writing by both Paul Kronenwetter and Jayme Manning, and except, as retention may be so authorized, it shall be returned to Paul Kronenwetter or Jayme Manning upon request.

© 1998 by Paul Kronenwetter and Jayme Manning
All Rights Reserved

Constructor Index

 o TextEntryPane()
Void constructor that calls realCtor.

Method Index

 o addActionListener(ActionListener)
addActionListener - Method used to add an event handler from another class to listen to our buttons.
 o getPreferredSize()
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
 o getText()
getText - This method is simply a delegate to a method with the same name in TextScrollPane.
 o reset()
Method to re-initialize panel.


 o TextEntryPane
 public TextEntryPane()
Void constructor that calls realCtor.


 o getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.

The preferred size of this panel in a Dimension.
getPreferredSize in class JComponent
 o reset
 public void reset()
Method to re-initialize panel. Probably not needed, except for debugging purposes.

 o addActionListener
 public void addActionListener(ActionListener al)
addActionListener - Method used to add an event handler from another class to listen to our buttons.

al - ActionListener event handler used to monitor our buttons
 o getText
 public String getText()
getText - This method is simply a delegate to a method with the same name in TextScrollPane.

String - The text from our embedded JTextArea component.