These HPF Application kernels have been temporarily removed from the list of available kernels for one or more of the following reasons:
# [F77-MSG-F90-DPL-HPF] Code name/Description
0002 [--------F90--------] N-Body Molecular Dynamics 0005 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL-HPF] NAS IS Benchmark - Integer Sorting 0006 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] NAS MG Benchmark - Regular Multigrid Solver 0007 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL----] NAS CG Benchmark - Conjugate Gradient Solver 0010 [--------F90--------] Monte Carlo Integration for Stock Pricing 0012 [--------F90--------] CFD Pipe Flow Simulation in 2-D 0015 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NAS BT Benchmark - Block Tridiagonal Solver 0016 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NAS FT Benchmark - 3D Fast Fourier Transform 0017 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL----] NAS SP Benchmark - Scalar Pentadiagonal Solver 0018 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NAS LU Benchmark - LU Decomposition 0019 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] Electromagnetic TE Code 0020 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Electromagnetic TM Code 0021 [F77---------DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - FFT 0023 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Laplace Solver 0024 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Integration Computation of Pi 0026 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Simplex 0027 [F77---------DPL-HPF] NPAC Benchmark - Modified Simplex 0028 [F77----------------] Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces 0029 [------------DPL----] Monte Carlo Simulation of Fixed Triangulation Random Surfaces 0030 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] Shallow Water Climate/Weather Model 0031 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block LU using GAXPY 0032 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block LU using SAXPY 0033 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block LU using SDOT 0034 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block Cholesky Decomposition 0035 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block QR 0038 [F77----------------] Wolff Monte Carlo Simulation for Spin Models 0040 [F77---------DPL-HPF] Van Leer/Prather Advection for Atmospheric Transport 0042 [----MSG-F90-----HPF] Region Growing 0043 [F77-------------HPF] Structured Multigrid, 3D Problem 0044 [------------DPL----] Laplace's Equation, various solutions 0045 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Planetary N-Body Problem 0046 [------------DPL----] Gauss-Jordan Elimination