Check SCCS docs on F90D and HPF benchmarks Tidy up Fragments, add Applications. Remove distinction between Kernels and Applications? Gang's code is NOT HPF - use his kernel instead. Where is Miloje's code? Get good black hole codes. Tom Haupt (and Scott Klasky): Anything useful in PARKBENCH HPF suite? Or just put a pointer to it? WHat about HPF version of Purdue set? SCCS-327 says there are things like Trapezoidal rule, simple search, tridiagonal inear equations, Simpson and Gauss integration, Chebyshev interpolation, etc. What is status of HPF version of NAS benchmarks? Get Ko to test ones that exist. Add Pittsburgh gravitational wave extraction code to HPFA? Any other black hole benchmarks or kernels? Codes to be checked and fixed: 0005 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL-HPF] NAS IS Benchmark - Integer Sorting 0006 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] NAS MG Benchmark - Regular Multigrid Solver 0010 [--------F90--------] Monte Carlo Integration for Stock Pricing 0012 [--------F90--------] CFD Pipe Flow Simulation in 2-D 0018 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NAS LU Benchmark - LU Decomposition 0019 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] Electromagnetic TE Code 0024 [F77-MSG-F90-DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Integration Computation of Pi 0038 [F77----------------] Wolff Monte Carlo Simulation for Spin Models 0042 [----MSG-F90-----HPF] Region Growing 0043 [F77-------------HPF] Structured Multigrid, 3D Problem 0044 [------------DPL----] Laplace's Equation, various solutions 0045 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Planetary N-Body Problem These have been replaced? 0021 [F77---------DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - FFT 0023 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Laplace Solver 0026 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] NPAC Benchmark - Simplex 0027 [F77---------DPL-HPF] NPAC Benchmark - Modified Simplex 0030 [F77-MSG-----DPL-HPF] Shallow Water Climate/Weather Model 0034 [F77-MSG-----DPL----] Block Cholesky Decomposition 0046 [------------DPL----] Gauss-Jordan Elimination